Fuck mods

fuck mods

we want FLAGS

no we dont

Yea we do Muhammad

any more qt terrorist grills?

who is this we you are talking about
get back to your containment board you faggoty contrarian twat.

fuck off pajeet


fuckoff newfag

i wonder how many LINK it would cost to buy an extremely loyal muzzy wife

sauce please?

jilust convert to islam, kufr

t. pajeet rajeesh kufar

Damn. If she keeps that up, I'm going to be the one who explodes.


yes my friend, you are a god

T. Ravi Shankar

fuck off to pol you fucking fags

audible snort


Is anal allowed in islam?

only on young boys

fuck off pajeet

I've seen a decision that both oral and anal sex are allowed, however you have to ejaculate inside of her because doing otherwise is specifically forbidden. Other imams might say otherwise, this was just one's opinion.
Also this is 100% serious I read a decision by a religious authority who was asked this question, wish I had it saved because it was pretty funny. I don't remember which country he was from but I'm pretty sure he was Sunni.


fuck off amerifat.


Yes mods, flags please.

Anecdotal evidence from teachers in Saudi: You can fuck the girls in the ass, but pussy is verboten.

yes páááájéééééét

Why don't we have flags? They'd be helpful in our business discussions as different countries have different customs.

If she wasn't so concealed no one would even care at this point. Humans are so funny lol