Why is it that software engineer/programmer jobs are heavily shilled by Silicon Valley tech companies and they are in such great demand? Is it a shitty job or something?
Software engineering
I tried to learn programming once, seemed like a pain so i quit
>Is it a shitty job or something?
imagine your soul draining into a deep black hole
Soft eng here. Unless you be working on your own projects it is cancerous. Even then it's usually cancerous. Working for companies means you are at the mercy of normans with know knowledge of your efforts so they are always unsatisfied . Money isn't a lot as you are always working 60 to 80 hours weeks...or more...before milestones. Dudes boasting of eng jobs here shine their youth and need to die. Work travel is also gay as AIDS so don't believe that either. Even first or business and 5 star hotels can never make up for the drudgery of that life. Listen to me user. I'm 35 and feel 80. /pol/ even started to make sense.
No knowledge, and as above fellow user wrote. The downward spiral.
I run my own software company. I love being a software engineer (even before I struck out on my own). AMA
yeah it sucks. I get paid way too much. Go work at mcdonalds
Take a break and work on your own stuff
Also, listen to /pol/
More candidates mean higher probability of good hires.
>insane pay and pto
>companies doing whatever it takes to make themselves seem "fun," like beer taps, frequent parties, etc
>you don't even need to be good, just competent, and if youre good you'll rise easily
At least that's how it is in burgerland
This is true. If you can work on your own projects it is great. If you are at the behest of normans who ask why x isnt possible it is a hellish exercise in frustration. Also
>tfw I work a software eng job where none of this BS applies to me
>only like 10% less pay than silicon valley cucks in cheaper area
Go on
im learning programming atm but it frustrates me that im wasting time learning API's which is different for every language. there are tons of api's for same purposes. its not the same as learning sciense or finance because you can always use them. here in programming all you do is learn api's and technologies which are temporary.
for the simplest of things you need to research how to do it even though you logically understand it. its because there is some shitty way to do it in the api's and you have to find it. what am i doing wrong
Are you me user?
>working at silicon valley tech job
>six figure salary (that doesn't start with a one...), equity that will be worth millions in a few years
>daily life is :ok_hand:
>arrive at work at 10:30, early right?
>catered lunch everyday, real fucking chefs
>hang out with coworkers all day building cool shit
>drink a beer with team after work in our bar are
>home by 4:30, long day
man SWE jobs suck, fuck silicon valley right biz?
It's honestly not as bad as some people make it seem here. Basically there are two kinds of jobs: the ones pajeets can do and the rest. If you do the pajeet one (programming monkey) you'll hate yourself after a week or two. If you do the other one you'll get higher pay than most jobs and also have a lot of freedom.
whats the other stuff
Everything else.
and the black hole is filled with more black holes that get better at making the soul draining more painful each time
The work is wildly variable due to the functional retards planning work incorrectly. So if you can deal with having no work, other times having way too much work and taking orders from people that don’t have a fucking clue it’s not so bad
Then imagine those secondary black holes create tertiary black holes which suck in your entire life for 10 years until you can become a blackhole yourself and nobody will like you because you become some raging autist in addition to the autist you already are.
I'm a devops engineer and this is the best job I've ever had. I get paid 6 figures, people talk to me respectfully, I get plenty of time off, and I get paid to solve problems creatively.
It still sucks that I have no real agency, and I am solving other peoples problems. But I've had much worse jobs.
not having to live in a van is a big plus too BOSTON BROS
how to prepare for SW engineering interview. i have a 4.0 GPA from a top 10 school but I suck at interviewing.
I studied it at uni for a little while and got a glimpse into what the job is like. Imaging your soul spirallying into a deep black hole sums it up pretty nicely. Another perspective is imagine being forced to either work in a cubicle or on a long table with the most insufferable nerds and autistic faggots you've ever met in your life, doing repetitive meaningless tasks, for the next 40 years. And I don't mean the type of nerd you'd probably get along with, this is reddit doctor who tier nerd.
I dropped out and finished my History degree, now I'm going into a PhD program getting paid 25k a year + 20k a year in investment dividends and I actually enjoy my life. I'm doing something I love and everyone I work with is actually socially competent, happy, and energetic. Please do not consider Computer Science for your own sake.
tl;dr do not go into software, if you're looking for good money unironically pick up a trade. Welding, electrical and carpentry is good.
Is there actually a difference between computer eng/software eng?
>everyone I work with is actually socially competent, happy, and energetic.
so glad normie trash only in software for the money is getting filtered out
This I went to school for information systems thinking I was gonna be a code monkey but after taking a few programming classes, joining the coding club and working on it on my own outside of class and meeting a few programmers it seems miserable. I'm way more happy doing data analyst type stuff. Not as much money but I don't have to work with a bunch of autists all trying to belittle eachother trying to be the smartest person in the room.
>so glad normie trash only in software for the money is getting filtered out
I fucking hate working on projects with normies. They work 7 hour days, call in sick every week to take care of their shitty sick kids, refuse to learn best practices, put in absolute minimum effort, don't take pride in their work, and are just all around lazy pieces of shit.
>I don't have to work with a bunch of autists all trying to belittle eachother trying to be the smartest person in the room.
That's because you were incapable of getting over your own ego. Once you learn to accept criticism and start seeking out code review, your skill will take off like a rocket.
I wish I was smart enough to do programming or network engineering or computer engineering or electrical engineering.
I did an associates in computer programming because I read it as computer pro-gaming and dropped out and took a business administration degree instead.
what about cyber security and pentesting?
>what about cyber security and pentesting?
You don't have to be smart to write software.
You do have to be smart to break into it. I know because I write code for a living and I'm not smart enough.
It's not shitty per se, but in order to be successful and actually get a job. Your life will be programming 14-18/7 if you want to make it. Everyone hiring is looking for senior level experience but everyone looking for a job is entry level at best so you have to bust your ass to keep up with them even while in school. So that's why they say you better enjoy it
I can't remember the last time I did something like watch a shitty show or movie. Pretty detached from everything but this is what I wanted.
Go to leetcode, interview cake, and study cracking the coding interview religiously. Otherwise you'll be fucked like me