Am I too diversified in shitcoins?
Do I make it /biz?
without seeing your balance, it's hard to say
the formula i've been suggesting is to have at most h(VAL) = max(2,ceiling(sqrt(VAL/1000))) holdings
so you should have a minimum of two, past 4k you should have three, past 9k you should have four, etc
it might be a little conservative, but i think it's a nice guide
unhide the balances
if you are over 20k your fine,
drop tron why are you still holding that garbage throw it into iota, just throw your sub 1%'s into iota or something else you like
also litecoin is shit id drop that too, it follows btcs movments when btc moons it moons so doesnt make sense to hold both of them
eth,xrb eos,ven looks good but ven id drop after it goes parabolic
consider xmr instead of ltc its a good portfolio anchor doesnt move much but always moves forward
consider 5% into a low sub 20mc too, high risk high reward
even consider a good microtransaction coin like xlm and/or a good erc20 token project like REQ, BAT or FUN
good luck op we are all going to make it
all the memes make it really hard to trust FUN
honestly its shilled pretty hard but so was etherium during the beginning of 2017 and antshares during the summer
the project is no neo or eth though dont get me wrong but still its got a really strong team, solid project idea, leader in the crypto gambling space
think about this, they launch their casino with funfair blockchain all news article headlines are "online casino blockchain " its become a buzz word look at long island blockchain for example
this will cause massive influx of users to platform making other online casinos to want a piece of the action so they have 2 choices, use funfair, use a 3rd party which isnt as developed as fun or wait 5 years to create their own
online casinos have alot of issues and funfair solves them
Same question as OP, wondering if I'm too diversified at a too low usd value, but I i can't separate the possible 2018 performance of these coins much or find particularly more promising ones for 2018.
(a little out of date, resting at 1k right now during this bear)
>Buying BTC
>Buying LTC
Are you here to make money user? If you want x3 gains in a year, go to wallstreetbets and buy SPY calls.
Be like a degenerate you are and buy some shitcoins.
>sees your problem
>sees the future
>sees you buying XSN at $5 in april
Dump the XRP, dump the ARK.
>Look at coin dominance, XRP moons and then crashes down like every fucking cycle. It wont go back up till the next bubble
>ARK was a novel use case, but now every fucking chain is added inter-chain abilities. Replace this with ICX which does the same thing but is partnered with half of South Korea.
>No Supply Chain coins like VEN/AMB/MOD/WTC - do you hate money? These are where the 2017-like platform gains are.
On a scale of 0-ramen diet, how poor will I be EOY if I hold?
THeres no way that portfolio is one k unless you moved some stuff around
Swap LTC for XLM
As soon as ltc goes a bit higher I will dumb it for an other coin with higher potential gains
ARK I actually already swapped for DBC, I was just more interested to hear people's opinion on ARK, and the general sense of its obsolesence is what I'm hearing everywhere. Rest is still the same though.
I'll need to redpill myself on supply chain coins. If you were going to pick one or two from your list for 2018 moonshots what would you go for?
Go on the funfair website, play the games on their testnet. The devs haven't hyped anything at all other than letting people know they're going to a convention for casinos soon. It's going to do well
Thought about putting my ltc in xrb, but xlm seems solid too. The lack of privacy coins is hitting me, too many out there
ELTcoin Nice...
Bought it out of nowhere for around 50$, sadly missed the pump to 0,22$, bit still fine with the gains there
Pls tell me, will I make it? Any advise?
>Not owning any LUX
pls respond I'm literally shaking
So you have models to back that up or just pulled it out of your loose butthole
R8 pls