Cryptocurrencies will never break into the mainstream

Why? Nobody cares about decentralization/privacy except for a tiny segment of hardcore libertarians, criminals, and communists/anarchists who hate the very concept of money. Cryptocurrencies have no technical or practical advantages over existing payment systems for a vast majority of people in a vast majority of circumstances.

Ask yourself, why is Facebook's user base orders of magnitude larger than decentralized networks like i2p, freenet, and zeronet combined? Why aren't people throwing fist fulls of cash at these projects, which have been around for years, if decentralization is so desirable? Even the Tor network with its 4M users (mostly druggies and pedos) is dwarfed by any moderately popular blog.

The future of cryptocurrency/blockchain looks like this: XMR is the de facto currency for criminals and DNM users, as it's the only one that solves the privacy problem. Companies like VISA and Mastercard, and perhaps some banks use private, tokenless blockchains for international money transfer. The shitcoins you spent months researching and HODL because you think they will eventually solve some non-existent problem will be worthless in this new paradigm. Cryprocurrency market speculation is nothing but a natural ponzi scheme teetering on the edge of collapse.

t. nocoiner who cashed out everything at $18k

Other urls found in this thread:

crypto is relady mainstreem

>the future will be like the past

Not a bet I'd make given the acceleration of change because of technological evolution

Hey look daddy another cyberpunk who thinks the world will become a complete anarchist’s playground in the next 2 years!

kek fuck off

thanks, sold 100k

You fucking faggot probably never even heard of crypto let alone Ancaps one year ago. Things are changing fast boomer.

except when crypto goes under national regulations. then you are fucked. not with privacy coins.

Huh? This is pretty much the opposite of what I'm saying.

Okay, if you don't like it you don't have to be here. Go be normie somewhere else.

>muh 80 trillion USD shitcoin marketcap

I'm just trying to help people here shed their delusions and think sensibly about cryptocurrency trading. You have to treat this market as a house of cards that could come crashing down at any moment rather than a long term investment. Make your money and get out ASAP, otherwise you'll most likely get caught bagholding and unable to cash out when SHTF.

how will you cash out your usd when their is a hyper - inflation?

you do realize they have already printed enough money that if it all returns to the US it will buy everything that isn't nailed down, right?

and then, right then and there, when the value of crypto has gona down to zero and bitcoin is worth fractions to the usd

I will buy

I will buy it all

>Hold 100 XMR
>XMR goes to 1000$ per coin
>Government ban comes in
>Can't cash out
>Forced to spend 100k on the black market

What do I buy lads?

Cash out into what?


BAHAHAHA fucking kek.

40 year old virgin no coiner detected

In all seriousness though, only a non-technical retard would see absolutely no future in cryptocurrencies

yeah, there's a ton of shit that's overvalued, but to completely dismiss the technology behind crypto you'd have to be as stubborn as the people who thought the internet wasn't a good idea at all

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

Its not about people caring about blockchain, people dont have a clue whats good for them. Its about business saving billions of dollars and visionaries building a true sharing economy.

Enjoy your 18k loser.

really made me think.

I don't have the time or interest to debunk your libertardian conspiracy economics, but thanks for the laugh.

youve lost all credibility. You are Stupid. Shut up now


Most crypto currencies cant be inflated though. That's why I like them. Fuck the government controlling the value of our money.

As I said, there is a future for blockchain technology. Mastercard is already experimenting with it.

LOL all I saw was the XMR then tldr your post. I disagree crypto is not going anywhere

Nice this is exactly what i posted last night but without insults

good job

>government controlling the value of money
>implying it isn't the banks

Fuck the government controlling the value of our money.


The masses (normies) like money.

When they see that their shitty USD can't buy them the things it used to due to inflation, and internet nerds are making millions, they'll fucking coming running.

And newflash, it's already happening right onw.

This image board is full of fucking brainlets its unreal. Funny part is even if you're holding 10K of top cryptos today, you're gonna be a millionaire.

>muh centralized company is going to implement decentralized methods FOR THE PEOPLE

hahahaha, that's a good one. let me know when the Mastercard ICO hits the scene. I'm gonna be comfy with my ADA.

I've actually been hoping for a huge crash so that I can buy more.

All new ICOs, for example, stink of dumb money.

Lol cryptocurrency is SHIT and speculative shit

IOTA? yeah i want my toilet to make transactions for sure

Fucking piece of shit idiots with your anarchism shit " muhh descentralization""

yeah sure keep dreaming about taking over banks you piece of autist shit

stupid communists

All I'm reading is "I don't know how this technology works and I'm angry that I don't understand something that's making people a lot of money"

there's a bunch of shit cryptocurriencies, but there's even more dumb fucking people

we don't want to take over the banks you fucking idiot, BANKS DON'T NEED TO EXIST

>He thinks that someone besides him and his two virgin friends from Canada and Slovenia cares about Descentralization

KEK you are a joke

nobody cares about what banks do with our money you idiot, your "descentralization" wet dream is nothing more but shit and now people is speculating with the market to make even more fiat the coin you so hate

Fucking piece of stupid communist shit

The people don't give a damn and never will. Private blockchains will make international money transfer cheaper for payment services and banks. It has nothing to do with decentralization.

bro what are you saying, we have a fucking hashtag with millions of views, we're mainstream as fuck

You don't get it faggot, master card can easy spend 100 million or whatever to develope there own block chain.

Why would they want to buy faggot coins.

Venezuela begs to differ. Kill yourself


Don't you have some 12yr old game to play on steam or you have already played all of them?

>Cryptocurrencies have no technical or practical advantages

How about the fact that it's all online and has much better security? Stupid fuck

>nobody cares about what banks do with our money you idiot

My sides haaaa venezuela is a SHITHOLE and they deserve to fucking starve because they choose socialism for like 15 years

Fuck venezuela

Either way the point is bitcoin and friends has intrinsic value because they're finite.
It's the convenience of cash with the security of gold and the anonymity of the internet. Or it will be soon anyway.

Besides you and your virgin friend from China}

No, 90% of people doesn't know how the financial system works and neither they want to know

Stupid piece of shit keep jerking off with your communist fantasy

I'll tell you the reason why everybody doesn't go to i2p, freenet, tor etc etc

It's because of accessibility. It is hard for the average normie to understand and get into these things. They just want a simple, easy, system. The best way for crypto to go mainstream is to make it idiot proof as much as possible and as simple as possible. once that is achieved, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be adoption.

You think that the blockchain is the only good thing to come out of cryptocurrencies? It's like you don't even know why Ethereum is considered a 2nd generation cryptocurrency.

Don't you have a lawn to mow? Depending on where you are it might be past your bedtime, grandpa

>b-but visa is hiring blockchain engineers! they must be really interested in crypto!!1

my sides dude, thanks i love to laugh at retarded people like you

>communist fantasy

How the fuck is DEcentralization a communistic goal?

Goddamn do you think before you spew this drivel?

>stupid communists
Crypto has proven the fact that communism is dead. You'd have to completely do away with computers for communism to thrive.

your reading comprehension is unsurprisingly terrible. never did I say I was interested in VISA engineers making cryptocuckery

hey have fun, I'm gonna go do something productive.

>Ask yourself, why is Facebook's user base orders of magnitude larger than decentralized networks like i2p, freenet, and zeronet combined?
A handful of privacy protocols don't represent the entirely of decentralization. What about BitTorrent? That's pretty huge - it takes up a decent amount of total internet traffic worldwide.

You don't know shit about communism and leninism right? Fucking piece of shit

go jerk off somewhere else

I said that because all you fags promoting crypto tech as it was the future are saying stupid things like that

Yeah go play some steam games before going to school tomorrow

You're a fucking retard. The crypto economy is the epitome of unregulated free market capitalism. How many chromosomes do you need to have to think that it's communistic? LMFAO

>He can't see neo-china approaching him from the future

Oh yes, much better security. If your credit card info gets stolen and used for a shopping spree, you call up the company, they reverse the transactions and send you a new card. If a hacker breaks into your phone or computer and steals your wallet.dat file, your funds are permanently lost. This may not be a problem for paranoid crypto-nerds with a high level of security knowledge, but for normies it's a catastrophe waiting to happen.


Smart contracts are a novelty.

Tomorrow is Saturday you know absolutely nothing.

Also, solidity is the worst language I've ever worked with, and Vitalik is a pedo. Fuck thereum.

How do the banks control the value of money? You think Yelen and Draghi are not government?

It was the dream of satoshiwhatever it is called

and it is the wet dream of a couple of idiots around here

Maybe i hurt your comunnist kokoro?

Fucking piece of shit

then go wagecuck in waltmart while dreaming about revolution because thats probably all you can do with your low IQ

piece of useless shit

fucking this. lol @ the myopic fudder.

>satoshiwhatever it is called
Oh yes, yes, I can clearly see you know what you're talking about for sure!

Your extra chromosomes are showing, retard

>Either way the point is bitcoin and friends has intrinsic value because they're finite
By that logic my farts have intrinsic value too. They are also finite

first off, we have a new federal reserve chair. second, the federal reserve is literally not part of the government.

it's literally a private corporation mostly run by banks. the government has some (insignificant) amount of control, like appointing the chairperson, mostly to keep people from realizing it.

not even joking. look it up m8.

did i hurt your anarcho feelings?

Piece of useless shit, you are probably also a nigger

I'm guessing you are some Communist Chinese who lives in a closet with a toilet and gets paid 10 yuan per hour to sit at a desk and FUD crypto all day by calling it Communist when it is the exact opposite.

Let me explain in normie so you can understand.
I'm sure at some point as a kid you watched the claymation Jack Frost.

If you remember fucking Kubla Kraus taxed everyone to the point of having no money. So you remember what the fuck the town's people did? They created their own currency.

The fact that organized crime is slowly moving into Monero is reason I hold.

A few months ago my buddy was playing an underground poker game overseas (I'm not going to say where) and the mob that ran the joint charged in Bitcoin.

Slowly the darknet is moving to monero and crime families will follow suit. That's the most realistic use case out of most of these 'currencies' that have ZERO need for the coin aspect of their technology.

HAHAHAHAHAHHA so i was right

KEKKKKK what a fucking piece of useless shit you are

"Th-the currency of the people""

my sides dude, thanks

>Central banking and the current fiat money system is nothing but a natural ponzi scheme teetering on the edge of collapse.

This guy gets it.

You highly Underestimate how stupid the average shabbos goy is. Maybe like 10% of the population understands that banks take their money and then lend it out to others for interest. Even fewer understand how the Fed works. As long as they have their nigger ball and celebrities they won’t gice a shit.

Imagine a virgin living with his parents that owns 0.3 BTC and thinks about monetary revolution while serves as a cashier in walmart

What a fucking joke dude

Wow you sure are salty. Why are you incapable of explaining how the crypto market is communistic? Only a low-IQ nigger can't explain his position and tries to hide behind name-calling when he's called out for his low-IQ nigger behavior.

imagine a sexually frustrated 28 year old software developer who spends his friday nights fudding on Veeky Forums because he knew about btc back in 2010 but was too much of a good goy to buy in.

lol i bet you describe yourself as a "skeptic" in conversation too.

Nice try let me guess you give some of your profits back to the motherland? Worship the holy shekel some more

>it's the only one that solves the privacy problem

Monero is built on top of the, CryptoNote application layer protocol. Bytecoin was the first to be released, in 2012. I agree, most coins will never be used, except, for, speculation. Only privacy-coins, and DAGchain coins, will be in the future.

are you calling me a nigger you pice of useless shit? keep dreaming about sucking marx dick while owning monero
you well know that satoshi wet dream was fucking over banks and make a descentralized shit and it is totally over you pice of nigger delusional fuck

>tries to proyect himself with every detail into another person

Uh uh i hitted the nail right? you own 0.3 BTC and dream about taking over banks?

kek please you are making my night

what reason could i possibly have for wanting to tell you how much i'm holding? whatever i say you'd just claim it's bullshit.

i can tell you that i've been invested in digital assets for about 3 years now, and they've been good to me... that being said, i have a stable job with good pay and benefits.

something tells me that my analysis of you wasn't too far off though.

> i have a stable job with good pay and benefits.

Do your walmart boss let you check on blockfolio to see how your 0.3 BTC are going?

if imagining that i work at wal-mart is making your night, then go right ahead and fantasize :^)

>the federal reserve is literally not part of the government.

>Monopoly on the creation of money and interest rates given by the government
>Chair appointed by the president

Would be like claiming ministry of defense is not the government.

>t. didn't look it up
you probably think Federal Express is a government agency too lol

You morons seem to think that marxists, libertarians, and anarchists cannot want crypto for the same fucking reasons.

READ the stuff about money in Capital, Vol. 1. Marx argues that as capitalism progresses the movement of capital will aim to be ever more efficient. I'm not going to shill coins that do this better than anything in our centralized system, but this shit is coming. Maybe all these coins will die but marxists are just as down with decentralized, unregulated currency as the most virulent free market capitalist. Don't forget that Engels was a very wealthy factory owner and capitalist and bankrolled Marx.

Furthermore--and here is where I'm going to make all the 17 year old libertarians screech--marxism and libertarianism are NOT diametrically opposed. Something like socialism IS, but socialism=/=marxism. Socialism takes wealth from others and redistributes it through social services and the like. Marxism's central premise is that value is generated by material labor power and the workers that generate this value are only getting a fraction of the surplus value generated. Value doesn't arise out of thin air. It's CREATED by human TIME and effort. If you believe people should be paid according to the actual value created according to each individual's time and effort then you are in essence a marxist. The question in the late 20th/early 21st century is how we measure such things. We aren't factory workers any more.

>>Maybe like 10% of the population understands that banks take their money and then lend it out to others for interest

man you are being generous, I doubt it is less more then 3 %, and half of them understand cuz they are making money of it.

>The absolute state of boomers

The nomenclature is irrelevant, if the government gives you a monopoly and they can decide who leads you, you are de-facto a public entity.

>“Why Bitcoin can’t be a currency” – The Underground Economist | $0.23
>“Why bitcoin will fail” – Apenwarr | $3.12
>“So, That’s the End of Bitcoin Then” – Forbes | $15.15
>“Why Bitcoin Will Fail as a Currency” – The Calculating Investor | $14.01
>“The Bitcoin Is Dying. Whatever.” – Gizmodo Australia | $10.95
>“The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin” – Wired | $2.37
>“Wired, Tired, Expired for 2012: EXPIRED – Bitcoin” – Wired | $13.30
>“Beware of This Insidious New Currency Scam” – Salon | $117.06
>“Game Over, Bitcoin. Where Is The Next Human-based Digital Currency?” – OUI Share | $122.30
>“Bitcoin Sees the Grim Reaper” – NY Mag | $105.70
>“Why Bitcoin will fail” – | $105.39
>“The SEC Shows Why Bitcoin Is Doomed” – Bloomberg View | $93.57
>“Bitcoin Is A Joke” – Business Insider | $433.57
>“Bitcoin Will Crash To $10 By Mid-2014” – Business Insider | $887.63
>“An early obituary for bitcoin” – Reuters | $821.79
>"Bitcoin revealed: a Ponzi scheme for redistributing wealth from one libertarian to another” – The Washington Post | $182.00
>“Is this the end of Bitcoin?” – | $228.07
>“Was 2014 The Death March for Bitcoin?” – | $315.81
>“Bitcoin is (Nearly) All Dead” – Acton | $325.60
>“Why Bitcoin’s male domination will be its downfall” – Fusion | $235.13
>“Why Apple Pay And Dollars Are Killing Bitcoin” – Forbes | $233.01
>“Performing an Autopsy on the Bitcoin” – The Street | $409.05

pt 2
>“Sorry, libertarians: Your dream of a Bitcoin paradise is officially dead and gone” – Salon | $637.77
>“Dumb Investment Of The Week: Bitcoin Investment Trust” – Seeking Alpha | $408.3
>“R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on.” – Washington Post | $382.00
>“Bitcoin Refuses to Just Die Already” – Gizomdo | $1185.01
>“Bitcoin passes $1,000 but only number that matters is zero” – Financial Times | $1034.34
>“Bitcoin is a bubble. It will burst on Monday 12 December 2016” – Linkdin | $771.23
>“The Bitcoin Bros Have Lost” – Deal Breaker | $577.58
>“Bitcoins – Are You Kidding Me?” – Seeking Alpha | $1938.7
>“Bitcoin will never be a financial mainstay” – Finance Feeds | $1,184.47
>“What is a Good Price For Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies? Zero.” – Jonathan Harris | $2262.83
>"Stay away from bitcoin — it’s complete garbage” – MarketWatch | $2345.56
>״Why Investors Should Ignore the Cryptocurrency Hype״ – Investopedia | $2,594.21
>“Bitcoin Just Surged Over $4000 and Is Near Biggest Financial Crash in 400 Years” – The Street | $4061.54
>“Gartman: Avoid the bitcoin boom” – CNBC | $4,046.99
>“A Bitcoin Is Worth $4,000–Why You Probably Should Not Own One” – Forbes | $4,179.97
>“Bitcoin’s price hit $5,000 last week. It’s still a dumb investment” – LATimes | $4,363.02
>“Why China Crushed Bitcoin” – Forbes | $4,450.15
>“Virtual Currencies are Not Money!” – Linkedin | $5,943.06
>“Jamie Dimon says if you’re ‘stupid’ enough to buy bitcoin, you’ll pay the price one day” – CNBC | $5,128.05
>“Bitcoin ‘Ought to Be Outlawed,’ Nobel Prize Winner Stiglitz Says” – Bloomberg | $9,972.67
>“Time to sell your Bitcoins: Cryptocurrencies success a bubble, Central bankers around the world warn” – Financial Express | $9,096.37

Brisbane airport in Australia is rolling out becoming completely crypto friendly. Btc/dash/monero accepted in every store and able to buy plane tickets with it. In this airport are duty free, mcdonalds,subway and shit loads of restaurants. Just take a moment and think for a second how fucking big that news is. But hey cryptos are dead right? Once monera reaches a market cap where people can safely use it as tether. You have a new way to clean your crypto investment aside from using a tumbler which costs too much plus who wants to use fkn buttcoin anyway

I don't need to fantasize about anything you fucking autistic fuck

you go fantasize about taking over banks stupid pice of normie shit


I love knowing that there are still people in this world who are this retarded

Thanks for being hope for the rest of us, OP.

Also ethereum i believe, plus 3000 buttcoin atms rolling out across australia this year. Crypto is so dead tho bro dont bother

>If you believe people should be paid according to the actual value created according to each individual's time and effort then you are in essence a marxist

Only marxists believe this though so I don't see how this makes marxism and libertarianism compatible.

People should be paid according to the value they bring to the market, irregardless of time and effort.

Sure. That's why robinhood is adding them.

>the nomenclature is irrelevant
no, it really isn't. it means that the banks set monetary policy in this country, not congress. not the president. not any elected official. same if you live in UK / EU or any non-shithole.

i don't really expect a brainlet like you to understand this, but it's actually really important shit.

Google is your friend..

In 20 years when crypto is widely used just think back to this moment when your lying through your teeth to your grand kids about being an early adopter.

Shill your coins to me. I'm very interested.