We’re basically done.
Here is an exclusively black forum.
We’re basically done.
Here is an exclusively black forum.
Other urls found in this thread:
Blacks are better educated than they were in those days.
My plan is to simply get out at the ATH
there is smart money in crypto, there is prudent money in crypto, but there is no smart, prudent money in crypto.
not only are you a fucking idiot in some how coming to the conclusion that more buyers = bad for market, somehow you have been able to convey to complete strangers how much of a fat little dicked pussy you are, just by writing one Veeky Forums post. this is your finest achievement to date.
I came here to post the same thing
>dead shit racists in crypto
We're basically done
it's not as a simple equation as more buyers = price goes up. what happens when something gets popular is that it becomes overvalued. the smart guys are raising the price artifically and then they dump on the dumb guys who bought in at a ridiculous price.
young JFK looks like Mark Wahlberg
i never said it "more buyers = price goes up" the inverse is also correct, " more buyers does not equal the price goes down". i was more getting at the fact that OP is clearly a complete idiot for inferring that the skin tone of the buyer determines market movements
>A nigger hivemind
Holy shit we'll see retardation levels once thought impossible
Spear chuckers sell weed too so I guess that has never been a lucrative industry right?
No homo but he was alot better looking that wahlberg
Looks like the mad magazine kid
lol im a proud italian american for your information you dirty kneed cuck. i just want to know how fucked up your personal life has to be for you to get a dopamine rush from acting superior on Veeky Forums based on your supposed race. being that you have never kissed a girl i can see how dopamine is tied into online activity exclusively though
They've also become millionaires from crack cocaine
>not only are you a fucking idiot in some how coming to the conclusion that more buyers = bad for market
Actually, you're the idiot for not realizing that. The point is, when there's no more buyers left (because the market is saturated), there's nothing left to drive the price up, and then it has nowhere to go but down.
"Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can’t buy what is popular and do well.” - Warren Buffet
The exact same thing applies to crypto, or any market
firstly you are a huge piece of shit and secondly crypto is a global phenomenon and it is mostly non white people who are buying in
Just took a look at their forum, their discussion are a bit more educated and thought out than most of Veeky Forums kek
kike detected
That forum is a goldmine for pump and dump groups.
Coli is not only white owned and operated its mostly white posters on there
Moron. You think cause it's rap related it's "exclusively black"
In fact if you weren't such a newfag you'd know Veeky Forums are the ones that originally caused that site to be after it invaded the coli's parent site
found the nigger
seriously this is fun and all but what do we do about the normalshit problem
they're so fucked up in the head they want to virtuesignal on an user message board
so what's the answer? goreposters? more pedophilia propaganda? crashing bitcoin to sub 1k? we need these fags gone
I can guarantee you that most people aren't interested in crypto after that last bust cycle and the extremely bad press (mostly CNBC) that's happened since Jan.
You should be thanking them btw, we have extra time to accumulate before our next run up.
this too.
>t. Time traveler
why are this guys features caucasian?
they couldnt even draw proper features? Exception are his lips
Side note I've been on both coli and here for almost a decade...I'm tempted to link them to this thread
Holy shit, fuck off.
We need to bring back W.T. Snacks
lol think about the inverse of what you are saying my 350 pound friend
"they are so fucked up in the head they want to act like superior human beings based on things they were given from birth (race) instead of things they have done them selves"
you aren't better than any other person based on your skin tone you are better based on your actions. we are on an user message board yet you are the one who is so fucking damaged from life you have to be a complete asshole for no reason lol
they aren't white features. they're reddit features.
You're a pathetic excuse for a Roman, I bet you're really a Sicilian half-Jew
It tends to have a strong correlation with ones actions
it doesn't even look like a nigger..
Don’t be racist user! Young black men are really good at responsible money management and technology.
Come on don't start that /pol/ shit here!
This nigger infested thread has genuinely made me concerned for my investment
>he’s never been around true hoodrats that talk nothing but crypto for the last 3 months
Ever brother is now out there preaching crypto. That’s how you know it’s a bad investment now. Might as well try investing in a mix tape.
You’re a faggot. 90% of The Locker Room is nogs. Go fuck yourself...
Chill out the spades don't know about LINK...yet
Yep, I just put in sell orders, getting out before end of Jan
>We’re basically done.
No, We are fine buddy all of us are going into the black
Keking audibly
> dec 28, 2017
>You think verge is gonna tank? I sold all my verge this morning for hempcoin. Got 7k THC coins lol
>jerniebert and Everydaybreh dapped this.
Idk which is funnier. OP youre retarded btw.
>that post
>that much butthurt
You're a long way from Kansas toto
>jerniebert and Everydaybreh dapped this.
So much cringe
The faster you wagecucks sell the faster it will rocket back up, hurry and sell dammit
this is simply the historical period in which the cognoscenti differentiates itself from the masses. sorry to use such assburger terms, but i feel like a retard for not realizing the full magnitude of bitcoin's innovations back in 2010, instead focusing on only the monetary value
>i just want to know how fucked up your personal life has to be for you to get a dopamine rush from acting superior on Veeky Forums based on your supposed race
Oh look it's this meme again lmao
This has been proven incorrect every time it was questioned, for years.
The real question is why are you addressing me as user when I just told you I post there? Ask for me over there or are you that huge of a pussy?
lol good meme. the truth is that Veeky Forums = niggers when it comes to crypto, except maybe some quiet old hands who already brought the game to its logical conclusion
Actual italian here, shut the fuck up cuck
>muh seekrit clubhouse
Veeky Forums has been in the top 1000 most visited websites on the planet consistently for like 10 years
please just kys
>it's time for the daily thread where user feels threatened by black people again.
Don't ever change guys.
well you are in italy, making you an italian, im in america, making me an american of italian heritage. thats why i didn't say italian. as my grandpa said, we didn't come to this country to talk like fucking idiots, so i don't really care what you have to say.ciao pussy
What’s your handle, faggot... i’ll Let everyone there know you’re a CAC and you post on alt-right boards...
>threatened by black people
Who says I’m threatened? I love niggers!
I’m only using them as a barometer to signal a paradigm shift
lol i am a sicilian you are correct, also from foggia though, my great x3 grandfather was one of the most famous bandits of southern italy, probably why i have such an inclination to tell people who think they can shit on lower class people they can go fuck them selves with my dick in their mouth
Your grandpa would be mighty disappointed in you then
>I love niggers!
Don't ever change guys.
> has problems with blacks in crypto
> doesnt realize crypto was basically kept afloat by deep web transactions involving pedos, drug dealers and money launderers
lol at newfags that think crypto began in 2017
Now @ me you dork instead of holding pol dick in here
50 cent has almost 10 million in Bitcoin
Some people are destined for business.
All the blacks jumped on and left crypto with BCC. Loose holders won't be getting back in any time soon unless they see an obvious uptick in the market which is unlikely to happen this month or next.
Let me guess Plebbiter?
Veeky Forums is a free speech board sir thus racist and sexists because the world and nature are racist and sexist. It's called reality and niggers are the dumbest of all races, so it is prudent to pay attention when they enter a certain space.
>newfags don't know that niggers have been in crypto for years
Just not development roles obviously because they're too stupid to code, doesn't take much intelligence to buy memecoins though so they'd fit right in on Veeky Forums.
Friendly reminder that JFK was the last shot America had at addressing the Jewish problem. Look up his thoughts on Hitler, Central Banks, and (((Secret Societies)))
Thanks just bought 100k JFK Tokens
Nah but seriously
>Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made
Holy fucking shit no wonder why JFK got assassinated. That nigga revealed his power level too soon.
Nigger lovers on Veeky Forums. Disgusting. I seriously want to fucking murder every r*ddit trash bag in the world. You don’t even need to be racist to be aware of 4chans ironic racism. You’re just giving yourself away. I hope to god you fucking soyboy cucks end your miserable life. Racism is a sign of highIQ by the way - this is indisputable fact. It also is a sign of who here can make decision based on reality aka not a delusional fuckwad.
Blacks are so poor they have a negligible impact on any market
Nah, why would you account for all variables when dealing with your finances? Let this r*ddit niggerlovers learn the hard way.
>he still thinks race is only skin deep
aw shiet
hope my smart black friends can see that crypto = a fundamental reassessment of the value of modern money
post abos— the master race
>im a proud italian american
You're a brown skinned rape baby who should have been tossed over the side of the ship
Real roman Americans are going to tie your noose tight faggot
Kill yourself worthless nigger lover
>One race, the HUMAN race
how much mental gymnastics do you have to do as a leftist to not recognize race because muh fee fees lmaoooo
That's my post from /pol/, glad you saved it user. I heard that story from my dad who told it to me after he heard all the black guys at his gym talking about buying bitcoin. He said, "son, let me tell you a story..."
Only thing that makes me cringe a bit is that I got Joe Kennedy Sr. name wrong. I called him John. derp
Humans have remarkably little genetic variation compared to most species, and when individuals are sampled from around the globe, the pattern seen is not a matter of discrete clusters but rather geographic gradients in genetic variation that extend over the entire world. There is no reason to assume that major genetic discontinuities exist between peoples on different continents or "races." If you ever read anything other than memes on /pol/ you would know this.
That picture is completely out of context and had nothing to do with blacks...
>Humans have remarkably little genetic variation compared to most species
wtf I'm a civic nationalist now
I love feel good science from Bill Nye :DD
See that guys? This guy just epicly owned you all epic style disproving the already concrete genetic research.
Would love to see a source for your claim btw
Lol verge is fucked, has been fucked and will always be fucked until they stray away from twitter and do some closed room fucking work.
I don’t know what’s worse: boomer neo-conservatives who deny climate change or progressives who deny genetic research
I don't understand how aboriginals even exist as a race when their women are so hideously ugly
you would think at some point they would say "fuck this shit, i'm not having sex with that"
wtf are you even implying with that screenshot? Do you know what an x/a ratio is?
DYOR lol.
umm sweetie speak for yourself. What do you think i’m doing with my cryptogainzz? I’m obviously flying to stralia to find the pick of the liter Abo to breed with.