Coin was just starting to get listed on ED
Also * Found this w/ some research -
Get em while theyre hot
Looks like this might be an undercover ICO
just bought 150k
Thank me later anons
Coin was just starting to get listed on ED
Also * Found this w/ some research -
Get em while theyre hot
Looks like this might be an undercover ICO
just bought 150k
Thank me later anons
Other urls found in this thread:
I will pity bump your shitcoin user
Thanks user post your metamask wallet ID and i'll send you some GVCoins
I will also bump your shitcoin, but all my money is in FUN right now so I have nothing for this
FUN is a sold hold but when I see shit like this on ED I just spend 100-200$ and hold that shit *just in case it isn't a super shit coin*
It's worked a couple times.
well if I could fucking buy on ED that would be cool.
Will give an user 0.1 eth in exchange for .08 eth worth og this GVcoin. Yes I'm a poorfag and only can throw .1 eth out.
Do you understand how to use ED?
Just copy & paste your metamask wallet ID onto the website under "Import account"
once you see your ETH on the "Balance" side on the left you then hit "Deposit" and it should create a TX for you.
the site doesn't load lol
or if you trust a randon user send 0.1 eth to 0xEAFC8BbA99e9b3621C04bF578407511f272cCdca
I'll send you 900k, just scored another 2million GVC. No idea on the price of this shit coin yet - but just basing it off ED.
forgot to say please post your ED wallet ID for me to send back to as well please and to add "GVC" to your wallet you just have to add it as a custom token on either my ether wallet, or MM. Looks like the youtube video has the info for the coin.
GvCoin - GVC,
6 decimial,
Contract address: 0xc4d6f5bfd149faf37a0decee946251820fe4816b
thanks just bought 100k
Can anyone confirm that 0.1 eth buys ~900k GVC? Site honestly doesn't load for me. my MM addy is 0x9Fa54E6beeF430d925d1994bba9E810a82B10C67. If someone can confirm that's the correct ratio I'll send you 0.1 eth after the GVC shows up
lmao that youtube video is some generated trash this is a scamcoin
Just a shit coin w/ a little volume but the video looks nice, and the name is good too. This is the current ED page - it should load for you. Someone just bought 150k.
Well if you want to send .08 eth worth to that addy I'll send you .1 eth. Tired of missing all these moons and this one seems like you can't get any earlier than this
I actually have no idea how to send these w/ MM i can only send ETH. Maybe try loading the ED page up in another browser.
yeah i tried chrome, ff, and ie. For some reason it just refuses to load anything. I mean it will load the general template, but the order book, volume, balance, trades, all that just continually load. tried waiting a couple hours before and never mattered
site is garbage but it loads for me just rather slowly - I'll try to figure out how to send these ER-20 tokens VIA mm or ED and try to hit you up w/ GVC
keeping thread open and i'll check back regularly to see if you can figure it out to send you eth if you can
Why are you guys throwing money at some random ERC20 shitcoin on EtherDelta? The level of retardation on this board is killing me.
You do realize that it's pretty much guaranteed OP created this token with the intent of taking your money right? The video on YouTube doesn't specify a contract address or anything so pretty anyone can do this. Don't be fucking dumb.
implying i could make a
Ok hope you didn't scam me user... i only have 1.2M left - if you did scam me oh well. Let me know if they show up.
>implying i could make a
>... lol
i can smell a kike from a mile away that the one thing /pol/ thaught me
the entire is order book is OP's. OP, your orders are always highlighted in white. I'll bet the transactions are yours as well.
lol wait. op made this coin?
Believe the FUD about some random token I wanted to share - I don't care. Enjoy your 900k either way scam, or not.
they arent wrong though those are my sell orders but why wouldn't I try to sell them? lol
The only orders and sell are by OP, and the only transactions I bet belong to OP's and probably another of OP's addresses or friends.
Finally think Veeky Forums is trying to be nice and they scam me
alright done trying out out Veeky Forums today believe what you want user
Spend some more time on /pol/ this was pretty obivious. Mr Shekkelberg over here is assuming you are a stupid goy
Pick one and hodl.
Are you serious lol?
That address which I presume is yours, holds ALL of the GVC tokens in existence.
alright i'm not saying much more keep the GVC i don't need the eth - hold them, and watch waht happens in about 3~weeks or 4.
kys faggot
You already said you were from /pol/ thats all you had to say.
that was someone else. you should still KYS though.
ARCT, TRAC, and ARY all on ED... which I still can't access lol. FOTA is on kucoin, worth buying? poor college student here with only a few hundred dollars in crypto. obviously not expecting to reach 5 figures, but a thousand or two would be nice
OP makes shit token /biz fags buy shit token
I know I've heard of this coin before, but I can't remember where.
im the only orders i bought this scam coin for like 5 dollars for 150k
No idea where from but I saw something about it on a telegram
By the way the "high lighted" in white are YOURS ... Veeky Forums is so dumb
The orders and sell are yours when highlighted white to show you that you have open sales/buys. Don't be retarded. Go check the ED tutorial/manual. You got caught. You could have just made an airdrop and dumped instead.
If you're NOT the creator of this coin, how do you know something is happening in 3-4 weeks?
as someone who went from 180$ to 5500$, you can definitely do better than 1 or 2k
I just feel I miss any moons. Most coins on exchanges like ED it seems which I can't get to. Then once they go to exchanges they get dumped. Between work and classes I never find an opportunity to buy before the rally, and would just get dumped on if I FOMOd. Any advice?
To use ED properly you need to understand how congested the ETH network is. If it's congested, avoid it. If its not, just use metamask and deposit ETH into ED and buy.
I only have 1 coin right now that i got through ED, PFR, and it hasnt mooned yet really. All of my other coins (xrp, ada, powr, drgn, tel) I just found early on on main exchanges, researched them and bought in. I waitind for a sizeable dip and now am just holding. Most of my profits came off of ADA and XRP when they went bananas and I sold at the high.
That video was the cringiest shot ever. I know nothing about it. Literally just a bunch of buzzwords and bad drawings.