Enjoy your shitty internet Monopoly money while I moon from the stock market
Enjoy your shitty internet Monopoly money while I moon from the stock market
enjoy your taxes when you try to cash out
ill enjoy reporting a 6 figure loss while cashing out with gift cards
What are long term capital gains
>what is greentext
you know what's actually criminal OP? ameritrade denied my request for options trading in december, even though my portfolio is well past 200k.
any tips for getting approved? approved for lvl 2 and 3? maybe they didn't like the fact I said I was unemployed...
>good call on the spy desu
Switch to IB or Merrill lynch, I was approved for lvl3 on both when I had under 100k
i've always thought about just using IB, but I do ameritrade's setup and access to a shit ton of research on the fly. gonna give it another try by calling them up and see what they say, prob subtly threaten to take my business elsewhere for good measure
wtf is the spy and what are calls
srs teach me user
i will enjoy it. you too man, we all deserve to make it. good job btw :black thumbs up:
SPY = tracking S+P500
calls = contract that user pays money up front for saying he thinks SPY will be at or above certain price by specific time (in this case 277 by feb 16 and 280 by mar 29)
he's very right (for the time being) so the higher the SP500 goes the more money he'll make on the trade
damn an 8% gain on 300k is that much?
maybe I should cash out some of my crypto...
What advantages/disadvantages are there making calls on the S&P 500 rather than simply investing in an index fund that tracks it?
Surely if putting calls on makes more money and the common sentiment is that the S&P will keep on increasing over time (that's why they say you should invest in index funds - i'm aware it could correct though) then you should just invest in calls rather than a mutual fund?
cash out all of it. pls.
>huh, I bought crypto because the numbers were pretty but look there are pretty numbers over there too
what is this Like you have even 1/1,000,000th of the skill and knowledge that this nocoiner faggot OP has. you think you'll succeed because you saw a picture of someone else's success? kys pls
Meryll Lynch is trash and blocks its users from any of the good lesser known stocks. Don't waste your time.
gonna be a bit stream of conscious here but bear with me.
your general thinking is fine for this bull market we're in but still you should be weary unless you're VERY risk adverse. options are inherently leveraged products (1 call/put contract = 100 shares i believe). if you wanna play with options I'd say keep it to 10-25% of your total portfolio, small sized trades (5+10 contracts at a time with constant reshuffling)
you can use options as an investment strat (best as a hedge/side hustle for most investors imo), but your time horizons are usually along the lines of weekly, 30 days out, 45 days out. some options are dated further, even up to/over a year (they call these things LEAPs), the contract will settle on the specified date and if you're wrong you're out the money you payed up front for the contract + fees + whatever the % the trade went against you ( and since they're leveraged you can be liquidated quite easily by your brokerage if your account is too small to absorb a bad trade).
you're gonna end up paying INSANE premium the shorter the time horizon and the more 'in-line with the trendline' your contracts are as well.
there's so much more to options though with different strats you can employ, hedging against black swan events, 'the greeks' (different factors that affect the profit/loss of your contracts), etc
Hohoho oh you are going to have fun in the next few months. Concerned about the artificial inflation of gold,silver and oil yet?
>the new official bag holder ladies and gentlemen
Synthetic replication of long position without taking on the downside risk
Shut up faggot
>thinking I am buying and holding and I havnt already exited 1/3 of my position and already placed limit price oh puts. I am reading a blow off top, nothing more nothing less
>78% total
How about 426% in 3 days.
Shut the fuck up and sit down kid you ain't even a fucking GEKKO.
I wish I could upvote this shit