QSP is going to be huge.
QSP is going to be huge
will follow ZRX
it certainly will
Quantstamp is the literal definition of a shitcoin. Has no use.
Raiblocks does everything way better.
They need to know.
The question is when is it going to expose. The meme lines show accumulation, but I can't make anything out as far as direction.
Why does this thing even need a token
Wtf is this shit
“Proof of care” uhhhh
Yes it will be.
Ma is a former high frequency trader.
Ya the proof of care is super gay, but genius... It guarantees community involvement and high quality shilling.
The use case for the token is pretty strong IMO. Audits must be paid in QSP.
And you are a retard.
proof of shill is a fucking joke
for kissing ass you get a few shekels LOL
How many people are sucking crypto dick for no money right now?
I read that he coded trading bots at high levels.
He's one of us he will get it done.
Sold 70k for WTC before it mooned i would have been able to buy 5k easily if i just held and came back
How many QSP do you need to hold to run a validator node? Its not in the white paper.
Now seems like a good time to buy. On the low end of the stable price and the meme lines are showing accumulation and consolidation with an upward trend
>trading sideways for a few days
>Buy orders outway sell orders
Is this bitch about to break out?
It looks like it to me. Meme lines are looking nice.
Where are we at in the next couple months?
They presented at fucking Facebook today. That's some god tier shilling.
I think with ultra normal exchanges like Robinhood picking up the top tens, CoinBase is going to go the way of picking up smaller cap coins.
Ma presenting at CoinBase
Validation node and v1 software
Cant argue with a good meme line
this project does not need tokens. Exit scam in the near future.
I will never buy into such a fucking gay faggot cunt flacid dick cheese proof of care business model.
It’s going to die once smart contracts with easily verifiable proofs of correctness are available on Tezos and Cardano, and people forget how they ever put up with the swiss cheese hacker paradise that is the EVM
like the idea, hate the team. hodling anyway as I'm all in on smart contracts being eth 2.0
Totally agree
And when is that going to happen?
huge failure, yes
how's that proof of shill working for ya?
girl on the far right is my waifu
take this proof of care and stuff it up Richard's ass
>they don't understand why Ma is doing POC
Cardano is years away from a functioning product.