WTF is going on at Cryptopia

a fucking quarter of the shitcoins on this pajeet site are up 1000% and shit, whats happening over there and how the fuck can we profit off this?

look at the volume you stupid normie cunt

Look at the volume though it’s fucking nothing

look at the volume you stupid normie cunt

Look at the volume though it’s fucking nothing

did you even look at the voluem?

Pajeet trading with himself because of volume just to attract normies and dump on em

Look at the nothing it's volume you cunt stupid

Look at the volume you dense fucking retard what is wrong with you

look at the volume you stupid normie cunt

a quick check of the volume might implore you to tread more carefully

>OP, Rajesh, and the rest of the Brown Street Boys get together and buy a bunch of shitty fucking worthless coins
>Trade them back and forth to pump up values
>Post on Veeky Forums

>implying that people will invest their money in a dead worthless shitcoin after it's pumped up by pajeets
No one is that stupid, r-right?

Look at the cunt you stupid normie volume

Turn up the volume, you deaf cunt

Sure is le’reddit in here

M8 people on this board put their money into a website that literally makes you check off a disclaimer stating it's a ponzi scheme and they will lose all their money.

Why does anyone use cryptopia? 99% of the coins there are literally just pump and dumps

Put $10 into every shitcoin.
Place 1000% sell limit on everything.
HODL until you are a billionaire

Vook at the lolume you cupid stunt

>Put everything into a thousand shitcoins
>Bitcoin wakes for a few seconds and farts in a random direction
>You lost all your money

the electroneum boat my nègre

doesn't work, best way to waste your money actually

Look at the cunt you stupid cunt

I should probably check on my bot, this does not bode well.

Use your fucking eyes and look the volume shitskin

This is reddit

why the fuck would you tag me faggot

If post anything negative about cryptopia on reddit, bitcointalk, twitter, facebook, Veeky Forums, etc. remember to stay user because if any of the mods find out they will ban you, delete your support tickets and ignore you.
They think they are safe from lawsuits in NZ, prices to hire a lawyer and taking them to court are expensive in NZ. Take care of your coins.

Stupid motherfucking rando.

Friend, maybe have a glance at the volume

Regarde le volume putain d'idiot

Look at the volume you stupid normie cunt

turn your cunt up you volume deaf