I'm black. Started crypto Dec 12 with 3k, now have 45k AMA.
I'm black. Started crypto Dec 12 with 3k, now have 45k AMA
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how much to fix nigger???
how much TRTL do you current have and how long are you going to hold it for?
thats probably more money than your family tree will ever have. how does it make you feel? nigger
Which cryptos? Hodl or day/swing trade?
Congratulations on the gains, btw
What were your trades, larper
which coins did you invest in? Started mid december with 2.5k and only at 4.5 rn ....
what is your opinion on blacks?
Can I get a number 1 with coke, and fries without salt, thanks. Also pull your pants up
0 TRTL. I will never buy it because it looks like the next pump and dump coin after UFR.
I'm Indian. Started crypto Dec 12 with 200 rupee, now have 50000k AMA.
Congrats user. Glad to hear you are making it.
My only question is, what do you think of the literal pajeet scammers that have been rampant on the board lately?
I'm jewish. Started crypto Dec 12 with 30k, now have 450k AMA.
He's lying because he's black.
>ask me anything
Any chance you could leave this board and never come back?
You really are a nigger. I can tell by how stupid you are. TRTL has an actual community and is brand new and has a lower marketcap than UFR and isn't even on real exchange yet.
UFR was being shilled by a P&D discord.
You are useless, nigger.
Well done, OP. Remember, /pol/, who dares wins. The market doesn't give a shit who you are.
boy you are smartest nigger alive. even smarter than obama.
I got tired of holding REQ so I just sold and bought the scam coin ECA. Immediately x5'd my money and then FOMO'd into Lamden and put 3k into it. Now hold SKY, XLM, ETH, and XMR.
why do i hate black ppl now? i was totally fine growing up, but i just hate black people as a grouo. individually i usually dont have an issue except for:
that time a black guy held me up gunpoint
tgat time a black guy robbed my hous
that time a black guy robbed my car
that time a black guy ran into my car then drove off
but if im at work and dealimg with just some normal black guy its not like im boiling "over with grrrrr i hate niggers!!!!" and most of thr time i get prostitutes i go for african american girls cause they hot as fuck
but the news, the culture, there is so much i just fucking hate about africans globally these days and it makes me sad cause i never wanted to ne racist but since i stopped 100% associating or hanging out in "ethnic" areas (i.e. black cause there is 90% mixed asian population where i live which i have absolutely no problem with) i have had 0 problems with crime.
>he learned the SAS motto
>hes actually fat and dresses up like a tactical mall ninja
just like you never bought Dogecoin at 15 sat. stay poor pajeet. it's literally the only coin that has been green all month and it's getting put on satoshitrader next week
Holy shit you're embarrassing.
You're parading a nigger around the town to show him off to the evil racists and you've got a smug look on your face while doing it.
Also, TRTL was started on Veeky Forums. Of course it's going to get alot of attention here. It's Veeky Forums's baby.
/pol came in hard..
>Black guy sold my drop shipping business
>10k bank, 104k crypto
We're awesome and you racists suck.
I never heard of it before 5 days ago and now it's getting shilled every minute when there's nothing special about it. I'm going to stay away from it. Matter of time before it's exposed as a scam.
thoughts on ICX? I am debating if i should hold XLM or ICX....
You're a fucking retard who thinks TRTL is even remotely something that will survive. This piece of shit coin is shit brainlets like you fall for. Stick to working at McDonald's you educated newfag
what ico did u buy
Good on you for buying in, OP. Unlike, for instance, women, who just write articles about crypto being dominated by muh patriarchy without ever actually buying any coins or trying to do anything crypto related.
good catch, and bold. keep winning
There are shitty people in all races.
But can you stop being black?
No right?
then what is the point?
go suicide
I'm white. Started crypto with 10k on December 15th and now I have 250k. AMA
That's because it just got put on an exchange 5 days ago. If you got in it 5 days ago you'd almost be a millionaire by now. And you must not go on Veeky Forums much, there were frequent threads on it pretty much once a day in December.
And as I said before, it's getting alot of exposure because it started on Veeky Forums.
>Matter of time before it's exposed as a scam
The retardation of you blacks never surprises me. You're just trying to compensate for your races tendency to fall for scams.
bell curve dude.
Give it back to whoever you stole it from.
yeah but u whitepipo we black u got the man behind helpin u but we struggle remember that
white easy mode black hard mode
>12% of the us pop
>50% of the murderers
It's annoying seeing 10 new pump and dump shitcoins pop up every day. But how do you know it's Indians that are pushing these scams?
just read the broken english post in a pajeet accent
Fellow black guy here.
Just Ignore the racist shitbags here. We're gonna make it.
So generalize millions off the action of 4?
That time my white friends shot up Coke and begged me to do it
That time my white friend robbed Nordstrom's because they were too busy looking at me
That time I've had my car broken into my 4 white guys
That time I tell my friend hey I don't think you should do Xanax and weed is now hooked on Heroin
You can't generalize the actions of a few towards the many I look at everyone as people
i doubt many here are legitimately racist. they just say that shit to keep the normies and redditfags away.
I'm honestly not sure. I haven't looked into it yet.
user pls
nigger indeed
fuck off roodypoos
I wish. But I just can't resist all the pink wojak posts
Oh you sweet summer child. Do redditors like you think the average IQ of subsaharan africa is a myth? Do you think the black homicide and crime rate is a myth?
>even the white friends black people have a shit
Half of yours are victimless crimes. Every time my car has been broken into it's been by mexicans.
I know. They're mostly just antisocial freaks.
But if you like saying racist shit. You're still saying racist shit.
Don't be too sure. I'm certain that this board and /pol/ have a huge overlap
Thanks man
Nobody is forcing you to stay here and get your feelings hurt by mean words, you fucking ungrateful spade.
For the record I have no problem with blacks per se, I have a problem with the fact that 70% of them are honestly just a waste of space. If they started acting like normal civilized humans overnight my racism would disappear.
>they just hate us for the color of our skin bruh
Miss me with that retarded shit
>calls me a redditor
>uses bullshit reddit game of thrones phrases
the left projects
We're not racist we just want you to go the fuck back your people are dragging us down. You vote for the most retarded shit. Fucking niggers.
B A S E D black guy
Yet you probably voted for Trump. Hmm....
If they are black and on Veeky Forums, they are most likely trump supporters.
show some love for our based pede brothers
See, this is the kind of brainlet shit blacks are known for.
By the way nigger, if you think Trump is a big bad racist, you haven't seen anything yet. Buckle the fuck up.
Pic related
Your voting patters are destroying white society you filthy brainlet nigger.
sheeit homie u be hustlin rob a bank?! sheeeit
Yeeahh, I'm not so sure man. I think maybe alot of the guys here started hating on nogs as fun irony, but after being subjected to this memery constantly, I'm pretty sure most of the racist shit here comes from the soul.
Mong here by the way, get hated on occasionally but most of the asia hate is directed towards the chinks for being sneaky and constantly dumping the market.
Did you put it all in XRP, LTC or NEO?
I don't care about whether or not he's racist. He's just incompetent and has backtracked on half of the things he promised you. He conned you and you still can't come to terms with it.
My job pays 100k a year.
Just started crypto in December with about 8 grand.
so wait let me get this straight. you voted democrat, literally the political party that founded the KKK? Hillary clinton who literally kisses grand wizards? Please dont tell me you got cucked by the mainstream media into believing their fake news.....
None of those but I'm currently researching NEO.
sheeit i be dealin crack too homie fuck education watch out for em pigs though brotha
>My job pays 100k a year.
What a waste. A white man could be doing your job and you could be shining his shoes and society would be better off. But thank you based cucked ancestors
You will vote for anyone who strokes your pathetic chip on the shoulder ego.
>expecting niggers thinking logically
He's literally done nearly everything he's promised to do in only his first year. Go cuck yourself soyboy
I'm physically and financially superior to 99% of you cumskins.
t. black professional
I didn't vote for Hillary either. Bernie Sanders was my guy.
Is that a clip from discovery channel?
oh and I almost forgot, hillary "super predator" clinton, who said black youth are super predators and "need to be brought to heel"
>financially superior
Lmao. GTFO wit yo broke ass.
ah so youre a commie. even worse. fuck outa here with that bullshit, im out.
You dont ever feel embarrassed about Affirmative Action. You are treated lie special Ed tantruming children. I may be poorish but I'm so fucking glad I'm white and actually deserve what I earn. Feels good man.
Good job black user. Ignore the le edgy racist high schoolers
>financially superior
so you arent in a prison?
Good work.
We don't hate you personally. We hate your race for being inferior. If you had an IQ of 115 or more you'd understand the bell curve. But I'm likely just responding to bait...
Fun fact.
Asians benefit the most from AA being gone.
You fucking dumbass.
So everyone except for Native Americans & Mexicans from Texas to southern arizona should leave the us to right?
>Resource intense area
>multiple nation's scramble and claim ownership over land from 1800-1960
>Corrupt government, building infrastructure to support self interest
>No incentive to support unlike India towards late British rule
Black Americans
>Enslaved over a period of 400 years
>Freedom, yet unable to build wealth due to laws and segregation
>Up untill around 60s, despite equal education pay is 20% less, Asian Americans during this time also suffered discrimination pay 5% less
>Continue giving fucked up policies aimed towards blacks
Much blaming
>Wells Fargo & Chase caught in a legal scandal showing that they purposely gave messed up home loans to hispanic/black minorities targeting based on zip code (I'm a banker and I had to take several classes about this)
Yeah she's a sociopath
i think the proper term is albino not cumskin.
Fun fact whites know Asians have a slightly higher IQ same with Jews. We don't deny reality like zombie sociopaths. Well cuck do.