Anyone want to talk about actual business investments instead of literal gambling on imaginary coins made by pyramid schemes?
Anyone want to talk about actual business investments instead of literal gambling on imaginary coins made by pyramid...
patriot one inc
No, now fuck off no coiner
sleep tight boomer
fucking normie get out
TSLA will 2x within 4 years.
thanks bought $100k
sure. i'm thinking about taking my crypto gainz and opening a bar or nightclub, because i want to party all the time and fuck a lot of floozies.
do you think i'd get in trouble for giving girls drugs (willingly, of course) in my own club? if so, should i put some legal distance between myself and the place to give me some protection against lawsuits?
Sure. I put my 401k into ABX and RGLD, mid cap gold industry stocks, to prepare for stock market bust.
Wut u got
Do I need a vendor license to sell cheap wholesale clothing in a set-up booth somewhere? I'm planning on ordering a fuckton of MAGA hats from DHgate and selling them for $20 a piece at conservative gatherings.
i literally can't read the word "gold" anymore without hearing it in Peter Schiff's fucking voice.
nice, just made 1.125% on my treasury bond
Yeah, it's a meme. But its what people tend to flock to when the market shits the bed.
I'm actually expecting a split between gold and crypto, but maybe that's wishful thinking.
I buy ETFs and put my gains in Tax Free Savings Accounts. I also have silver I am sitting on.
When are you expecting bust? I expect more of a correction
Rofl nocoiner
>I also have silver I am sitting on
literally why, such a terrible investment
Thanks, just bought 100k chocolate coins
Ha fucking nocoiner I lose more in a day than you make in a year you weak faggot
Went through a 'egonomy gun colapse, hide muh money' phase. Put it away and never sold it, lost 5ish percent but historically it rises so idgaf. Also cool to have the coins I guess.
We've all bee there, especially any bro ove 30 that's remembers 08