Alright Veeky Forums I have a serious question

Alright Veeky Forums I have a serious question

I get that FUDders gonna FUD. I know some want to trash this coin to buy come cheap bags. But honestly, has anybody really looked into this coin, done their research, and concluded that this is a poor investment decision?

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Nope. Vechain is going to $25-50 at least this year.

There's way too much dumb hype, but that doesn't change the fact that this project is too good and too well partnered up to not moon at the next bull run

Quick, you're just in time for the presentation

Jim Breyer did his research and bought it. He has a pretty good track record, so as far as speculation goes it'd be a good idea to parrot his crypto investments.

yes i did literally four days of research and can tell you there’s something shady going on with this thing. dont buy and if you bought sell now

Look into PwC (one of the Big Four auditors) and think about wether they'd really partner with some shitcoin.

Most of your FUD is coming from the people who missed out, honestly. This is a very solid project and easily a $25-$50 EOY as this user said. I've been a bagholder since 20 cents.

It's the perfect project, elite coin soon.

It never got it's due until Jan because of timing - China FUD, NDA's, WTC distraction (good coin), and real life solutions aren't as sexy as a fancy name and a trumped up idea / white paper. Hardly anyone realized Vechain was already doing what most coins hope to do "someday" - obtain real enterprise clients to service, solving and streamlining real world challenges. The two year runway they had means they are ready to start producing this year. Nobody knew they were going to do enterprise ICO's. Nobody knew they were going to develop dApps. Nobody knew they, not NEO, were the first preferred blockchain of China. PBOC rumors seemed a joke, like most crypto rumors, until Vechain quietly partnered with jaw dropping "customer creators" - partnering with PWC and DNV and Chinese Govt is like partnering with thousands and thousands of companies.

Yeah, Vechain is the new gold standard of crypto. Only insiders are really seeing 8 bucks 20 bucks 50 bucks this is THE premium blockchain project on the planet, and dirt cheap anything less than 100... which most predict by May once PBOC - IF PBOC - rumor is true.

4 days of research.. lol. Watch out guys we have a crypto wizard over here.

Im guessing you bought in late November and are now a certified crypto analyst. Dont worry bro we will all make it. Lol

Idk man, they say they have a 40 man dev team but don't even have a working wallet? cmon, shit sounds scammy. the more research i do the more shady shit i find.

You think your research is better than PwC's?

pwc "partners" with countless shady shitcoins, it's all fluff

VeChain joined their accelerator program. It's literally like a training camp for babby's first startup.

They are being helped by PWC to learn how to become a real company. Not providing any of their tech. GO show me one article that says PwC is going to use vechain in a product (protip: you cant, vechain has no tech)

Which ones? Source?

PwC doesn't have a product, you genius. They provide services.

it's currently still an ERC20 token you fucking brainlets, there is no reason to have a wallet for it until main net releases. The fact that anyone could remotely think this is a scam at this point blows my mind but i guess Veeky Forums will be biz and most will stay poor. Double strength node since it was under 2 bucks. Easily $14+ by Q2 and who the fuck knows how high once main net is out.

Lol fucking brainlet.

PwC (also where I work) is one the most respected global firms. Brainlets like yourself who have shit all education and some shit tier job wouldn't understand anything

ven chain is a wanna be walten coin

its just copypasta user


Can someone explain what the fuck happened with their supply this week? It went up by a lot. Will this end up affecting the EOY price? I don't see how it'll be good for the price desu.

Not FUDing. Holding 10k VEN.

And the "fake white man actor" used to work at Barclays:

Probably hired to add legitimacy to their company too.

Nothing happened. Coinmarketcap was misreporting the circulating supply. Nothing has changed as far as how many actual tokens there are.

If you read every VEN thread like many of us do, you'll know that all other FUD in this thread is literal copypasta.

Your comment is literally saying nothing. Jesus fucking Christ, at least explain why you think he's a brainlet. Communicate!

veChain is the most guaranteed gains in all of crypto.

I'm not even kidding.

But the tokens were released, weren't they? Meaning, many of the tokens that are in circulation now weren't in circulation last week? If I have that wrong, please correct me.

If I'm understanding you correctly, then the price did not change because of CMC "fixing" the supply number, but rather just natural market movement?

The mcap is too large for drastic gains.

Guaranteed returns = low risk = low returns

Why are you not answering?
Cause he denies that VEN and PwC have a real partnership as if PwC would support every shitcoin.

Cmc just updated the market cap. No change, the supply has been the same since pretty much day 1; cmc just was inaccurate. This has also been known for a long, long time.

No. CMC was just showing the wrong number of tokens in circulation for a while and they finally fixed it.

Nothing actually happened to the coin or the supply. There were always that number in circulation but CMC failed to list it correctly.

I’m balls deep and still accumulating this gem. This is the first blue chip crypto mark my words. Elite.

No, they had been released far back, CMC just wasn't reporting them. There aren't any more coins now than there were prior to this week.

That may be true for many other coins, but there's legitimate reason to think this coin will be a lasting tech that obtains widespread use in multibillion-dollar industries.

Have to also remember it's a staking coin. MC far less relevant here, as whales are generally holding for nodes to produce THOR.

Their are ven killers coming. Ride it, but be ready to bail.

It's also going to be on a TRT financial segment in a few days. They wrote an article about it today as well.

It's goatfucker news but it's still a mainstream source.

Ok thanks

The problem is these partnerships are overblown, PwC and Vechain aren't partners...vechain is part of their "incubator" program


AMB and TRAC ;) Good time to buy AMB.

huge ETH buy wall gettin GUZZLED

I would read the whitepaper but turns out that they don't have one.

No, you wouldn't, you concern troll.
Anyway they have a development plan that is more detailed than other shitcoins' whitepapers.
You can give me a summary after you've read it.

>missed out
kek no ones missed out on shit you could buy in right now and make ez money

They are already hosting customers, some still under NDA, on their private functional network - they have been developing for over two years. Your FUD is weak. This is the truth, and the first blockchain as a service running away with crypto.

All you gotta do is go back to the early December Reddit threads on vechain sub.

They talked about a bunch of stuff but NDA this and NDA that.

We are now hearing about everything.

Like they were talking about DNV GL 2 months before the live stream where they confirmed everything.

We just don't know the whole details. But the scope is huge.

And that's just 1 partner.

If people can hold 6 months to a year they will be extremely rich.

A whale is selling loads keeping the price down knowing the coins they have left are gonna be worth a ton.

And the whale can use the btc from selling to prop the price up and get back in. Like 90,000,000 VEN to 50,000,000 VEN won't matter to the guy. The people getting in and going to help push this coin to insane heights.

they said that about the entire top 10 since last Jan

VEN has the monopoly. Night night.

If you do your due diligence and research, you will realize that the nodes are so potent they will have more coins locked up in nodes than any other project in crypto, including Dash.

If they support node sharing, as has been left open, as THOR is in demand the VET circulation will trickle to a drip.

Name Your Own Price at that point. Fucking crazy CMC valuation at that point, like crazy unreal way > current Bitcoin CMC. Screenshot this.