So a few months ago I started with 2k, ciurrently sitting at 50k. If any of you have questions feel free to ask me. To make it clear, right now I'm playing with my money and don't follow the 50/25/25 nor do I follow the 40-40-20. I like to play risky so I have 50% in ICX, 25% in ven and 25% in bnty, prl, wabi and LoopRing. I get that's it 50:25:25 but not a single bit of eth, btc or ltc.
Started with 2k
U bought the bnty ico right?
Piggybacking to shitpost here too. Started with $10k last summer and sitting at about $350k right now.
Nigger you could have bought literally anything and made massive gains a few months ago so why would we care
nice larp
Wow you’re so good at investing fuck off faggot we all made those gains
no I didn't, bnty if fucking me right now, bought at around 60 cents
these types of korean beauty girls are my favorite but they are also really westernized and dumb and if you actually have to spend a lot of time with them thats the biggest issue
is there even a way around this?
this korean girl i knew visited once and we hung out, she was kinda cute except not as much (so i was even less interested) and she had these western marketing-type insecurities and was also dumb and couldnt handle any way of thinking different from what she is used to
what do you even do to fix this? dont say one night stand
Very nice, can't wait until I get to 100k. Huge milestone good shit bro
>not a single bit of eth, btc or ltc.
GOOD. Took me too long to figure this out.
>is there even a way around this?
paper bag?
>what do you even do to fix this?
you can't fix stupid, so you move the fuck on
no i said i like how they look retard
Hang out with her again. Did you fuck her already?
>So a few months ago I started with 2k, ciurrently sitting at 50k
I know you probably feel smart but any retard could have done that.
Ive turned 1k into 10k and I only started two months ago. I barely know what the fuck I'm doing I just buy every dip and wait a few days to sell a bit higher.
im looking for relationships only right now and after hanging out i can tell they are dumb and i have to spend a lot of time explaining basic things for them to go "wow!!! cool!!" i can tell they are actually interested but i dont enjoy this process at all unless i feel like they're on the same page as me
then find a smarter girl - there are ones out their with more motivation and personality. or stop looking for validation from women, and just keep several around and enjoy them for what they are.
Yes I understand. About to sell again on the 31st. Main net launching with icx, so I'm assuming that it will be high idk how high but a profit is a profit. Oyster is launching some shit on the 31st. Then I'm going to use the money to put into more ven cause these Jews held off the rebrand until 26 of February so that will be huge. Get Thor or some shit.
i guess someone exists somewhere its just tedious. i also dont really like that i feel the need to be in a relationship in the first place because when im actually in one its never as good
I'm mad over diversified. Got like 40 coins, but too afraid to sell them since last time I did they fucking blew up and would have made me a fortune. What do?
have to do research and cut out some of them that dont have the best fundamentals. and dont even look back to check if some that you removed go up thats a beta move
>i also dont really like that i feel the need to be in a relationship in the first place because when im actually in one its never as good
the problem you have with women is coming from this place. there is nothing wrong per se with the women or relationships you have been in. the problem is your needing to be with someone for (A) an unknown reason or (B) to be with someone "because you're supposed to." go watch rsdtyler's videos on youtube.
Take it from someone who dated a fob korean during college and a fuck buddy who was a kpop/Korean wannabe Chinese girl... These types are total airheads. You know the ones who are constantly watching beauty gurus on YouTube and watching kdrama? The ones who all have that same pale face bright red lips makeup? They are some of the dullest human beings alive, like walking Barbie dolls Christ it's a total chore to have a conversation with them about anything meaningful.
Pump and dump if you get the chance but don't expect much beyond that
yeah but i want someone like this but also smart
Yes do exactly what this person said. Cut that down to 6-8 honestly. 40 is way to fucking much. Resd up on the team and just look at the roadmap to be honest. See if they have things coming out soon and follow their twitter and reddit pages. Others do the work for you so you don't have too. lol sounds bad but still atleast glance at the team, white paper and website for a bit. Take out at a loss/profit from the coins your dropping and put more into the ones you really believe in. Download the portfolio app and ONLY have the coins you own in there lol. If you look back at the ones you used to have, you'll just beat yourself up IF they even went up. I keep my coins and the big 2 on my app being bit and eth. Fuck lite coin.
Came to this thread thinking about gains now I’m thinking about Asian hoes. Wtf.
OP, I’ve just made some small gains with xlm (1300 to 2000 usd). At this point should I find something new or just wait and hold?
idk they were definitely kinda dumb and i didnt feel connected to them as much as i could. if i did then i would be satisfied
i dont think theres anything wrong with wanting to be with someone who i relate to u might be overpsychologizing
Nah the real hidden gems are the studious chinese/Korean w. slavedriver parents that worked them to the bone to get them to ivy leagues/tier 1 non ivys (think NYU, Boston University, etc.) that are a bit frumpy and not obsessed with their looks. They go hard nigga for real that's about all I can really say to be quite frank
hey, as a fellow ICX investor - do you think as soon as the summit hits, it will crash in accordance with "buy the rumor, sell the news"? I have a small bag of 500 icx, and I am currently contemplating on what to do with it
also, thoughts on COSS/INT?
That's the million dollar question! I have no idea. I think the summit will raise the price due to exchanges opening up soon and people will want to hop on, fomo. It's a tough decision but I'm going to hold thru it for now. I don't day trade as much and holding never hurt anyone. This time I'll be holding, if it does rise a lot I'll be selling and then rebuying the dip.
yeah, my main interest is when to sell - I presume we are slowly going to old ATH of 12, so I am thinking of selling it then and maybe waiting till 15 if I am super ballsy
Yeah we got crypto talk and Asian girl talk. I'd hold on my dude, what are your coins?
Let's have a change of pace Veeky Forums.
90% of posts are FUDing garbage so let's talk about the good times coming up.
What cryptos are you most excited about this year and why? FUDing faggots need not apply
yeah i like those desu i should just stop looking at fantasy pictures
Yup, exactly what I'm planning on doing. I may put a sell order in for around 13 if it even gets there. 15 is ballllsy but even if it drops, nothing wrong with holding for a bit longer. Crypto is still sooooo fucking young that I believe you'll make money a year from now no matter what you hold ATM.
this. new thread needed for AMB / ITC all star pick of feb discussion
Just gonna come in here to say I started with $1700 last April and after taking 3.5k profits out last year I’m sitting on 5.7k right now.
Thank you for your time
>i won a raffle so if you want tips on how to play a raffle ask away
Great question, I've had my eye in INT for a while now, low cap with high reward. It's up a bit now and idk if ok be purchasing any at the moment. Coss is an exchange coin similar to kucoin and binance coin. So once the coss exchange starts to heavily be used and gets volume in I don't see why it wouldn't be able to reach the price of kucoin and binance in the coming year. I'm telling you ALOT of fucking people will be signing up and starting to buy crypto within the next 6 months. Look in ECC. I think I may have found another little hidden gem to make some good money short and long term!!
you would not believe, but I actually thought of ECC - my concern is that it is only on super sketchy exchanges, so idk yet
I don't think there's an overnight fix. Maybe hang out with her more and slowly red pill that bullshit marketing away.
How did you do it?
I need instructions. I bought XLM and it's still down.
Just XLM. Was holding bitcoin for several months but you know how that went. Didn't have too much, little over a thousand so i decided fuck it all in and it's worked out so far. But if I can be making gains shifting around my .18 BTC I will
What are your thoughts on Stellar? Dragonchain? Cardano?
FairX my friend. The hype around it is retarded. Supposed to use XLM and that right there is great news. Only problem with XLM is that you probably won't be making INSANE gains due to its market cap already being high. With that being said. I would wait until fairX comes out, stellar will most likely shoot up in price, sell 100%, 75%, 50% of your holdings depending on your preference and transfer the money into another coin. I wouldn't sell stellar at a lose (assuming you're down since the whole market took a hit) cause you'll look back and be like, "im fucking stupid"
Yeah I made an account on coin exchange, little sketchy haha
I started like 5 months ago with 150$ and now I'm at 2.2k my goal is 25k and with 50k I would feel the best person alive
I'm from third world btw so it's big money
I don't care if crypto crashes or it's accepted by everyone I just want to fucking make it biz bros FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIUUUIUUUUUUUCKJJJKJJJJJKJKKKKKKKKKKKKKK gimme moneyy crypto
Not gonna lie, don't know much about dragon chain and cardano. Stellar on the other hand I like. With fairX coming soon, expect it to go back to 80 cents - 1.50. Maybe 2-3 end of year if we are being realistic because of its high market cap
op is larping, else he would have a chart
Right now I'm hodling.
Do you mean you started trading?
But the stuff I buy just shits downhill right after I buy it. WTF, seriously.
I buy ripple, it drops so I sell to cut losses and it goes up. Same with XLM, LTC. Etc.
I got the frigging anti-midas touch.
How do you know what's just a dip? What if it goes down and stays down?
i know right
im happy people like you exist