give me one good reason why demanding major companies to let you pay with crypto is a bad idea
we’re trying to kill fiat and the jew bankers user, help us regain control of our finances once and for us
give me one good reason why demanding major companies to let you pay with crypto is a bad idea
we’re trying to kill fiat and the jew bankers user, help us regain control of our finances once and for us
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I just feel like it would be funnier if we were rude about it.
If more people spend it instead of holding it and doing nothing, the price will go down
It's not about spending all your crypto, it's about having the option to spend some of your gains on goods and services. That'll give credibility to crypto as a form of currency in the eyes of governments, bigger companies and especially the normies
wat is this
I can't wait to see people protesting Amazon and eBay to force them to use crypto.
Instead of asking them, or "demanding" that companies let you pay with crypto, call them pussies/dinosaurs for not accepting crypto.
It's a hashtag that got a lot of popularity on reddit, a bunch of people are tweeting. They're mentioning big companies like Target, Amazon and Ebay and telling them that they want the option to #PayWithCrypto. A lot of people think this might help us reach mass adoption if enough people join in (it's already at 1 million impressions)
Because this will just speed up regulation and I'm not done accumulating you dumb faggot.
You're not accumulating you lying nigger, you're fucking poor as shit. You just don't want the secret internet meme money club to go out into public knowledge
once this happens we'll be fucking rich because all the major companies will be FOMOing into partnerships to not get left behind
We're already doing it, join the cause pussy
Nice quads, seems legit
>paying for phsical goods with digital money
>paying for gold with paper
You people underestimate the govt too much -- fiat currency is THE pillar of modern states, if crypto starts threatening the status quo to this degree they will do everything to stomp it.
>You're not accumulating you lying nigger
>You just don't want the secret internet meme money club to go out into public knowledge
I want you to read that out loud and then make like a tree and kill yourself.
>being this much of a faggot you can’t make a single tweet to change the world and make you richer
Pussy, there’s no such thing as “regulating” crypto. What would they even regulate???
Because if crypto ever becomes a legitimate form of currency, you will never ever see another moon. Crypto will just mirror the same boring patterns as every other normal currency. I prefer moon trips that actually make me money over useless "PAY USING BTC" memes.
>implying I said that
crypto doesn't happen in the ether, they will just target infrastructure and make it a federal offense to accept bitcoin as a payment method
>we’re trying to kill fiat and the jew bankers
KEKKK in your dreams faggot you don't know how the financial system works you fucking bitch
keep jerking off with descentralized dreams because thats all what you are gonna get
>Crypto will just mirror the same boring patterns as every other normal currency.
t. stopped reading the white paper two pages in
I just wish there was a specific crypto in mind? I'm all in on REQ
pham ... you goldman sachs workerjews stay up this late to shitpost? go fuck some pussy or something you guys have a lot a cash
>bragging about reading white papers
Autism is real. Prove me wrong, retard.
>implying IB fags have enough time to get anything other than a quick and disappointing tinder hookup on a saturday
That's funny user
>invested in crypto
>doesn’t want it to succeed
you know that the speculation is dying for the speculative assets that have given you your speculative gains... right?
Because I don't want to pay capital gains tax to buy crap.
Also I don't want the government to have any sort of hint of what my bitcoin address is.
I unironically miss when places accepted BTC, but volatility, appreciation mining fees transaction times and confusion killed it.
>there’s no such thing as “regulating” crypto
Holy fuck you're retarded.
No argument needed lmfao. Try harder m8.
What would they regulate? That you can't purchase items with crypto? Nobody would be that dumb seeing as how nearly $20b flow through the market daily.
If anything they would deregulate the taxes on fiat conversion to make it better for big businesses. You're forgetting who's in office right now, this is the perfect fucking time to shill this shit you blind motherfucker
>What would they regulate?
Governments ban their citizens from trading on exchanges and make it illegal to withdraw funds from any cryptocurrency exchange to a bank account, citing concerns over money laundering and facilitating criminal activity. 90% of users disappear, not wanting to risk going to jail over their gambling habit.
This is how they could regulate and kill it off almost overnight. Maybe it won't happen, but it's a real possibility.
>You're forgetting who's in office right now
A literal retard. Anything he manages to get done in the next 3 years will be undone after he gets BTFO in the next election.
>ah yes let’s pass regulations on a 20b a day GLOBAL market, that totally wont do anything to destroy the world economy
do you actually think Trump would do some dumb shit like this?
t. Libtard
If the cryptocurrency market were to disappear, the global economy would hardly feel a blip.
As for Trump, all you'd have to do is get someone on Fox News to claim that bitcoin is a Chinese conspiracy against the US, and he'd have his goons drafting up legislation the next day. The man is a walking tub of stupidity and mental instability.
no u faggot. Also bring your opinion to /pol/ not biz
>give me one good reason why demanding major companies to let you pay with crypto is a bad idea
Because you look like a fucking moron who doesn't understand that any company that takes significant payments in money that could be worth 30+% less the minute after the transaction happens will fuck up their bottom line and therefore their value in the stock market