Be me

>be me
>white nationalist
>voted for Trump
>live in Mississippi in a white only commune
>called a pajeet by anons

What the fuck!!!

in the internet everyone is a nigger

meh white nationalists ~more retarded than the average minority, so take it as a compliment. at least pajeets waste their time for money instead of trying to get their boyfriends to accept them.

nice try rajesh

aryan = indian = pajeet

It's time to go back.

Nigger detected

I'm going back to /pol you degenerates.


You are a spiritual pajeet

>thinking he is not some shittrash and better than actual real pajeet

At least the pajeets have actually won wars they've started.

yes sir, ok im from missisipi sir! am white John Smith sir!

good go back yo your safe space snowflake

>be me
>muh white nation
>Trump not doing shit for me, cucked
>still a poorfaggot

Btw faggot, real white ppl live in europe

Also, you notice that all these white supremacists wear sunglasses? It's because they know close set eyes are a clear indication of inbreeding.

Kill yourself ya redneck whajeet

>posts this thread again
Stop trying to shit up this board /pol/

I'd probably be a white nationalist too if I lived in Mississippi

>White nationalist
>Voted for Trump
You got played, boyo

Unironically this.
>40% Black

Lets talk in 20 years after the full effect of the migrant crisis have been felt.


You can tactically vote for the least worst option, almost no one saw Hillary or Trump as perfect candidates. How many people voted for Cameron or May to block Labour & Lib Dems.

Because you are wearing a pajeet symbol on your t-shirt dumb paj

like your country amerimutt

yeah nothing says exposing it by giving it billions worth of your tax money to them