Is this coin honestly worth investing into Veeky Forums?
Any future plans, projects etc?
I'll consider dropping all my btc if any anons convince me
Is this coin honestly worth investing into Veeky Forums?
What is the estimated worth eoy?
No, it's not.
between 0.01 and 0.10, right now its at about 0.002usd so a 5x+ is reasonable considering how new it is
meme doge with usage of privacy
if we keep getting people like you investing .1 seems legit
The whales already have 500mm+ they are waiting to dump this into nothingness.
I’ll say that in the podcast the founder admitted to shilling it on Veeky Forums
Pretty obvious when you look at all the shilling that suddenly started last week.
there are only a handful of whales with 100m+ and they have been very responsible so far
marketing is identical to shilling
this is basically Dogecoin 2.0 with privacy. i'm very bullish on it. It's hitting satoshitrader next week and the price will go up 10x-25x next week. i'm long term hodl
They haven't made a GUI for the wallet yet? Whatever, if I can see some tokens I'll dump 1 ETH into this
Of course, why would they dump it when it's not worth anything.
Obviously they will wait until enough idiots fomo into it.
But chances are if you're shilling it you're one of them.
and how does this differ from any other coin, whales always try to drive prices up? and besides, there is an actual community around the coin to keep it from crashing to nothing similar to how doge coin works
They don't let you buy in LTC or ETH so I have to either send LTC over and try to sell it to the 3 people currently buying and selling LTC for a 50% discount OR send BTC and pay ridiculous transfer fees and wait 12 hours.
nah BTC is ok atm my transfer only took like 20 minutes (cost 11 bucks though)
I saw the first thread. The dev gave us a chance to get in before there was even a logo. All the whales are probably /bizies. It's pretty much becoming the /biz coin. Low market cap, fast, user and is backed by memes. I like turtles.
How do you transfer funds to tradeogre?
I did a BTC xfer the other day, was only $7 network fees and confirmed nearly right away. Still sucks to pay that high fee but its not completely unmanagable. Tradeogre is one of the better exchanges I've used honestly.
It started on Veeky Forums. It's well known this is a Veeky Forums coin.
>people in here unironically trying to justify their blatant pump n dump scheme
The same way you transfer funds to any other exchange? View your BTC deposit address and send BTC to it
This isn't a pump and dump, it's a coin that started on Veeky Forums, of course Veeky Forums is going to pay attention to it. The next step is shilling this shit to the normalfaggots on reddit.
was doge a pump and dump?
>tfw could have mined several million but decided to switch to another shitcoin
Which podcast?
thanks just sold 100k
It's a PnD. We all know it is.
The thing is I'm betting the mining software has some trojans in it to scan computers for private keys
I wish slow and steady let us van out 1k now instead of 5k.impossible right now to get to.
Dont fucking do it user. The whales have been accumulating for over a month now. You will make some small gains and then the whales will rape you into oblivion
thanks just logged 100k keys
whale here. If i dumped on the market right now i would only probatly get 20K. But im in it for the long run and so is everyone else
The marketcap is only 4 Mil you fucking idiot. If you think this growth is stopping now then you're retarded. This thing has the momentum of a freight train and it's not stopping any time soon. 50%+ gains every single day this week. 1 sat to 15 currently.
it's probably the fact that I'm on cuckbase
Did i say growth would stop you gronk? Thet want enough growth to suck in idiots like you so they can dump on you
That's fine, by the time that happens there will be too high of a market cap for their dump to do a fucking thing long term.
>implying normies wont panic dump like they have been all month
Rocksteady here, love you all
Listened to the podcast and have to say hearing how cool of a guy you are made me even more bullish
Very worth now giv me turtles im a newbi and mining this shit isnt getting me anywhere
lmao I mined 2.5 million turtlecoin in like a day today i check the difficulty and it's take me like 4 months to mine that at current rates what the fuck did you guys do
Thanks, that means a lot. I was really nervous talking to someone I used to watch on TV
im running the sync right now.
Whats all the shit about a keylogger? I know im late to the party but If I at least make some gas money I'll be happy
also, where can I find the block explorer?
There are people who want to accumulate it while it's ridiculously cheap, spreading a lot of FUD
fuding a coin that is 20 sat? that is next level pajeet
id post pics of my devastated asshole for 100k TRTLS
I want to unironically go all in, good idea or nah?
I literally did at 10 sats
comfy as fuck
where can i check my paper wallet adress you guyz?
trade ogre
give me coins please
Investing money? No.
Investing some PC power to generate free coins? Yes.
It's a pnd, farm until the pump reaches the peak and dump before the pnd group.
somebody please try to make john mcafee tweet about this fucking coin so we can get rich
It'll be some stupid shit, like
"TurtleCoin is the next Dogecoin"
and it will cost 25 BTC... and please pay before he sent his tweet
The true mind can weather all the FOMO and FUD without losing gains.
The true heart can touch the poison of dips without being JUST'd.
Since beginning of crypto, shitcoins thrives in the void, but always yields to legitimate projects.
In the era before the CMC, we believed not in the power of the market cap, but the energy within ourselves. To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable, or you will be FUDed and drop your bags.
This. Why didn't they open LTC markets instead of BTC in the first place? What's the point of trading altcoins to buttcoin these days? Every new shitty exchange opens BTC markets thinking that it's smart and comme il faut, when in reality it's just pure, gross stupidity. You're trading low volume shitcoins, for goodness sake.
legit dev team, good meme marketing potential, useful features. why are you not accumulating this?
Berkshire Hathaway is accumulating
5dollar fee
about 25 minutes tx time
Are you trying to buy for under 100usd or what?
Go to sleep, Rock.
buy TRTL, I need money
Share some wealth, whales! Donate 1M now:
turtle gods donate me some:
Pic related is all the convincing you need to buy it.
>Any future plans, projects etc?
It's a memecoin.
Future plans are shilling and whales slowly selling.