For my money, these are the best two crypto projects out there. For those who think the same as me, how do you see the next few months going down?
VeChain and Icon
If we don't get rich I'm fucking killing myself
new exchanges, partnerships (government, auto, gas and renewable, food, etc) and REBRAND will launch vechain into the top 5 by end of feb
icon will be a slow and steady gainer, korean exchange will be next boost
These two are the reason my bags arent heavy. Also wtc, they will be the next dash imho.
Speaking of that why the fuck isnt dash being shilled non stop on biz?
The hype is dead, man. Wait for the next wave or switch to other hot coins.
This is how crypto is starting to make me feel now every day. This shit is burning me out.
VEN will probably grow quite steadily.
Let’s just stop talking about Vechain. No more topics. It needs to stay a hidden gem, for now.
vechain has a competitor who will win against it but im not naming it because im accumulating
icon is solid as fuck get as many as you can as fast as you can, not owning ICX will be your biggest regret of 2018
Lol vechain a hidden gem? I think your a little late for that one buddy
These are the 2 I have so I hope so. Also your ID color confirms!
Deluded walties
He might mean AMB
>hidden gem with over 3b market cap
ok thx user
vechain is literally the hippest and most aesthetic crypto. not to mention the best partnerships. i'm going back to my fud account now
It's Veeky Forums, no one will really see it
Is PBOC already priced in for VEN? Or are people skeptical of CCK? Also, did his tweet mean they aren't announcing it until Q2?
Both are overpriced pnd
Same with Raiblocks and EOS
Pajeet tier shitcoins need to die
this brainlet thinks modum has a shot of destroying vechain
(OP) #
It's the perfect project, elite coin soon.
It never got it's due until Jan because of timing - China FUD, NDA's, WTC distraction (good coin), and real life solutions aren't as sexy as a fancy name and a trumped up idea / white paper. Hardly anyone realized Vechain was already doing what most coins hope to do "someday" - obtain real enterprise clients to service, solving and streamlining real world challenges. The two year runway they had means they are ready to start producing this year. Nobody knew they were going to do enterprise ICO's. Nobody knew they were going to develop dApps. Nobody knew they, not NEO, were the first preferred blockchain of China. PBOC rumors seemed a joke, like most crypto rumors, until Vechain quietly partnered with jaw dropping "customer creators" - partnering with PWC and DNV and Chinese Govt is like partnering with thousands and thousands of companies.
Yeah, Vechain is the new gold standard of crypto. Only insiders are really seeing 8 bucks 20 bucks 50 bucks this is THE premium blockchain project on the planet, and dirt cheap anything less than 100... which most predict by May once PBOC - IF PBOC - rumor is true.
I'm amazed by how straight that line is despite the booklet being folded
Oh shit
it absolutely couldn't be
VeChain's price doesn't even reflect its current partnerships, they support behind it is already unprecedented compared to other tokens
it's hard to overstate how big it would be for it to be taken over by a national bank, for whatever purpose
The problem with VeChain right now is that their partnerships have huge implications but normies are too stupid to process their significance. DNV GL, PwC, PBoC, some people see those letters and are unfazed but you say VEN is partnering with MTN DEW the same dumb fucker will shit his pants.
They only know about shit they use everyday like Netflix or Starbucks, so PwC doesn't seem relevant at all. They don't know what a fucking accounting firm actually does. They don't know it's the 5th largest private company in the US or that they provide services to 422 of the Fortune 500. You tell them they count the Oscar votes and then suddenly WOOOAAAAAAAHHH fuckin plebs
Look at the response to the DNV-GL livestream. Everyone knew DNV-GL had a partnership, but not the details, to what extant. But them revealing that literally everything would be running off VeChain and the fucking faggots just think "durr I already knew they were partners wheres the big news?"
They should give people an IQ test before they're allowed to buy VEN
0.50$ have been deposited in your account pajeet
Stfu. You arent on the markting discord? If this is Will im going to murder you fgt
very true, perhaps create a VET IQ dApp for that.
I only accept THOR.
Seriously, don't mind this coin stays under radar, accumulating, at some point this is going cold fusion hot that will make Jan look like a pop gun.
I buy amb wtc mod wabi because their CMC is lower
- non-learner
Only coins other than ether I would put money into. Being broke and unable to accumlate fucking sucks. Knowing this will be a top five coin and not having the means of getting it is slowly killing me
why is Walton going up so much? that shit never stops.
it was quiet for a long time, now VEN pulling it in its wake along with the rest of the wanna be's
his happens in every space just happened w privacy run.. Monero / Dash then zCoin then zCL
all coins somewhat related moon the same months
This is actually a pretty solid analysis that I hadn't thought of. Thanks my dude.
Because its market cap was literally $240M 3-4 weeks ago. The China Mobile news is what started it's rally, people finally realized it's not a shitcoin. It's still under $1B but should break it in the next week. WTC WILL be almost as big as VEN except without the showmanship. WTC has always said they care about the product/technology first and foremost and that the money will follow and that's exactly what's happening.
WTC does not have China Mob partnership.
WTC does not have a partner as big as VEN's top 5+.
It's good for both when either go up, but VEN isn't really competing with WTC. WTC will seek rfid niche and Vechain wants to be BAAS+.
Did I say partnership? No I said news you neanderthal.
>Not killing yourself either way
But seriously desu im in the same boat
Negotiations with an affiliate did spike the price.. it was due for a run IMO, match lit