>all the walls disappear at once
really jogs my noggin
>all the walls disappear at once
really jogs my noggin
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yep. was some super manipulation going on the last 48 hours. this will be 75 cents by the end of the day on saturday. primed for a nice 10x from now by the time exchange info and partnerships are announced on the 31st.
This is why I like ED, I can track the wallets. it seems like it's a pump group that was accumulating, you can tell since the wallets are a really diverse group of people.
unironically this
i'm excited for February
they have a partnership announcement on the 30th too ontop of the 31st announcement
Sam really is a hype man
>another supply chain coin
PLUS they are rebranding
this is a US based supply coin, plus they have a pretty good base of tech for things other than supply, they are more logistics
I've never used ED, do I have to register pls shill me a bit
ED is the patriatchian exchange since nobody wants to use it even though any ERC-20 token is automatically listed there after its unlocked, but if you are a crypto newbie I do not recommend using it.
Did they just copy the stratis' logo?
thx user, I'm a newbie but a constant lurker
if you are curious go watch a video how to use it and download metamask
ED/IDEX is top tier for buying moon missions before they hit exchanges
If you're going to try using it. Make sure you leave some eth in your ed wallet, for gas, otherwise you will be left unable to make transactions.
I used it for my first transaction after getting ETH. It's okay
I will research, I'm still trying to understand the ether/gas metamask transaction shit
just been buying and hodl DASH
fuckin lul
i see this shit all the time on ed
I take it that's a fake massive sale?
is this some pre-moon tier shit?
They are listing this weekend on a top 30 exchange, they are announcing a partnership with a neo based project on the 31st
If you're big on neo projects you better be in ary too
Glad i got mine on ED at ICO prices. Whoever it was trying to accumulate, thank you.
the neo project is on the 30th, they have partnerships other than that on the 31st user, read the announcement.
I am a new brainlet. I don't know what NEO is or does let alone have an opinion on it
It's not fake, it's someone mixing up the amount of coins they are buying with the price. That transaction cost him 4eth for a fraction of a 30c coin. Unless they were selling to themselves.
if you are new to crypto I don't recommend low marketcap shitcoins. Thats how you get burned. yes ARY is a great buy right now, but if I wasn't a kind user I could shill you into a bad financial decision like the UFR shills do.
biggest tip I can give you is never EVER buy high.
>you will still buy high regardless because we all made that mistake
just make sure you learn from your mistakes anons
Try and rely on your information as much as possible in choosing coins user, remember both Veeky Forums and Reddit crypto communities are trying to make money off eachother and pajeets.
>rely on your information
thanks senpai
what information is this, the DYOR type?
I was hoping there was some type of impartial online community about crypto butt there seems to be enless spruikers everywhere
so you can track the actual wallets on ED?
I just watch the size and amount of the big orders and seems most disappear before the buy or sell, but I don't watch ETH much
This. I started on bittrex, got lucky in a couple of pumps and got out near the top. Then got cocky, and got dumped on again and again until i had like 7dollars left.
ED is basically a UI for ERC20 wallets trading with eachother via smart contracts.
>I was hoping there was some type of impartial online community about crypto butt there seems to be enless spruikers everywhere
Crypto is literally making money of people buying their stuff and the network effect in action. If I shill 2 people into my coin and they shill 2 people in my coin, etc - you'll end up with a successful coin
Therefore you should NOT base your financial decisions on anonymous people, especially if non-anonymous people scam you in real life.
Use communities to tell you about a coin, then you do your own research.
>I need an easy way to tell if im buying high or low
if a coin is never shilled? low
if a coin has a lot of attention? its high
this is not a zero sum rule, but you need to by default think in those 2 terms and need to be convinced otherwise by doing research.
watch videos that explain to you what blockchain tech is and start reading whitepapers if you want to learn.
Also watch a video on TA so you can spot patterns in crypto.
kek I have been down 70% at two points in crypto too, it's when you think you're the wolf of wall street you always get BTFO
good to know man, I've been very careful about accounts and I'll do my research
been lurking since November and never felt more comfy/ I love this shit
I've almost become an insomniac because I can't stop reading, TA is kinda witchcraft but it's good to know everything you can, no such thing as too much education
I only started with 120 just to mess around with, then lost it all fomoing. Lady luck smiled apon me when i got airdropped some egold, and it was actually worth something, 1200AUD at some point, but i had no eth to transfer it to ED. Luck stiked again, and some generous soul sent me 15 bucks worth if eth. By the time i got it to ed it was only 300 bucks. But i turned that 300 into 12k before the crash.
>I've almost become an insomniac because I can't stop reading, TA is kinda witchcraft but it's good to know everything you can, no such thing as too much education
TA is not witchcraft
learn how to read a chart
that says exactly what i said, nothing about neo on 30th +additional 31st
Man I really hope this does at least 5x. Got in at .32 and have really been digging deep to not FOMO onto INT or TRAC.
calm down
I just meant the anons drawing lines and creating symbols to predict the future on charts, I study them 16-18 hours a day since mid December
this market is all speculation and any attempt at prediction is futile, you can make an educated guess and combine that with experience and gut feeling and you will still be lucky to get a moon call right much less a small pump over 30 minutes
Bitcoin corrected to the MA 50 line rode up that and when it broke that it corrected to the MA 100 line.
Some people are bad at TA, but if you know what you're looking for TA is massively helpful is deciding where to buy/sell. Keep in mind TA isn't just drawing lines, you have to know how to read charts
wtf? Where did all my Ary go? I had 1200 on IDEX, went to change wallet, used metamask, but then it says I don't have it installed (I do) and kicked me back to my first wallet but now I have no ary.
Good fucking god there it is. What the fuck. Just disappeared randomly. Almost gave me a heart attack. This crypto shit is not good for my health.
>tells a newbie to learn ta
Dont have a pepe evil enough to reply with
>crazy, crazy gains
I knew it.
Oh and blockarray is dogshit, they have a three man team and their mobile app was originally made without blockchain in mind. This shit was just slapped onto it because its the current tech hype.
If you want to see what a proper logistics and enterprise blockchain team looks like, go take a look at Ambrosus or Origin Trail.
Blockarray is in the extreme early stage of product development. The mobile app existing is a nice bonus, but thats about it.
>If you want to see what a proper logistics and enterprise blockchain team looks like, go take a look at Ambrosus or Origin Trail.
kek. get out of here dummy nobody is going to buy your bags especially when ARY is literally about to moon this week due to the upcoming hype
You obviously have not read the whitepaper, not have you seen they hired 5 more people. nor have you used their app.
I say that as a huge fan and investor in logistics blockchain projects. I wish there was more to blockarray but its just really barebones at the moment.
I am not sure how they managed to get into the BITA group, except that they are one of the very few us based projects.
Shipchain, when it goes public, will blow this out of the water.
you unironically have not read the whitepaper nor have you seen the Github
>I am not sure how they managed to get into the BITA group
maybe because there's more to it than you thought you saw, especially because they already have partnerships annoucements
Shut the fuck up you dumb little faggot. I am smarter than you and much more wealthy. Sit the fuck down and be educated.
ARY having its walls pulled suddenly means its a manipulated coin. It was scooped up massively by a group of people working together. YES it will pump. Then it will dump and flatline until industry adoption can be confirmed.
Compare it to existing blockchain tech that already has had pilot programs with their corporate partners. ARY has nothing going on for it and wont have anything significant to show for it for at least 1 year or more.
>Shipchain, when it goes public, will blow this out of the water.
please don't speak against a project unless you know what you're talking about. Even the whales admit its a good buy Anyway screencapped when you get BTFO
Weren't the devs buying it up as well?
I sure hope they weren't colluding with the whales
why can't devs buy their own coin? it's not like they have bad news to share plug they'd obvious be in for the Long Hodl
Sam bought ADA at 2 cents and he's still holding
Sam and the whole team have their ARY vested for years. They can't touch that shit. But they can buy up any that ends up on on DEXs. Sam and the team wanna moon too, but their contract prevents them outside of accumulation. Don't see anything wrong with it