Well its pretty obvious this is going to moon tonight...
Well its pretty obvious this is going to moon tonight
Proof or fuck off Rajpoot
ven chain is a wanna be waltone coin
Its been moving sideways for the whole day AHHHH
This isn't mooning tonight VEN is ideal for holding
120k buy wall pffft
I'm all in , take me to venhalla
OP is right
we're on the 2nd wave (downwards) of an upwards trend, after the abc correction from ATH. buy now, it's the lowest it'll ever be. if you don't believe me, check out the 825 ETH bid on Binance.
dump this scam cone before to late
you been warn
smart chink scam dumb american wit this cone
You bought VEN high when you were supposed to buy XRB low, didn't you?
although it probably won't "moon tonight". but new ath coming in
What would even be considered a moon for this coin?
A 2X would be ideal.
for me that's 12
pretty comfy
Fuck up linkie. Normies dont deserve this shilling anymore
whats a good buy in price?
anything under $50
>3 billion mcap
nigga TA dont mean nothing, VEN moves based on announcements. No announcements no nothing. Im waiting for a conservatively estimated 6.75$ dip to buy back.
look at the fucking buy walls for the ETH pairing on binance
You really think this won't be 100B mcap end of year? You uneducated retard.
I honestly think if it isn't 200B MCAP by the end of the year it won't even be 5B. It's value is either recognized in June or it isn't as valuable as we think.
>tfw ripple went bonkers
I just dont understand how people think that Vechain won't moon. You are assuming this is a short term hold and that the market cap of crypto remains the same. It has a really good chance to have a strong ROI long term
There's a better chance of it hitting 1 trillion mcap by end of year than staying at 5B
Chink coin that brings nothing new has been pumped too high already, correction is coming
Shut the fuck up
noven detected
>this is as low as it's gonna get, buy now
>this is as low as it's gonna get, buy now
>this is as low as it's gonna get, buy now
>please neck me from chin to collar
t. that oldfag boomer everyone got so angry at during the Big Pump for pointing out the obvious about VEN.
Yall attacked me cos I don't know shit about blockchain.
Well I sure don't. But I knew this coin was going back to $7 and you didn't, FOMO'ing like a buncha kids.
My wheezy duty old laugh is sweet music to my loyal wife and loving grandkids, u premature-ejaculating infants
drink it up I got more to say
And I'll keep my Reddit spacing cos THAT'S HOW I SPACE MY SHIT
These idiots bought at ATH and are shilling here in a desperate attempt to stop it from bleeding
Go to bed grandpa.
Exactly, and I warned em all night long, 22 posts I left, I was literally the only man in the room holding it down for the basics: 1) Don't buy at ATH; 2) Don't FOMO in. These youngsters wouldn't even hear that China is corrupt, greed turned them into Maoists that eve, saddest sight I've seen since 1987
Are you the same faggot that thinks the evil chinese are going to steal our coins?
Pls moon
You're damn right that's me, that's how little I know about blockchain, I literally know fuck-all about it, and yet I'm still making money off this shit while your mooncoin is back down where it started before you ever met me
If only you'd listened to the "retard" grandpa
You're mistaken. I didn't buy during the FOMO, I bought early December when I discovered this coin. I am not selling until at least Jan 2019 for tax reasons. You're FOMO advice is solid, but that doesn't mean you should be proud of your ignorance.
He's a boomer. Being proud of his ignorance is what he does.
ur an expert, tell us everything ven does and explain all their working partnerships
aint sellin this bitch till atleast $30, march latest
So Bob Thomas.. ur sayin ya bought back in? Forgiven
I'm not proud of my ignorance, I'm proud of the money I've made on your shit. I don't know how an iPhone works either but Apple stock did just fine for me.
You're right to be proud for your tech knowledge, but if you're one of the hundreds of kids that FOMO'd in at the ATH that night, you know fuck-all about investing.
Anyone over 30 could see that this coin was going back to $7.
It'll go back up, I'm certain of it, but it could be a while.
Thanks just bought 100k
I bought in at $5 and didn't spend a penny more during the pump. I'm not selling either. There's more money to be made on VEN, but I'm going to be careful with this Chinese shit.
so you predict a dip or correction.. genius. the issue is you don't know when VEN is going to stop. Many "waited for correction" at 2 3 4 5 6 and it never came now they are buying at a previous ATH had they just bought sat ANY OF THOSE ATH they would be thrilled. Btw, it's going > 10 very quickly. Genius gramps.
90% of the time "as low as its gonna get" is bullshit, because the price FLUCTUATES.
But someone is more than halfway finished buying 1 million dollars worth of VEN right now. They clearly don't think it's correcting much further.
if you're broke as fuck yeah go ahead and gamble on small caps but if you have any substantial capital vechain is the business. Safest profits in crypto 2018
becuSe you are a boomer, you wrecked our country and haven't realized the Chinese are going to win this race yet.
This is such a gay larp. Get a hobby or something kid
Sure, sometimes coins hit ATH and keep going, but I always stick to the fundamentals no matter what: never FOMO in at the ATH. I swear, the last few posters here are acting like that's new info that I just invented, as if it even has to be defended. Google it kids
China is bootleg as fuck. have u ever actually been there? That entire society is held together with duct-tape and every last millionaire has one foot in Orange County or Toronto
Except you couldn't be more wrong.
Ven announcement : down 3%
Another anNouncment : pump 5%, back down to mean
Absolutely nothing announced : moon
not a bad plan, I would agree on 98 percent of coins. this one can't be missed, even with suboptimal entry. good luck friend
Yep, massive market to get rich on. Which we will.
this may be the gayest larp I've seen yet
"I'm gonna go pretend to a crypto granpda on an imageboard for autists" please unironically neck yourself
I wish you good luck as well; this coin is going to make us all money I believe, eventually
Back on the Big Pump night I never said my age; people just started calling me a Boomer over and over, probably cos I don't try to use all of the Veeky Forums slang
Hey old fagget suprime whats up.
Hows the diabeetus?
You type and sound like such an old man that people on a Mongolian basket weaving forum can tell how old you are through text.
Let that sink in.
It just sank in and it hurts
Dude how long you going to larp as an old man. This shit is great though we keep crossing dicks on ven threads.
You come off as so salty and confused its too perfect.
I'm not getting any younger so I guess forever, for better or worse
Spot on brother.
whats the worst part about getting old? is it the constant confusion/disorientation? Does the world seem scary and dangerous to you? Do you think about how brittle and delicate you are?
$1000 in ~5 years cucks
I'm scared & confused for you kids, it's true-- if you've been on a board dedicated exclusively to crypto-trading for more than 48 hours and you still FOMO in at the ATH en masse? Trust me, the Chinese filling your bags are just as confused as I was