Who else going in 100% KYS coin if Link fails
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link is dead. there is hope user. come to the good side. it's safe in the shell
Yes, 20k here
I’m all in
Im 100% in Mobius. kys linkie
70k link
in all the time ive been holding i could have retired with other coins by now
haha just fuck my fucking life up senpai
If you in mobius its basically the same as kys coin
mobius so much faster than link. Mobius also partner with WTC amazing project. Who do you deluded linkies partnered with again? lol yea thats I thought
I'm pretty deep in LINK. There's no other coin I really believe in as much. If it fails, I'm definitely not going to make it.
Yeah they have that saying about eggs and baskets.
But fuck it. make or break. I have no money invested in crypto anyway. Its all mining earnings through the years and trading.
I wont be out anything other then dreams if link fails
I have 10k link here.
im living in my car with all of my money in link. if this fails i probably will be living on a park bench after my car gets repo'd
Get fucked pajeets, never buying fagius
Link is going to fail, but you shouldn't kill yourself because of that. Pull out, lick your wounds and keep going.
Learn some english so you can take your shilling to the next level
50k Links and haven't worried one fucking bit. Why does everyone seem so weak handed when most of you know how fucking solid this thing is.
>hurr hurr muh partnership
It's all Pajeet fud tonight, they woke up not too long ago and have been shilling mobius in every link thread.
>most of you know how fucking solid this thing is.
surely you don't actually think these kids know anything, most of them have been here ~1 month and bought the meme
Please, sirs, a moment of your time:
Fucking explain to me how link will fail you stupid pajeet
Will have worldwide usage
Plug in to all platforms
Solves Oracle problem
Nodes better then your shitcoin
Oh partnership with SWIFT
Oh you have a partnership with another shitcoin, fucking wow weeee fag boy
only got 5k link. could have made tripe the profits i made on cardano at .05 cents
When link makes it I’ll just kill myself for fun then pay the doctors straight cash to revive me. Just so this repeatedly with my fuck you money
>2020 5k link= $750 000 - $1millon
You will be ok user
Fucking explain to me how Sergey will pull off any of the shit you just listed.
There has been radio silence for almost two months now.
say it with me.
I've got mobi and link. Mobi will get the chinese partnerships seems like. Link will hopefully pull through on the rest. We shall see.
Because this a real company you fudge packer, unlike all these attention seeking whore coin, chainlink is professional and will not throw out bs announcements unlike everything 100%in place, you watch faggot, It will all come at once.
And no, link will most probably be user case for all platforms. Mobius is just nothing compared to chainlink, I'm sorry if you don't see that
>untill everything is 100% in place
You're financing the car that you're loving in?
How do you do this? Where do you park? Can't park at walmarts here
yes. not sure if they have some tracking system that knows where my car is or not. if they do im fucked
>chainlink is professional and will not throw out bs announcements unlike everything 100%in place
I've been listening this for a long long time until now. Please God make it right, im motherfucking all in on this shit. There is no chance to be wrong here. Ffs, help me.
ive never been bothered anywhere so far but mostly i stay in walmart parking lots cause people told me i should be able to stay there and so far they have been right. ive also stayed at the local lake parking areas and at the local park.
>5k linklet here
>My plan for success.
>I don't expect Link will reach more than $200
I want to sell about 2k 4Q EOY. The price should be $25-$100. I will buy a s9 antminer and start mining alt coins. I will research and invest in good ICOs or small market cap coins and dump them a couple of months later after 2x-5x gains, aka coin flipping.
OK user, listen here, unlike all these shitcoin like mobius that have been working on blockchain technology for maybe 3years top, chainlink smartcontracts have been in the game since 08, pretty much the start. Who are you going to bet on user?
How much linkies do you own? I would suggest getting a gym membership, like planet fitness $10 a month, for the showers. Maybe register at community college just to get an ID and hang out at the library computers all day.
failing is not an option for link, this will only happen if the world doesn't adopt smart contracts, which is impossible
hell I might do it anyway lol
It is really you?
Why mine shitcoins when you can pool your linkies?
I've been accumulating for over 2 months. Currently at 85k linkies.
almost 10k stinkies
already have a free gym membership and i am registered at a cc actually for 1 class. and yea i sit in the library fucking around, reading, browsing biz, sleeping and looking at qts all day.
paranoid that it will be the next LIIIIIIIIIIIINKKKKCONNEEEEEEEECT
Mining could generate nice passive income. If I were to hypothetically have a million bucks, I would look towards real estate and getting rent money, than making money from nodes.
You will make it brah.
Some whales are trying so hard to push the price down, that huge sell order didn't seem to trigger many stop losses so I hope he lost his fucking money
hodling 40k, this shit better make me rich
>exactly the same portfolio as mine
There is a difference between drumming up hype on Twitter and communicating with investors, giving actual progress updates instead of telling us what we already know once every two months.
A real company? A real company doesn't act so unprofessional. Any company in the real world worth $30m would have hired a proper team within a month, not say they are only just starting the process months later.
It's a joke and if you think otherwise you're delusional
If it were an IPO instead of an ICO the sec would be all up sergeys cayman islands registered ass.
Whales sell to themselves
Why would they cut their position to drive prices down?
guys please, link will have competition and they will do it better. Link is not the answer just sell your bags while you can still get out.
If you are riding the pump and dumps thats one thing but if you are INVESTED in this coin you will not be a happy camper/
It's gonna be ok goys.
I just saw Santa Klaus sitting on the stage with the God Emperor himself at the WEF.
Best timeline
That's if you even chose the right coins. You chose LINK ffs
huge dip, seems like a good buy
No, because I didn't all in, but no one has reason to fud unless they're impatient faggots. Sergey is speaking at the BT Superconference and speaking with the Co-Founder of fucking Docusign at South By Southwest, in addition to having worked with SWIFT, Air Jules, Evan Chan, written about by Gartner, CapGemini, and that huge Indian IT company. You don't get that kind of recognition/connections and not go anywhere.
I just consider all my LINKs locked away in a safe, waiting for the prophecy to play out.
Did you see the interview where mobius was asked about their expected future marketcap? Tens of trillions of dollars apparently!
Link it please, user.
4:20, 10:55 is also a gem
Nice! So even if link can get to 1/10 Mobius market cap I’ll still be worth millions
Jesus fucking christ... I refuse to believe anyone actually shilling for this fucking thing is serious for a even a split second.
I like the shitposting and FUD we post but this Mobius shit is just fucking dumb. You compare the way these clowns talk to the way Sergey talks and it is just beyond a joke how ridiculous the comparison is.
holy fuck...those mobius cucks
They probably pay pajeets .01 Mobius per post
when the fucking mainnet?
Opinions on good buy zones?
My TA is suggesting 3500 - 4000 sats is a nice buy zone. thoughts?
Are we sure he's talking about Mobius' market cap, or data collection's market cap?
And fuck, he's one squeaky jew.
>3 random guys
>CEO a philosophy major
>"this a real company"
this 'bout the level of grammar expected from stinky "investor"
>I just consider all my LINKs locked away in a safe, waiting for the prophecy to play out.
You are not a fucking investor. The team does not care 2 shits about you or me. And I am fucking fine with that. They focus on big players, actual fucking companies who help further the tech and form solid partnerships.
I'd be more worried if Sergey actually took 2 hours a day to talk to neckbeards with their 500 link holdings
I’m with you. I would actually be happy if they were completely unaware of our presence
I bought at 15c. Is everyone here a retard who bought ath?
this. i just want a piece of the cake. we're super early though. i bought ico and pre sibos, stored them in my ledger and never sold a single link. i guess 250k is enough to make it
Jealous of your stack. I’m a poorfag just trying to make it to at least 10k before I let it chill in storage
>Coin gets shilled.
>Ignored by most, some listen.
>Coin stays at a low price for a while. Plenty of time to buy.
>Coin shoots up.
>I... is it to late to get in on coin?
>People fomo at ath.
>Coin corrects but still way up from when it was shilled.
>Reeeeee shitcoin it fucking crashed hard, coin is dead!!
>Veeky Forums
up to 6500, we're going well over 10k soon
People who were in on the crowdsale are not investors? Fucking idiot.
You're just a delusional bag holder trying to rationalize completely unprofessional behaviour from the 2 man team worth 30m plus another couple hundred million from the tokens they have in reserve.
If you send them an email they’ll answer what they can.
They’ve been working on bigger parnerships, and will announce them together with the simplified main net coming Q1. That’s coming from them.
What do you want? Tron tier teenage posting? Or do you want to be on a board of directors?
Okay we should stop memeing newfags into LINK. We had our fun, but with great power comes great responsibility. LINK IS A MEME! CUT YOUR LOSSES AND GTFO!
You have been warned.
Kek be with you, future millionaire
Dude, I was randomly browsing the chainlink slack a few weeks ago and saw the weirdest thing. Sergey and Rory were having a barbecue. Just a barbecue, nothing else. They were eating sausages. And the chatroom was full of people who were tipping left and right. And suddenly someone donated 200 tokens ($20.99) and says 'show pussy pls'. A minute later he donated 500 tokens ($44.99) and says 'show pussy'. 30 seconds later 1000 tokens ($79.99) and 'pussy'. Then, finally, Sergey stood up and flashed his pussy for a second. Then they banned him. What the fuck?
Link will be the world currency next week. A dev insider told me this.
>You have been warned
haha, perfectly described!!
>tfw stinky linkies have missed so many damn giga moon missions while holding this brapp coin
>tfw I dumped my link bags when stellar made that partnership with IBM back when it was 1 cent in october
>tfw 70x'd while linklets get nothing
soo funny user XDDDD
wtf, tron 2.0
>ChainLink 40k
damn normans listen up if you ever doubted the most chad token chainlink these stanford larpers have turtles in their asses
Fucking hell, what a cringefest.
First I was mildly annoyed by the way Sergey communicates, but after watching shit like this I simply cannot be thankful enough.
And they way they both have their little Stanford shirts on.
Any time a dev starts making wild estimates of his own product's market cap, run for the fucking hills.
>mobius so much faster than link
This makes zero sense.
Keep broadcasting your ignorance.
"data is the new oil"
"data is the new oil"
"data is the new oil"
kill me
Kek. How does anyone take this shit seriously?
Notice how Chainlink isn't putting out a fancy roadmap only to fail to meet its deadlines like 99% of attention-seeking shitcoins out there.
Notice also how massive partnerships and collaborations (BNP Paribas, Santander, ZeppelinOS, ...) are systematically announced by the partner/collaborator first, and only then confirmed by Chainlink.
This is how legit operations work.
It's funny how 99% of people here don't get how huge just the partnership with ZeppelinOS is going to be
You turtle shills don't deserve dubs.