Do you have what it takes to shill Veeky Forums? Come join our d_scord: d7Bspt
We're all gonna make it brahs.
Do you have what it takes to shill Veeky Forums? Come join our d_scord: d7Bspt
We're all gonna make it brahs.
3 upfiring has been put in your account sir. Thank you
>Tired of being dumped on every fucking time?
This group is democratic, we make decisions together and noone is in earlier than others
>Want to be able to decide the direction your coin is going?
Coordinated shilling of coins with very little marketing will bring them to the light and make more people buy them, and if you are in early you will make money.
>Scared to try such a thing in case you will lose your money?
Add the coin to your watchlist on blockfolio and just stay in the group and see what happens, then when you are convinced you will make gains, hop on!
There is atleast one thread each day with someone complaining that Veeky Forums should get together in a combined effort to make money together. This is your chance user.
You should listen to OP. I've been in the group from day one and i can tell you that it is so different from pump and dump groups. In one week we have managed to raise the price of our chosen coin from 2k satoshis to the ATH of 19k. Our purpose isn't to get rid of the coin when it hits a specific price. We want to see how far we can make the market cap, support a good project and make gains in the way. If all us anons get together, we can land in the moon and get lambos for all of us. You will not regret joining us ;).
To be honest I was skeptical at first and thought it was a pump and dump group where a couple guys at the top profited from all the others in the group.
But then the coin went 100% in less than two days and it wasn't dumped back down or below the original price.
People seem really chill, discussing the focus and other coins and whatever you wanna discuss, and admins seem to be fair and maintain the channel.
I also thought that it had some sort of premium but the only thing that's asked of you is a minute a day.
Literally no none on this board falls for this shit
you UFR shill fags are pathetic
Everything mooned during that time period, even Confido.
>This is your chance
>you should listen to OP
>to be honest I was skeptical at first
Jesus this is like the automated messages on the sites asking for surveys. They should give you guys better scripts
Real friendly community, GREAT coin picks and we can show you our results (about 500% so far), so what are you waiting for?
Wonderful. /pol/ brought over the falseflagging shitposts that infected their board with them. Fuck off.
This group is 100% legit, i have made serious gains already and it will be a LOT more by the end of this month. The admins are great and i fully believe they just want everybody to make gains, they are not in it just for themselves like alot of other discord groups. Focus coins are voted for by the members so everyone has the same opportunity.
This is NOT a pump and dump group, no sell signals, no buy signals, no set price targets
>Wonderful. /pol/ brought over the falseflagging shitposts that infected their board with them. Fuck off.
Not fooling anyone nigger, have some shill points.
Just join brahs, even to just try it out for a few days.
We'll go to the moon for sure.
Hahaha ufr scamgroup need new pajeet.
>Not fooling anyone nigger, have some shill points.
Keep talking like /pol/ cancer, faggot.
Back to the discord group, pajeet: You've been found out.
Protip: People have been saying nigger on Veeky Forums since October 1st, 2003.
I'll give you more pointers for eth donations, you get that one for free though.
Please join sirs
I have family to feed...
Just bought 100k UFR. Where do i pick up my good boy shill points?
>implying I'm part of a discord
Stop bumping the thread.