This is the conclusion I came to as well after reading the PBOC Deputy's paper.
This is the conclusion I came to as well after reading the PBOC Deputy's paper
Which is funny because people were parading it around as proof that the PBOC rumor was false when in reality it's the most concrete evidence we have that it is in fact true. It really didn't make that much sense before.
Biggest news and partnership in crypto coming I can't believe it. Buying as much as I can.
rc cola man plz confirm
been buying every dip, shh
SOMEONE IS BUYING 1.3 MILLION VEN stocking up good gawd
I was expecting more diverse responses. Differing opinions, other takes and whatnot. I did not expect a general "Yes".
I'm out of FUD, we WTC tried everything, if you can't beat em join em I ain't missing this andromeda run
You shit skins are brighter than I thought.
Most of these people are taking what we say at face value. I bet most of them haven't even read the paper themselves, just saw CCK like someone's tweet. The fact that this place is still better than most of the internet just goes to show how shit the internet is.
the problem is, that CCK has been right every time. I will laugh at you guys if he is wrong but.. I ain't gonna put my neck on the line until he is.
Well at least I had some feedback on it. I'm sure someone will post this on reddit in a few hours like it's some kind of hot new rumor instead of speculation from just connecting a few dots.
wtc/ven partnership soon
i literally thought this was a copypasta from reddit
you need to reverse that order
possible, based on ven CEO saying he sees potential partners not competitors.
so the PBOC is saying China is partnering with VEN?
>holy shit
i missed the first moon mission. only have 30 VEN. about to trade all my ETH for VEN
Is that good
$1000 in ~5 years cucks //
No. PBoC owns Vechain.
Even without this Vechain has made arguably the largest partnerships in this space ever and they are still rolling out. If these dots truly connect like they appear this may bee a growth the likes of which the world has never seen before ETH levels
I just don't understand how it's possible. I've seen people post on here before about having 100,000 VEN. If this thing goes to $1,000 a coin, that's an insane amount of wealth some random commoner can acquire.
Please... buy ...only ... chance ...
I have about 2k USD in ICX
when do I sell for ven? Never?
Haha so ur one of those guys "how can the price go so high because then people will be rich".
Let me tell you a secret. 90% or more of those people will sell way way way before that point.
But some people hold yes. Look at neo. Look at ethereum. There are people who bought a shit load at $5 and are now rich. So? That's capitalism.
I think it could make ETH look like a shitcoin.
Long term, yes. VeChain is poised to survive this volatile cuck market. Accumulate enough that will allow you to retire at a price of $1,000 per ven then forget about it for 5 years.
spoon feed this to me. Vechain confirmed 1 trillion marketcap?
I don't understand the logic, even my mom made a killing off Facebook stock, had no idea what stocks were, but she joined Facebook.
Jim Breyer (Facebook investor at 7 employees) is ironically a Vechain guy that is what sold me
People who bought and held eth and btc below 10$ never thought they would be super rich either...
Give it a LONG LONG LONG LOOOOONG time. But possible.
Thats what always brings me back, sure, people like him make bad decisions occasionally and things dont work out. But Breyer is a massive green flag and makes me feel confident.
There was an interview with him where he compares VeChain as potentially being able to have the same impact on relevant industries that facebook had on social media...
thats what happens when we take the money from these banks and put them back in the hands of the people we are the new 1%
.. Oh. shit
This is the most intelligent thing I've read on the internet all day. Generally I come to Veeky Forums for the memes but diamonds like this emerge from the rough every-so-often
um guys
Hahaha and the price has been flat or downtrending ever since, that's just so VEN
I only hold 150 VEN.
The thought of becoming well-off from NEO level growth is pretty hilarious, but at least believable.
The thought of almost making it with ETH level growth is absurd.
The thought of becoming a millionaire from BTC level growth is...
he just tweeted this a few minutes ago
Ah, I was thinking the time was EST cos brainlet. Perhaps this wouldn't be a bad time to buy a little drop of VEN
cos i cbf figuring it out, if this goes to $50 what would its market cap be
What the fuck did I buy here, what is this Chinese magic gumdrop
ETH level is completely reasonable if you play the long game.
we're all going to make it venbros
proud of you
$1,000 = 400b market cap
$500 = 200b market cap
$250 = 100b market cap
$125 = 50b market cap
$62.5 = 25b market cap
so ~$25 is probably peak
People need to understand that the lines between "state owned" and "private" in China are very fucking blurry in just about every industry. It's entirely possible that the state owns most of Vechain's nodes and thus is comfortable using it.
is there a chance Sunny is CCK
shoot me str8
after that last tweet im starting to think so lmao
Could someone convert the tweet into plain language for us brainlets?
As shit of a coin as it is I wouldnt put it past Sunny tocsee potential where others cant. Possible.
Chink gvt only needs to own 51% of nodes to make vechain do whatever it wants. Thats already been accomplished.
Now imagine worldwide adoption of a smart contract and ledger platform that the chinese are able to influence at will. Its a wet dream that is coming true for chinese gvt.
Nobody understands the implications of majority nodeholders being one entity.
A safe bet until massive money begins entering crypto again and raises mcap overall.
Holy shit, does this mean Vechain IS THE OFFICIAL chain of IOT Alliance?!?!?
>drops 15%
Oh VEN, never change.
You have seen.
Sorry to beg but could somebody just spell the significance of this tweet out for me? No one on twitter seems to be able to convert it into plain language
wtf is IOT Alliance?
Thanks just bought 100k
Google it, crazy big names
Hahaha i shifted some ETH into VEN the moment the tweet got posted here without even knowing what the tweet meant, just figuring there could be moon action, and of course the price is already down
you wanna operate in Choyna IOT Alliance joo better use Vechain?!?
thx CCK we love ya
The alliance of IOTs
shoutout to OP for not giving it away in the title
common trend with china coins is whenever news breaks they get dumped for some reason. probably to counteract a pump and keep the price stable is my guess.
the pump follows the news after 2 or 3 days
That's cool, I plan on holding this strange gem for two years if necessary
You literally can't lose with this coin.
Look at the fucking CTO. 100 relevant patents
I have an inclination that Sunny is filling one of these positions
these vencucks will say anything
Don't believe them
I have 40% of my position in VEN , so i am definitely believing in it
Delusional... i am not
This will be lucky to ever pass $50
Do not question my word vencucks , you are giddy children... i am rational
Jeeeesh if true he's be the only blockchain rep there.
Setting expectations low is a key to happiness
I support your delusion
>I have 40% ven
>I have x ven
>I own ven
>t. ven owner
how to spot a waltcuck
real VEN believers make it 80-100% of their position