Is this an accurate portrayal of the cryptocurrency community?
Is this an accurate portrayal of the cryptocurrency community?
Where on the graph does he fit
Fixed it
nigga this is too fucking accurate
jfl at thinking chad is below you
Boomers should be second to last.
Dumbest chart that I've seen in a while. Institutional money doesn't have a large position in anything that isn't BTC, because everything else has too small of a market cap, and is too illiquid to bother with. Once the market cap grows, then they'll enter with larger positions, as liquidity will have improved accessibility by then.
Fixed it
>roger ver/bitcoin cash
Where's the Pajeets? Where's the Veeky Forumsinessmen?
kek I was thinking the same thing
No but this is a fairly close shot at what the end of next year could look like.
Satoshi Nakamoto obviously.
>institutional money doesn't have a large position
I was about to say he forgot pajeets
nice work anons
fucking kek, perfect
instead of the last chad it should be carlos saying awssa wassa wassaaaaaa
except Black Bitcoinnect guy should be driving and pulling all the others while recording his youtube video
Oh boy, this it it
Cut boomers out entirely and put Veeky Forums behind "real investors"
>Pajeets before biz
It was a pajeet who made that wasnt it?
I don't know where else to put them.
They're kinda in the corner trying to get in but are ignored
this is more accurate i guess
add Carlos Matos
Institutional investors control the altcoin market
You think it's just basement dwelling chinks and koreans who got in early making moves? Nope. It's institutional money with decades experience in Stock markets. Especially Chinese markets.
The fox is every nocoiner going muh tulips, muh ponzi, muh bubble.
fixd pajeets
>he doesnt realise who the real satoshi nakamoto is.
I'll give you a hint, rearrange the letters in Bogdanoff and reply when yoy figure it out
Boomers and Normies hate Bitcoin Cash. Whales should be the one hooking Bitcoin Cash, not Boomers.
Epic thread