As a Jew, happening upon this website today has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life

As a Jew, happening upon this website today has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.

I used to think that the left was exaggerating about the level of racism out there. Sure, I've always known about the underlying biases and prejudices that white people have. Part of being Jewish is being faced with those realities every day.

But this level of bigotry and outright vitriol towards myself and my family merely because of the race we were born into?

It truly is sickening to realize that there are people like this out there in the world. I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are.

I can definitely say that my drive to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters against bigotry and white supremacy is stronger than ever, so thank you for showing me today who you truly are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off oven dodger

kike cunt faggot hitler was right

"bagel bagel holocaust circumcision"

Unironically, OP is right


I like Larry David.


Revelation 2:9
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

gb2/pol/ shill

we're trained experts in spotting a fake narrative

wtf bro. we're not racist. look climb in here and i'll show you


Nice pasta

my grandad killed whiney bitches like you

go post this in /pol/ we are trying to make money here

You guys already control the banks. Calm the fuck down.

In my experience on this site, pleasant each time more than the last, I've found that the racial/anti-semetic/prejudicial comments are made by anons that are either A)Trolling, or B)Sincere in their bigotry.

But, this board has made me hundreds of thousands and I need the money.

I am mixed race and I don't let it cut deep. Maybe try to keep in mind it's not 'White people', but truly fucking everyone that is capable of being an asshole deep down.


and good luck with being sensitive.

>not recognizing kosher pasta

You should be gassed as well

Fuck me I want insult you so bad, by our God told me not to hate on you. But has promised you will have your judgement day and are doomed to wonder the earth for ever for what your people have done why you think it has been so hard to keep just one Jewish state? , and yes it is your choice to be a jew, can always convert or just stop believing altogether. You done fucked up for making sure those Romans crucified that carpenter.

Dude we should all be fucking gassed.

We all suck equally...

While we're all going to hell tho, know any good jokes for OP's sake?

Kill yourself kike. Rat faced hebrew filth.

>jew is a race

You're the ones who cause all this. If your kind would just bugger off to Israel and leave white people the fuck alone instead of dedicating yourselves to destroying our culture with faggot shit and trying to wipe us out with nigger invasions and screwing us over constantly with your banks and opiate industry schemes there would be no problem. I wish the Romans had knocked over your temple entirely back in the day and erased you like so many other shit tier bronze age tribes.

yeah i love that part.

I fucking love Veeky Forums bro.

Who gives af if yall wanna gas me you dudes are funny

nigga u gay

Israel sure seems to think Jew is a race buddy. They sterilize nigger jews or deport them but athiest ashkenazis are welcome any day.

jew is not a race, kike

Fuk u

>If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are
>oh why do they hate me so

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

open borders and multiculturalism for Israel

Jew is a race retard. Plenty of atheist Jews. If anything the atheist ones are usually the worst ones. At least the orthodox ones are very obviously Jewish and can't go crypto as easily.

>I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are.

Then FUCKING LEAVE. Go to Israel and don't come back. If whitey is so fucking awful and hateful and a beast then you're a God damned fool for living in a white country. GTFO and never come back if you feel that way.

White racist? we all know the jews are the only ones that want everyone else to be gone, fuck you won't even intermarriage with other religions, even fucking Muslims will do that, fuck Jews are the only people who want total annihilation of all other people

traitors get gassed first, unironically

Lol. A jew talking about racism. That's very (((rich)))

Jew is a race dumbass, what you think they are just Russians with a different religion?

This is bait. Jews aren't even allowed on this entire website's domain. If this isn't bait, then throw the jew down the well so my country can be free

I say that too but really, they can't leave. They have to live in goy nations so they have goyim to scam and goy children to diddle. The only time these fucking sick fuckers ever get prosecuted for something is when they Jew another Jew. That is why in the end we need a final solution.

Go jerk off Shapiro and his sister. Do you still believe in conservative jews?

And yet it's not racist that in your eyes I'm just some goyim, made to be a slave to the jewish race? Unironically neck yourself.

>Hanz... get the luger

they are

This, couldn't have said it better thanks user

we should have left you to all be gas by germany.


st8 b8 m8

You should be focused on bigger concerns, we've conquered every frontier there is with incredible success. The minor inconvenience your race has served to present itself over the last few centuries; are another simple hurdle we leap over as we push the boundaries of science, technology, culture and civilization.

And now currency. The only leg up you had.

>we all suck equally
Prove it.

I love jews. Not everyone a bigot, user.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>his people killed #1 coolest dude ever
>cool guys friends make a book telling everyone what they had done and how cool and awesome this guy was
>book becomes #1 book of all time
>expects people to just get over it and like his people now even though they call cool guys mother a whore
>his people still looking down on cool guys followers

You were already trying to destroy us. The only difference between us and everyone else is that we are aware of it

Ha Jews have probably been saying this since being Egyptian slaves. You fucked up ever time, never listen to God and just bitched and bitched when he gave some much. This is why the Jews will one day fall on their heads


Be careful everyone, OP is using sneaky jew powers!

it's just white trash life losers salt , dont take it too hard.

You guys mad for losing in life? l2p fuckers instead of crying about jews controlling ur weak stupid ass

Meesa Meschina

wheres hitler when you need him? amirite

This just the beginning fellow merchant

Kys kike

10/10 copy pasta

Eh, most of those racist comments come from the fuckers of pol and pol is mostly satire.


Of course Judaism is a race.

Why do you think Jews have a near biological predisposition to being xenophilic globalist?

>jews only marry other jews

Get in the fucking oven, Mordecai.

White people trying to make some money is offensive to jews?

Oy vey

What are doing posting here during shabos op? You can't use electricity today . Oh wait you're not a real new. Only a fake one. Shunned by your own people and Every one else. You're like the half black people. They aren't white or black and No one accepts them.

most of the racism here is just people making fun of their own race to troll white libs
most of the misogyny is actually jealous roasties
once you realize this is true the site makes a lot more sense

the only one here that doesnt fit is Veeky Forums. needs to be the toppest guy on the right

Here in the Netherlands the jews are pretty dead. And its a pretty tolerant place.


>if whites are not controlled
I'm Jewish too but this is clearly bait

I think he was picked for his ugly mug.

... the ones with the multicultural countries while the rest of the world is isolationist.

go get your dick cut you piece of jew shit

also let palestina alone piece of fucking jew shit scum

I wish hitler had killed you all

Yup, the banks hold over us is ending. Good times. Next, mass deportations and asylum camps for those that won't leave willingly. hurray!
Unironically I can see why they did what they did during WW2 if it was anything like the Islam problem we face today, especially in Europe.

Top fucking kek.

Just baked 100k

semite is the race, jew is the religion

before /nupol/ it was satire. think /pol/ circa ~2013


This post confirms what I have known deep down for years. Your hooked-nosed inbred nepotistic people are cancer on this planet. It’s not enough that you people control the banks, media, diamond trade, major business and commerce in the western world, are disproportionally represented in academia and medicine because you fucks only hire jews, but you come here to fucking whine about it like a pussy. I say this will all seriousness. This is not a larp or trolling. Hitler was a visionary, and every day I wake up to realise people like you are still alive instead of ashes in Eastern Europe, I cry a little inside. Don’t worry though. Our day will come again.

wrong board, shill

guys, it doesnt matter if youre racist faggots or

We’re going to gas you all again you kike scum.

Why are jews bankers? Because No one else wanted to be. Banks fulfill a societal need. Get over it. The jews just happened to fulfill that need before anyone else. Get over yourselves and don't be jealous with greed.

foreskin token when

This thread is full of people wanting to kill others just because they are different in a nonviolent way. Cool

Rule of thumb: don't be too different or successful or else the rest of the world will get jealous and want you dead.


>hates racism
>generalizes an entire race
I thought Jews were supposed to be smart?

I hope you understand , that most of these poeple does mean no harm... this is just a kind of hardcore slang that goes around here i guess
a form of it...

>As a Jew
Shalom my brother

>/pol/ continues to invade
>every day makes a pajeet or jew "I'm so angery at you guys >:(" thread
>every day it gets this many comments from genuine /pol/tards
Can you just fuck off


Rofl. Hello Moot. Yes you contained us , yes it's satire dont you worry little cunt.