Whens this going to Dip again, mooning today

Whens this going to Dip again, mooning today.
Is it being pumped and dumped or organic growth?

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New wallets for ios, android and desktop coming really soon.
Binance listing any day.
Possible rebrand to nano.
Ye i dont see it dipping any time soon

Check the pnd discord groups. Should dump by tomorrow

Did you fall for the incredibly well organized and and consistent FUD too user?

my portfolio unironically looks like this since the crash
>what pnd groups are affecting my precious xrb?

Not like I should help you faggots out, but brainblocks.io/ was created by the lead engineer at Paypal. Just think about what that means for the future, user.

this, people hate on XRB everyday because they are salty they didnt cop below $10. Here's a tip, XRB made it to the top 20 with 2 shitty exchanges and is the only top 25 coin that isn't listed on Binance yet. It also has a clear community that adopts it. It is very likeable however people will keep bringing it down because they are jealous of its success. It's not gonna dip anymore at this point as long as BTC doesn't fuck it up

just bought some

sold when it was dipping, hopeing it would dip more. rip

Buy high sell low

What is that?

i bought at $1.50, and sold at $10. biggest mistake ever.
rebought at $26, managed to rebuy more at $14.
This is the bottom. if you're looking for a bigger dip than 50% off you're just getting greedy

Easy plugin for websites to accept XRB for payment. You know, like Paypal.

i feel the same way about raiblocks as i did about ethereum 1 year ago. it's going to murder.

This is a classic P&D shitcoin. It will never achieve mainstream adoption #1 the name is D.O.A. "Raiblocks"? What is it? like Lego? WTF "hey man, i just mowed your lawn, can you pay in Raiblocks?" It sounds like a crappy toy lol. I feel sorry for anyone in this.


Someone explain to me why anyone would yse xrb over paypal or square cash or chase quick pay?

Your arguments are flawed.

>1. 'Classic P&D shitcoin'
its been growing organicly. if you look at the log charts, it spiked up 35% today even while BTC was going down. Also, its holding at $18 pretty well for 20 hours. P&D would already be done by now.

>2. It will never achieve mainstream adoption
Wrong. XRB is a top mention on Reddit with 2 articles written and ranked the top on /r/cryptocurrency page. /r/ Raiblocks page grew from 100 to 50,000 subscribers from December 2017 to Jan 2018. Veeky Forums mentions XRB at least 3 times a day.

>3. 'the name is D.O.A. "Raiblocks"? What is it? like Lego? WTF "hey man, i just mowed your lawn, can you pay in Raiblocks?'

Wrong. Raiblocks is rebranding to Nano. The documentation have been filed in the state of Texas under the CEO.

4. You're a fucking idiot lol.

>no chargebacks
>less fees
Really makes you think

its weird, it seems plainly obvious to me why XRB matters but there seems to be a ton of people who do not understand? kinda funny to me.

it does nothing you were fooled

it's years away come back 2019 let's try again

sell your bags salvage to ven or xlm or Walton or Amb. DO IT

Paypal has a 3% fee to send using credit card. If you want to pay stuff using square cash or chase quickpay, you can't pay that to merchants. Merchants can choose XRB as a currency they accept. For example, Ledger Nano S wallet allows BTC as a payment. Next, XRB will be on that list so you can send XRB. You can't 'quickpay' an LLC or corporation. Imagine Amazon checkout with XRB.

Paypal has a 3% fee to send using credit card. If you want to pay stuff using square cash or chase quickpay, you can't pay that to merchants. Merchants can choose XRB as a currency they accept. For example, Ledger Nano S wallet allows BTC as a payment. Next, XRB will be on that list so you can send XRB. You can't 'quickpay' an LLC or corporation. Imagine Amazon checkout with XRB.

Also XRB is an investment. By hodling XRB, you compound your gains on your investment. If XRB grows 30% every week, you have 30% more 'currency' to pay for stuff. If you leave it in your checkings account, you get no extra gains. $500 will still be $500 in a month. With XRB $500 could be $1428 in a month, giving you $900+ more spend

dude, XRB was the TRON of Raiblocks.

the fuck does that even mean

you can't compare VEN to XRB. why do you have to bash one coin over other? It's different use cases. XRB is a p2p currency that is instant, free, and scalable. VeChain is developing cross-chain interoperability, to utilize our IoT and data technologies to enable the world’s less privileged demographics to access global financial services. They both will do well this year and both will make amazing growth, but why do you have to bash a coin that doesn't even fall in the same category?

Also, tell me how it's similar to Tron? Have you read the whitepaper of XRB? Does Tron have 700 Transactions/sec? Is tron a block lattice structure? Does tron have DAG? Tron doesn't even have a product yet dude chill

>organic growth
>10000% in 2 days from shady exchanges
>thinks reddit counts as "adoption" and not just mad speculation from underage retards and soyboys
The techs shaky at best, 3rd party developers appear to struggle to implement anything without direct developer intervention (red flag).

We already have "virtually zero" fee coins which are perfect for real world currency adoption. Guess what, no one gives a shit, coins values are from rampant speculation driven by future milestones. XRB has none of this, its just a shitty PoW currency which places the tx inconvenience on the users not the network mean to support it.

exactly my dude, why anybody use xrb over a secure, stable and smart contractable xlm is beyond me. xrb tech clearly has retarded amounts of issues that is being ignored because of hype. You really deserve to lose everything if you buy into this normie hype.

What did he mean by this?

>The techs shaky at best, 3rd party developers appear to struggle to implement anything without direct developer intervention (red flag).

You do realize that XRB is a competely different blockchain right? Its structure is competely different from BTC or ETH. With BTC, it is easy to implement because its been around since 2009. That mean's Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash are easy to implement. Also Ether, all ERC20 tokens are implemented easily because its the same platform. XRB is an entirely new technology and new tech is going to be a little rougher to implement than 9 year old BTC..

>We already have "virtually zero" fee coins which are perfect for real world currency adoption. Guess what, no one gives a shit, coins values are from rampant speculation driven by future milestones.

Still not 0 fees. And you don't know what your talking about. I remember BTC fees in 2013 were 10 cents. Now they are $10-20 and will be $50 soon when BTC hits 50k. stfu dude if you're talking about Stellar, just realize those 'cheap' fees won't still be cheap once it reaches 50+ billion market cap.

the POW isn't even noticeable unless you're deliberately spamming transactions.

price was low because 1. pajeets were flooding the exchanges because of the distribution method (captchas only worth the time for 3rd worlders to do)
and 2, it wasn't fully working yet, latest release was a massive improvement.

it's more difficult for exchanges to set up, but once done right it's not a problem. (multiple wallets instead of just one)

XLM's market cap is 32 times higher and the foundation owns 90% of the supply.
I'm still waiting to see if XRB's claim of 7000 tps is doable, but if so its much better than 1500 by XLM.

Stellar is good for now, but you aren't seeing the bigger picture. You should learn what scalability means. You think fees are going to be cheap with Stellar, but they will get more expensive as Stellar's market cap grows. It happened with BTC and it will happen to Stellar.

There are currently about 1400 raiblocks nodes running. The mcap is 2.4B.

Say those numbers slowly out loud.

Fourteen hundred nodes.

Two point four billion market cap.

TFW your law gets grossly sodomised.

This. also Seed investor of Coinbase Gary Tan, is invested heavily into XRB. The problem these idiots don't see is that XLM's supply is very very high. And there is also inflation so the supply will become higher. With XRB, it is decentralized and the supply is already maxed out so its deflationary and won't drop in price. I'm a fan of XLM, but you must be joking if you think XLM will be a better p2p currency over XRB

Not him, but they already lowered the fee not too long ago, irc. They will do it again, should it become a problem. It is easy to do because stellar is pretty centralized.

because xlm is completely centralized and won't ever be adopted by anyone. there is 0 organic growth. it's everyone piling on waiting for bank deals. you want to see xrb nodes? xrb.network/ there you go. 100% community. want to see xlm nodes? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. there's maybe 10, all ran by devs and banks. you can't even run one without permission and they can fucking take it back. xlm and ripple are fucking us, not helping us.

(p.s. the devs own 85% of the supply. you've been cucked.)

You were warned that $12ish was the bottom, you’re a retard if you didn’t get on. It’s basically bitcoin 2015 though, so it’s not too late. It’ll be $10000 by December.

And to respond to that.. So that dude is saying Stellar will be a better p2p cryptocurrency than XRB.. when its centralized? and there's inflation? Doesn't this sound like a federal reserve again? lol... you must be joking. XRB is decentralized and won't get pumped 20% supply every year like Stellar and Ripple. I'm a fan of Stellar as I've said but plss stop making yourself look stupid (other guy).

>organic growth
Pick one

I didn't know that myself, but thanks for sharing. I had a feeling Stellar wasn't as decentralized as I thought. There are clearly many XRB haters in here.. and that dude still hasn't even replied to any of our comments probably cuz he knows he will already sound stupid defending himself LOL

If you think xrb will scale better than xlm you are as gullible as the people who buy into xrb hype. Red flags everywhere.

Id rather have slight centralization if that means the network actually works and is secure you pajeet. Stop hyping up coins with no unique features.

pretty much this. I bought BTC in 2013 at $100 and this was the same reaction people had about BTC when it first came out. now btc is way too expensive to own at $12,000 per coin. XRB has 133 million coins vs BTC which is 21 million coins. so the price will be more stable. I think XRB will hit around the $1000 in the short term, and maybe $10,000 in a few years considering it took btc 8 years to hit $10,000

>I think XRB will hit around the $1000 in the short term
t. deluded stinky raijeets

Lol. long term hodler here. bought in at $2 so I actually bought way before the hype dude. I already made 900%, not selling them for $500 minimum. did you even read the XRB whitepaper? don't think so try again. again, I am a fan of Stellar as well. But XRB will be more widely adopted by the public. Normies won't care about smart contracts just so you know

Lol XLM fags. GFTO with your little rocket!

>Bu bu would rather it to be SLIGTHLY centralized
>Feeless is bad, rather have small fee to secure network
>Muh smart contracts

buying XRB now is like buying bitcoin when it was $200. the best opportunities are when no one else believes in it.
test net scaled well, and XRB has all the properties that bitcoin was supposed to have.

name one other coin where the devs only own 5% of the supply, block size isn't an issue, can handle 7000 tps, no fees, 10 second transaction times and doesn't rely on a centralized protocol like lightning or a coordinator.

this. my friends who are in investment banking and management consulting only buy bitcoin. they don't even know what a smart contract is. why would they care about that? only us nerds know what that is. That's why bitcoin is so popular and that is why Rai will follow his daddy's footsteps

ure actually so fucking stupid. people like you are the reason ripple and stellar are going to moon and ih ave to buy it to moon with you and i hate myself. there aren't enough showers i can take to rid myself of your absolute fucking stupidity. THE NETWORK ISNT SECURE IF ITS CONTROLLED BY AN AMERICAN CORPORATION YOU STUPID FUC KTHATS THE OWHOLE PTIOINF OT F UCKING CRYPTO WHA TH RTUEFJ

700XRB whale at 2.5$ here

Its like you are allergic to common sense ...
imagine buying a paper car cause you were told it was faster than the metal version, then wonder why its falling apart after 2 rides. Imagine if btc got rid of its network stability and security, it could be super fast and feeless but will fall apart just like xrb is now. i swear xrb holders have serious mental damage

>ure actually so fucking stupid. people like you are the reason ripple and stellar are going to moon and ih ave to buy it to moon with you and i hate myself. there aren't enough showers i can take to rid myself of your absolute fucking stupidity. THE NETWORK ISNT SECURE IF ITS CONTROLLED BY AN AMERICAN CORPORATION YOU STUPID FUC KTHATS THE OWHOLE PTIOINF OT F UCKING CRYPTO WHA TH RTUEFJ

lol he doesn't know what decentralized means. he doesn't get why people love bitcoin. He doesn't get what's going on with Venezuela's government and hyperinflation. He doesn't get that there's STILL fees. go use a fucking visa if you wanna pay fees. XRB is like an iPhone. simple and easy to use and its IDIOT proof. why did iphone get adopted so fast? because its easy to use. to set up stellar wallet is already a lot of work that ppl won't want to do. XRB is straightforward like an iphone = MASS ADOPTION. execution is key

except none of that is true... a normie stress tested it, wrote an article about it and got 300 tps on their node, already a 20x improvement over ETH. and that''s just for one node, not the whole network

I swear XLM holders are acting like absolute sissies. How about you take your little rocket...you show it up your ass and you GTFO rai threads?

imagine if you didn't drop out of gradeschool and learned how to read a whitepaper and realized you were an idiot and went back to school and got a job so you had enough money to buy xrb so you could retire

xlm bag holders getting absolutely JUSTed ITT

just buy some xrb and shut the fuck up

dude are you even keeping up with Raiblocks? it was stress tested read it here idiot:

Number of Transactions: 5000
Broadcast Length: 47.28 Seconds
Average Broadcast TPS: 105.75 TPS
Remote Peak TPS (1S Average): 306 TPS
RaiBlocks.Club Peak TPS (5S Average): 172.8TPS


In this experiments, we showed that the network was able to sustain 105.75 TPS and the some nodes experienced a peak of 306 TPS. During the testing period, transactions processed normally on the network; the network was not saturated. Now that I removed the processing bottleneck for broadcasting, the next step would be to simultaneously submit transactions from multiple nodes. A single node can broadcast faster than I present in this article, but would require significantly more complex stress-test code.

Also there's a 10k XRB reward if you can find a flaw. thats $200,000. Go find it if you're not an idiot, but you probably are so sucks to be you


so comfy. this is the most FUD i've listened to the whole month. yet xrb is still up 35% LMAO

Man this is just like December when i would check Blockfolio every minute and be up hundreds of dollars. Gotta love XRB

I honestly think theres many salty kids in this thread. they can't afford XRB anymore since $20 per XRB is too expensive. Let them buy their penny tokens since stellar is still in cents. they wanna drive the price down to $5 but its clearly not working at all since its up 39% now

Everyone here arguing that XLM is better than XRB and vice-versa, yet here I am holding both. Life is good lads.

ahahahahahaha some user from last night

hey brotha, i like both as both are working products with real use cases. i show love for both. it's not a competition anons. if we want mainstream adoption we should support the best coins not bash one over the other like that other dude who was saying to sell XRB for Vechain. uhh XRB is up 40% and u wanna sell it? lmfao. as always diversify...

lmao... >itll be literally $12.

dumb as fuck. its over $20 now and still mooning. honestly so much good news it will keep going

Will I be able to buy a gf like that with 2k XRB

dude in a year, u can buy a nice car + have a nice girl with 2k XRB + extra cash to take her out. your making half a million easily

link for said groups bizbro?

>would rather have slight centralization
>would you rather I slightly slide my cock in your mom's pussy or not at all?

>>would you rather I slightly slide my cock in your mom's pussy or not at all?

he wants you to slide your cock into his asshole slightly but not all the way. he's still getting rekt'd ;)

yeah organic growth,doesn't mean it doesn't get pumped on top, it def does
but look at the community
100% better than any fucking coin
they really do believe in it

I've bought BTC when it was $100 in 2013. XRB is what I envisioned. its everything BTC was suppose to be. You can't even spend BTC without taking a few hours to confirm. now BTC is a 'store of value' because its $12,000 and the transaction fees are too high. XRB is simply the only coin that gives a competitive edge to Bitcoin as a p2p currency. I see BTC analagous to Goliath, while XRB is young David. While BTC is bigger and stronger, XRB will be the underdog that will rise up. I see no other competitor except Litecoin

I'm unironically 95% on xrb, being the other 5% bancor.

I love xrb but it's not going $10000 or $1000 for that matter, definitely not this year, don't be delusional, if it hits $100+ it will be great.

If the market cap keeps on growing, then we can hit $1000 at some point in the future. Most likely not this year though.