You know the drill.
Any advice for me? I'm a deluded Arkie thinking of selling off 1/2 my stack to put into VEN. Once (and if) DBC goes back to 60 cents I'm selling this shit.
You know the drill.
Any advice for me? I'm a deluded Arkie thinking of selling off 1/2 my stack to put into VEN. Once (and if) DBC goes back to 60 cents I'm selling this shit.
are the staking rewards for ark worth it? id say it looks a little too diversified but i cant talk lmao
>deluded Arkie
>thinking DBC will go back to 60
Well done OP, I hope you like heavy bags
Does Ark even need to exist? Why do we need to connect blockchains? 99% are doomed anyway. Genuinely curious as to why Ark is good.
began 7 days ago. barely breaking even from my initial investment.
My folio. Link doing a good job of raping my sats as usual.
Can someone convince me not to put 100 NEO into TNC before Devcon please?
Buy into selfkey. Shit is going to moon in a few weeks.
Day trader so no sense in showing my coins. My question is this, I'm outgrowing the two exchanges I'm on so which ones are best for volatility and volume I should go to next?
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE no one is rating each other
just like those garbage 3x3 threads on /mu/
fucking hell, what have you been daytrading?
Send help
Everything that moves. That big spike today was on RKC. It went from 6k says to 18k in about 2 minutes. I managed to get in near the bottom and out near the top. 7 grand on a single trade ain't too bad.
What are you going to do with your "money"?
>was at 3.5k usd
>now at 2.7k usd
>1k investment
>sat are pretty stable though
feels weird man
>Everything that moves. That big spike today was on RKC.
how do you find good targets?
I stake it and receive about 1 ARK per day. I've been with ARK since June last year and evidently deluded ever since.
I've got to admit I'm losing faith.
>so bored of the conversation hes having that hes browsing and shitposting on Veeky Forums
i like your style
>Current Portfolio
100% ARCT
>Dream Portfolio
21 BCH, 10k ALQO and healthy amounts of LINK, REN, XLR and Zen Protocol.
I'll be able to afford the latter if ARCT reaches $1, which would put it in the top 150..
Any decent resources I can read/use for day trading? I'm A brainlet
Rate please
Anons dubs decides what I do with this shitcoin. ELF. DUMP OR HODL GO!!!!!
Turn it into $500k by years end I hope.
>tfw you dad is shit with money and is trying to fuck your gains up with a get rich quick scheme
I love him but I wish he would fuck off with this shit
I wrote a scanner that looks for sudden volume spikes. I get a hit then I investigate. Very very quickly.
I kind of came up with my own system but everything I can think of relies on sifting through a ton of data and looking for patterns. To that I suggest learning Python or nodejs and the ccxt library. When you get that down, ideas will come to you.
And then what? How will you use it?
rate others first you fucking stinky pajeet fucks
Ok fuckhead I will now you tell me with dubs
Sell DBC and req
Link and canya nigger detected
Just neo and gas would be better
Keep Day trading
This is good change nothingReq and fun are cancer normies get out
Get out of XRP and raiblocks is a huge risk
ENG and ICX stay ditch the rest
Cash out half, buy a second house for rental purposes. Leave the rest in.
>you could have just bought VEN
How do you plan to cash out?
>no one above 1m
why even bother
What are you getting at?
post your selection of coins then you raging faggot
I dont get how to take what im starting to think is my fake money, and use it for real life shit. I want to see what your plan is
Fair enough. Coinfloor is a pretty good site, just a matter of converting back to BTC, selling it and they will make a payment into your bank.
I’m shitty.
Buy muh bags
Better sell all ARK for VEN
Sell LINK buy VEN / WABI
When the hell are they releasing Blockfolio for computer desktop
I literally cannot participate in rate threads because everyone ignores pictures that aren't Blockfolio
Porrfag, went pretty hard into XLM. Looking to start diversifying a little bit though to mitigate my risk on the off chance FairX ends up being a garbage fire.
Nice chunk of NEO and VEN, I dig it.
I've heard some good things about Enjin, one of their reps was actually answering questions in CoolCrisys' stream.
Nice NEO, not so sure about that Link though.
Send help why? This is solid.
Decent, just got into FUN actually because it seems to have potential, lot of gamblers in Crypto. What a shocker.
>Still holding XRP
Fucking why?
where in the UK are you? I'm going to fucking drive over and spank some fucking sense into you.
What's the fees like? You in USA or one of those third world countries I read about?
Is there an app that does this or have you just made it yourself? My blockfolio is too large for one screenshot.
You know zero fucks about anything but here you are grading others' crap
just done it in excel. havent used it for ages so im not familiar with how to format a decent pie chart
>Mad because I gave ratings in a rate thread
>Doesn't post own folio
Don't wanna show anyone your XRP/TRON bags huh user?
No jewfolio here but
17k BAT
18,04 ETH
350 ELLA
Thanks for listening, also rate ください
I hate Ripple so much that I forgot to sell it. Bought 10,000 EOS on the first day of their ICO because /r/iamverysmart
Also when EOS hits $100 I’ll be a crypto millionaire. I don’t need to ask whether or not I’ll make it. I have 10k EOS. DYOR
Thanks for the advice big fish, I'm actually looking at getting some BTC and ETH. I'm more into alts but it's good to have some stability.
A newly developing third world country, UK.
I believe Coinfloor is a UK based company so its what I've used since last April and the fees are fair to low. The fees on Coinbase are extortionate but its normie friendly.
i have no fucking clue what i'm doing. send halp
I don't use silly apps to make me remember my 20 shitcoins. I'm swifting between ARN, AMB, VEN, BRD, XZC, NAV and BAT.
Could be a risk, but look at XEL. If you want to be safer, go with some STRAT.
>You're an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about
>I don't keep track of my trades or holdings using an app or paper
Thanks for your input user, now I'm even more confident I'm on the right path.
>What is trade history
>Relying on the notoriously untrustworthy exchanges for your information rather than logging it all yourself
Thanks for confirming yourself as a pants on head retard user, for a moment I was concerned someone with a functioning brain was critiquing my portfolio.
Bought XRP at 0.62, Still comfy for a long hodl
take a chill pill
What tracker is that?
I should have sold more Verge instead of holding what I still have, if it doesn't go back above 1000 sats I might just trade it for more ETH.
How should I kill myself
Just my opinion but LTC is big and established, unless it shits the bed you're not going to make significant gains. Sell it and reinvest into VEN.
the VEN you bought is a SCAM. pic realted
both VEN are dodgy though the other does not have a white paper
Please sir no bullie
This is what I have to show after an impulsive buy of 8k in bitcoin when it was at 11.7k last week (first crypto transaction ever). I seriously have no idea what I'm doing but tons more to invest, someone please get me started! :(
its called diversification try it
stop buying the big boy coins that have relatively stable value. with a couple grand you're not going anywhere close to the moon with that stack. get into some low mcap coins like pfr and only diversify between 3 coins max
Don't listen to this guy, put all your money into one coin. Diversification is for pussies, go all in or you can forget about your lambo.
OP here back from work.
I seem to have an emotional attachment to them but I think it might be time to sell off some of my precious ARK in favour of VEN.
Fuck your VEN FUD Pajeet, this coin has proven itself time and time again.
I'm no expert but heres my oppinions:
Not sure what your total portfolio value is but I'd consider consolidating some of those coins.
Heard some good stuff about Enjin, I dont know enough to comment though.
Solid portfolio. While you'll receive some steady gains in 2018, you might want to put a little money into some higher risk coins.
Req was shilled hard on here and reddit. I have some myself but I'm not so sure anymore. Your 0.5 ETH might be better in this VEN dip.
Lose the XRP, and perhaps the ETH in favour or something lower market cap.
Fuck TRX.
This is decent m8 (besides TRX) just invest more fiat while you can.
Solid again, maybe spread the XLM about given your capital.
Very nice m8, solid steady earner with some wild cards. Hope you reach 1mil + by years end.
Diversify, you dont have enough in it to hold just BTC. I'd consider 25% XLM, 25% ETH 25% NEO and play around with the last 25%
first of all switch to nightmode
Got in crypto 2 weeks ago no idea what I am doing would be up more but paid 100 dollar in fees fuck coinbase
I like it, assuming the entries were solid it's a decent portfolio.
You're on the right track
Intial: $1200
Entry for XLM: .02
Entry for Ark: .40
Entry for RLC: .35
Entry for XLR: .05
ARK entry @ $0.5 - $3
Got into NEO when it was Antshares, sold off 40 @ $25 like a retard.
DBC @ $0.11
VEN is more recent unfortunately.