Holy shit. I never realized how fun it was to FUD coins for no good reason, even the ones I own. The buttblasted responses always give me a good hearty belly laugh. Any of you fags do the same?
Holy shit. I never realized how fun it was to FUD coins for no good reason, even the ones I own...
All day everyday user, also coins I own. I just can't help it. People take this way too serious.
Try FUDding ARY, those defensive little neets lose their freaking mind every time
youre all a cancer, reducing what was once a vluable resource into shit
fuckin pajees
Sometimes i fud my own coin, especially when there's a big sell wall so i can accumulate more
Oh I've been doing it all day.
>"Wow... I just looked over the code and I don't know how to put it any other way than that it is very amateurish. I've seen VeChain's desperate Twitter posts seeking job applicants so it is pretty clear to me that they were unable to get a fully qualified blockchain developer on board and had to settle for an amateur."
It's fun arguing the tech. Some people are so passionate about the purpose of coins. Idgaf, just if it makes me money.
i hold link but making fun of it is better than saying positive things about it because the assholes who believe in it after no news need to get buttblasted
when you try to fud stink links but they fud themselves
I own 400k link and FUD it all the time hahaha
I own a sizable portion of ARY and it's my favorite coin to FUD. The reactions are absolutely priceless.
fudding LINK has become boring to be honest. the real believers don't even bother to respond anymore, or just join in on the fun. i convinced some newfag to sell his whole stack yesterday with some mobius fud, but meh.
I find it more fun to have actual, sensible critique of the coins.
Baseless FUD may be amusing, but it's even more satisfying when you bring up a legitimate flaw with either the coin, the project or the state of the market, and you get swarmed by pink wojaks who are so afraid of losing money that they feel the need to shut you up, as if problems disappear if you ignore them.
but you never get any intelligent responses, how is it fun? I like to fud NEO but all I get are 5 nigger tier almost single-word responses, like "fud", "nice try pajeet".
You did good work. If someone sells because of Veeky Forums memes it's better they get out of it.
Don't joke with it user.
When you stare in the abyss for too long, the abyss will stare back at you.
Proof: I have unironically sold all my LINKs, because i started to believe in my own FUD.
but at least i've sold before the dip, so i'm not even mad
>shill shitcoins I don't have
>fud good ones I do
If you hadn't invested in stinky linky you wouldn't have fallen for yourself.
Culling of the weak, you're making someone else rich m8
It's pajeets like you who make crypto more volatile and spread paranoia, all for entertainment.
The people who are truly laughing are those who are serious about it and spend time quietly accumulating so they can eventually cash out with millions.
Meanwhile, those who pay more attention to fudding end up going down with the ship.
It absolutely boggles my mind that this is a once in a century way to get rich SO easily and people take it as some kind of joke where they focus more on the entertainment value of persuading others to make poor trading decisions.
You may be 30, may be 40, may be 50. But one day, you'll regret it.
By all means continue though. It doesn't make a great deal of difference. I'm saying this for your benefit, not mine.
You sound young, naive and stupid.
Okay. The young, naive and stupid people are the ones keeping their head down and focusing on accumulating as much as possible to cash out and have the wealth to enjoy a secure life.
Meanwhile, the smarter more mature people are spending time fudding coins for no reason as a source of amusement on the internet.
Please don't take this meme market too seriously
Maybe one day you'll take a step back and enjoy your spiritual awakening
>Idgaf, just if it makes me money.
It may surprise you, but you're not really a special snowflake. Everybody who fomo'd into crypto is just in for the money. It's also what is ultimately destroying the market, as it loses all credibility.
Just check any projects Telegram, especially around ICOs. Most of the retards there have no clue about or interest in what the coin/token actually does, it's all "I'm gonna be rich" and "when's a good time to dump this, after 5x or 10x?" etc.
It's literally all I do on this board
If I can have fun while getting pajeets that don't DTOR to sell the dip, why not?
Not gonna lie I fud VEN a lot so I can buy more. I need that fucking strength node
It's even more fun to fud signals on discords like q9xXVCC, they're super butthurt about it all the time
same here, although I need to buy 9200 more a strength node....
Fudding creates paranoid trading patterns that, when they permeate through sufficiently, can ultimately cause you to make less money.
Top tip: You'll be in a position to make a lot more money if everyone else is as confident and bullish as possible. If they're too confident, even better.
Fudding just makes others more risk-averse. That's not a good thing for you if you're aiming to make serious bucks in this game.
desu learning more about the weaknesses of your coins by trying to find things to 'fud' about them helps you gain a more objective perspective on them
Good evening reddit
I do it just for you.
I fudded eth when it was at ~$300 for months and btc was mooning. The most ridiculous shit I could think of, that it was hacked repeatedly, that vitalik can reverse all transactions he doesn't like, that the blockchain takes several TB, etc.
Larping as eth hater somehow made it easier to hodl during that period. I could vent all my negative emotions and anxiety.
I shilled Dragonchain and WaBi on Veeky Forums. They all called me pajeet. Now look at those coins today; both have gone more than x10 in a month.
Since then, I have personal vendetta against Veeky Forums. I never shill my coins again nowadays, I FUD them because I don't want those same people who called me pajeet enjoy the gains from my coins.
And who says I'm not quietly accumulating to cash out millions while FUDding to give myself some entertainment in the meantime? Stop taking life so seriously, newfag. Half the foundation of the crypto market isn't blockchain, it's memes. Don't delude yourself. The cryptomarket is meming the world as we speak. By refusing to partake in this board's shenanigans, you're rejecting everything that crypto stands for and should get the fuck out. Go to the stock market and get fucked by bogus TAs, you'd probably be happier anyway.
I do it sarcastically, but since this is the internet, alot of people can't tell.