up 1cent
fuck you
>goes up to $1.20
>drops down to $0.33
>rises up to $0.46
ok pajeet
although i am x10 already this hammering since more than 14 days is fucking hard.
Same here, but honestly I have just been spolied by that new year pump, before that i was quite happy to stay around 50c till mainnet.
I regret not having sold at the top and doubled my position later, but hindsight is 20/20.
i am holding my 130k anyway for a year, since i can then cash out tax free in germany without hassle. and i know that req will stay till then. can't say that about alot of projects.
>Tfw only 22k
>tfw i'm only up 5x
should have sold at 1$ like I said I would
hindsight is a fucking bitch.
dw we all gonna be just fine.
I bought 22k at $0.04
Cannot be comfier
I keep 100 req just as a reminder to myself to never ever FOMO even if the project looks legit.
Let's hope we'll be laughing at these prices when the mainnet releases. This holding is getting hard, last time we mooned it went up without news. With that in mind I won't sell. Comfy sisnce 0.07 though.
Will take off out of no where. I think $3 by end of Q1.
>tfw that 100 makes you make it, kek
tempted to consolidate some at $.40... could be looking at 3x potential on a news-driven pump like we've seen before on this coin (beating deadlines). if mainnet cums out early and i have bags at $.40, ill be a happy clam.
idk what do you think anons
>mfw I thought I bought the bottom but it wasn't the bottom
nice trips
I was a bit late to the party and bought in at .25 and then increased my holdings when it fell below .5
Its a good project and almost every alt has had a rough few weeks lately. No doubts it will recover.
The question is if it will recover even if the cryptomarket as a whole will not.
What if we are experiencing a 2014-2016 slow bleed-out? Will REQ still recover due to actually having a real usage? or will the market sentiment drag it down with it anyway.
That's the real question everyone should ask themselves.
why did the partnerships dry up?
They are working on partnerships RIGHT NOW. It's even in their roadmap Q1 will have a portion dedicated to partnerships, why do you think they are in singapore? (Financial capital of the world)
still cozy here boys
Bought in at like 0.80c, down about 50% currently.
I'm in it for the long haul but will have to wait and see how much growing it can do in 6 - 12 months
Don't worry man there are bound to be some announcements of partnerships between now and mainnet release that will bump up the price somewhat and then another big pump when mainnet release. Basically guaranteed to be above $0.80 before Q1 ends. And I think it'll be at a new ATH when mainnet hits
>for a year, since i can then cash out tax free in germany without hassle
That almost makes the demographic suicide via rapefugees almost tolerable
Ahhhhhh, I know I'll probably get my money back or even a little bit of profit - I just really want an insane moon mission so my $1k can turn to $50k
A guy can dream
That's not going to happen in Q1 probably also not in Q2 but after that if adoption ramps up and companies start using it the true moon mission starts.
I have it even better in the Netherlands. I pay 1.6% tax but I can trade as much as I want and only pay 1.6% tax one time when cashing out. Also it's tax free if it's under $25,000 and if you have debt you can take your debt away from the amount that is to be taxed meaning if you have a mortgage you can have multiple hundreds of thousands of crypto with 0 taxation and unlimited amount of trades.
Income tax is 56% though so wagies are cucked.
Dude, that's not how it works in the Netherlands you idiot. Almost everything you say is wrong.. Even something easy like the fucking income tax you can't say right.
You only have to pay tax over it once since you will be moving your capital overseas so the dutch government won't tax you over your capital the next year
the 56% is the highest bracket and I know you still pay taxes over the lower brackets but that's negligible. Maybe if you're poor it's still in the majority of the lower brackets but my dad's income for example falls 80% within the 56% tax bracket. Do you expect me to give a tax seminar on Veeky Forums?
I agree with you OP. I came to Veeky Forums before falling asleep just to post the same thing / alert
I wouldn't call it a moon by any means, but I think that it will be up 10% minimum from where it is now within 8 hours (it may easily return to where it is, so this is just a day trade position)
The daily/4 hour/15 minute/1minute candlesticks, MACD, RSI, depth, price movement, and huge buy-wall all have made me think this.
Don't just buy it blindly - do your own analysis
You will move it overseas, good luck with that...
Not like others have tried before you (and failed). Just don't pay any taxes at all and hide it in crypto...
And for your information, our highest bracket is 52%. Nice BTW that you try to act rich when only your dad reaches the 52% tax bracket.
O and for your information, your mortgage normally goes into box 1 so you can't deduct it all from box 3. So unless you (and not your dad) got multiple house, what you said was so fucking stupid.
And no I don't expect a tax seminar, but don't act like you know what you are talking about when you have never even paid taxes and don't even know our tax brackets.
>Just don't pay any taxes at all and hide it in crypto...
Very good advice user. Im sure that the tax authorities won't question you when you suddenly buy a new car and house with your cryptos.
It's a better plan then to first pay tax and then try to hide it.
Still a dumb plan, but better then his own plan.
With my plan you could at least make a fake administration for the year you buy a car and house or you can go to a different country for a while and enjoy your crypto there.
or just wait for adoption and spend crypto. rent don't buy
did you buy at ico or something, this is so cheap
Ofc I have no income I live off of daddies money and I was an early adopter of ethereum so I don't really need to work anymore.
I'm probably going to be a millionaire within the next 6 months. What do you have?
congrats, any tips for a 500€ eurofag?
have a similar plan of increasing my stack if it drop around 40 cents
seems like a safe bet it has showed a lot of resistance
It sounds like in Netherlands I could live literally tax free. Just trade crypto and cash out less than 25k + debts per year. Unless I misinterpreted?
kek, this
And I've been holding a bag since 3 cents
Yep you can do this. As long as your total amount of cash never exceeds 25k+debt you won't pay taxes
Read whitepapers and hold until technical milestones. This includes Mainnet release etc. Don't buy or sell based on $ amount. People whining about bear market are new players and don't know how the crypto market behaves. Ignore them
I used to feel pretty comfy with my 6k REQ but after seeing threads like this with 20-50k bags I struggle now knowing that if this thing hits $10 I still won’t make it. Any tips on how to cope with this?
This is bullshit. I once held 10k ETH in early 2015. I sold most of them at $20. The point is that at the very early stages you'll see tons of people holding large amounts of them and you'd think "Damn I only hold 1000 ETH how will I ever make it?"
as the price goes up the average poster will have less and less
happens everytime
I bought 5k at 30c, if this hits $5 before July I would be very happy. I have my doubts it will though but who knows anything can happen.
use the same foresight and judgment that led you to buy req to help you find other projects. I only have 3k req, so guys like us will have to hop around in th market a bit before we make it
Interesting I guess I hadn’t considered that perspective. I’m pretty bummed out with “Just HODL!” attitude considering I could have doubled my stack if I had swinged traded, but I suppose with a such a catch-all project just HODL’ing until you need the money is probably a good idea, esp if this thing one day breaks $50
Dude, just admit you were wrong about the tax shit.
And what do I care about your screenshot? You could have just edited the html of the page or it could be real. Still doesn't change that you were wrong.
Also this:
> As long as your total amount of cash never exceeds 25k+debt you won't pay taxes
It's not about the amount of cash, it about your total assets. And yeah, you could hide your crypto assets, but that's the same in every country.
I bought in at $.06 so it was a good call, but REQ really feels like a rare one, I’m sure next time Y-Combinator backs a crypto project it’ll moon instantly bc it’s a powerful brand to be backed by. Plus REQ’s team is so damn good at delievering that they are a huge exception in crypto
Whatever I remember it being 56% once. And you should move your assets to a country that doesn't tax assets but only income. There are plenty of countries and moving more than 100k usually gives you automatic permanent residence permit. What I am saying is not illegal just smart.
Also the 25k+debt is for assets true but a guy asking for that will probably have no assets outside of his crypto so that doesn't really change the subject.
Stop being so ass pained about details my man smoke a joint and enjoy life.
The "Just hodl" is actually pretty accurate. You'll lose more money daytrading that just holding long term as long as you have a good project this has been my personal experience. What would've happened if I held my 10k ETH instead of pussying out because ETH started dropping from $22 to $7 over a 6 month period.
If I just had the "just HODL" mentality I would have had almost 11 million right now.
I agree, daytrading is pretty reckless 99% of the time and isn’t in our favor, but I feel like at some point HODLing won’t cut it, especially now that the marketcap in general has increased so much since the $22 ETH days. In terms of REQ I think it’ll hit $50 in the next 2 years unless FairX fucks it up (which no REQ shills ever seem to mention), just because fast conversion is the biggest problem in crypto besides BTC pairing and possible integration with CoinBase gives it not real maximum ceiling. Anything is possible with this one, but other coins in this price range? They’re not really setting out to fix any problems
Don't touch your 6k. I guarantee in a few months when you look at REQ threads the majority of posters will only have a few hundred.
>if I held my 10k ETH
How many ETH did you held?
0. ETH went from $22 to $7 over six months time I slowly kept selling more and more ETH and even went into fiat to buy bullshit. Eventually I bought back some ETH back up but I never held more than 500 ETH after that sell-off.
Now I own 0 ETH as I think most of the growth is already done.
>I think most of the growth is already done
I'm talking relative of course. Sure ETH might pull a x10 over the next year or two. But REQ might pull a x100 in the same amount of time.
Kek I've been holding these 4cent bags forever
We going up :D probably will go down though!
This is my second-heaviest bag.
That's what I get for buying in when everything was looking overinflated, I guess.
Not like the 700 REQ I have are a major thing anyway.
you dont think eth is on it's way to 100k usd over the next 2 years?
No I don't think that will happen. that would require a 10 trillion marketcap the internet dot-com bubble collapsed at 3.4 trillion. Chances that ETH on its own will reach that is pretty much 0.
Also don't forget what ETH is. It's decentralized computing. Is the decentralized computing market truly worth 10 trillion? Maybe maybe not.
>0. ETH went from $22 to $7 over six months time I slowly kept selling more and more ETH
The hold meme is true when it's about promising coins which you know will probably work.
The problem is holding through the bear, the crashes and the fud.
And, you need to have the ability to determine which one has the most potential.
btw, anyone here holding Req + Link?
Yes me.
Not in amounts that would give anyone a boner, however. Together they make up slightly less than half of my shitfolio.
Yeah the fudding was something unheard of at the time. We're talking 30% of Veeky Forums was purely dedicated to making fun off of ETH losses. Makes you lose confidence over 6 months time.
Same thing is happening with REQ and LINK now but now I'm experienced.
99% of coins DO NOT survive fud and bear markets in the longterm
Yeah I know that but all the coins that had genuine use-cases survived. Nobody knows about Worldcoin and that was a top 3 coin when I started in crypto.
Coins that nobody will remember in 2 years: Tron, Raiblocks, Any other pure currency. Remember Vertcoin and Metaverse? That was only a couple months ago yet nobody is talking about it anymore and it's completely gone from the top 100.
>dot-com stocks are comparable to cryptocurrency
Well to be real if you're holding on to something that's tanking for a good while you don't know whether you're an idiot or a genius until it finally dies or moons. At this point LINK and REQ or pretty much any crypto for that matter have no guarantees of making it.
However, the previous two times I sold early I missed out on decent gains and I can tank the losses even if it spirals to zero so I'll hold.
I think the most important realization was that I really don't know what I'm doing and aside from avoiding "investing" into blatant shit the best I can do is hope the diceroll favors me.
Don't understand how anyone on Veeky Forums doesn't have a significant chunk in both by now.
Most people here never owned Antshares as well. Things happen no matter how much shilling it gets. majority will never own REQ and LINK and lose out on their moon missions. It's just how the world works.
I want to agree with RaiBlocks but at the end we need something that could be used as currency but faster and cheaper than BTC, XRB’s team obv makes me weary to the idea but they’ve got a good idea, so you think something else has a good shot at being this currency coin? I’m talking for mainstream adoption and such. ZenCash would be good too but there’s no hype there
This. People still don't have the right mind-set for crypto. They treat these coins like stocks but they have absolutely noting in common with stocks. Have you ever seen a stock go x100 in a week? You absolutely need to treat crypto like gambling. Once you go in on a coin, that money is gone for good, don't expect to get it back. Conventional wisdom says that if your stock bleeds out 70% over a year then you should probably sell just to recoup losses because it will do an Enron. The same does not apply in crypto because the upsides are so insanely big.
Been in req since sub Ico. Chain link since pre sibos my hands practically forged around these bags.
I don't think there will be a coin. Instead there will be projects like Request Network that will just exchange the value represented by the coins. CryptoCURRENCY is dead. Cryptocommodities such as ETH,Enigma,NEO,LINK are still useful and crypto applications will be the next moonmission when they start to add genuine value in the real world.
so youre thinking $1k/req
i dont think even the most bullish of people think it'll ever hit 1k
>tfw only 6.8k REQ
Bought half at 0.30 and the other half at 0.44, am I fucked or will I be able to pay off my student debt with this?
its not lol. i was just curious as to the price he was thinking that eventually most people will only have a few hundred
Gonna buy a 100 bucks worth
Just hold, remember token burn.
considering REQ will only have to pull a x10 to pay off your student debt I think it's save to say you will be able to.
It'll happen eventually when you take the token burning in to account, but not for a good few years.
Theoraticly it can hit 1000. Needs to burn alot of reqfees and/or the volume needs to raise
joined the req train after selling most of my xlm, xlm is good but req just has much more potential and i'm already in other safe coins. have 20k req and planning on holding for 1y+ unless they start missing deadlines
jesus. fucking. christ. if not larping, how the fuck do you sleep with those things stored IN THE EXCHANGE?
I doubt they will miss deadlines. They are already working on the mainnet on github as we speak.
I'm still accumulating when I'm done accumulating I'll move them all to a nano ledger S. It's hard to set up fake sell walls when I have 0 REQ to put those sell walls up in the exchange.
should we be concerned that most volume is on a korean exchange?
koreans are accumulating for the next update on Friday, there is also a shitton of active users on the REQ subreddit for some reason
It's a chinese exchange but REQ is actually going to list on a korean exchange in 2 weeks don't remember which one but the government lifted regulations on adding new coins and they published a list including REQ.
Anyway we'll probably see a new partnership announced next friday.
>did you buy at ico or something, this is so cheap
He is obviously lying retard
only 3500 REQ here :(
need more REQ
The two biggest ICO contributor countries are China and Korea. That was post China ban as well.
I think it will be ok.
Did you guys see this? Bullish!