Tell me how this wont beat chainlink.
Tell me how this wont beat chainlink
it has no advantages
>he doesn't know
Sorry OP...
>chainlink circlewanking
fuck off with your shit token memes
The ChainL;ink Dev team has Sergej Nazarov,(aka Sathoshi Nakamoto), Jason Paser, Chad O'Fork and Alan Turing. Vitalik is advisor and openly says he sees no reason for Ethereum to even exist without oracles (and also admits he cant implement it into the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) because of the EVM being unable to parse JSON.
Srsly I have never heard of the shitcoin Mobius. It doesnt even get memed here. The logo is probably attractive to retarded mathematicians like me but I dont make buy decisions on only thata
They partnered with Waltoncucks. That's all I know.
Just buy both for any case.
One word: pajeet
It wont beat chain link cause its superior product.
Quick sell your link
spoken like a true pajeet.
Well done, rajesh, well done...
from pic related country
i cant
1. founder promises 5t mcap;
2. founder promises that everyone will be their customer;
3. no substance in the whitepaper and just beyond OMG pathetic shilling of their shitcoin;
4. unironically the only ultimate pajeet coin on the market
1. seals /thread, sersly look at zen protocol much more iteresting than this shitcoin and I have no idea why walton cocks partnered with this shitcoin
Fuck off! At least its nice weather in Mumbai! Also your GF sent me veganis and boobels pics on FB!
Only partner is the fucking salty walty shitcoin.
you can't even buy mobius's not even a competition if one of the participants doesn't show up, lol...
Full of bs. Nice try pajeet
retard pajeets stealing an idea and lifting code off stack overflow.... what could go wrong.
meanwhile, LINK helps develop the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD alongside the biggest name in the game, which banks will undoubtedly use for dealing with smart contracts.
Good luck poo.
>CHAD O'Fork
Thats how you know that Link is the best
>no reason for Ethereum to even exist without oracles
Pretty much. It's a glorified token dispenser without oracles.
did you watch the mobius interview? it's a good laugh.