Why the fuck isn't Veeky Forums all over this?

Why the fuck isn't Veeky Forums all over this?

>$150M marketcap
>Sony as institutional investor
>Samsung as institutional investor
>Youtube co-founder as advisor
>Twitch co-founder as investor

Other urls found in this thread:


can we just ban people who shill coins without talking about what the coin does? thank you mods

But I am. Bought in at 20 cents after some user shilled it.

we've had people effortshill this before, and all they got for their efforts was a chorus of lil' birdies like you squakking "pajeet pajeet pajeet"

Here you go, since you lack the ability to do a 10 second google search to find out.

>make a post to shill a shitcoin
>cant mention what it does
Who's the retard here?

because it's only listed on chink exchanges

ok so where is the info on how the coin works?


Dude, they're premined coins being pumped by a group on discord.

What's wrong with you?

That's all I needed to see. I don't buy erc20 coins as I already hold a shitload of ETH. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

Try clicking the little button that says "whitepaper" on their website. Or am I expected to cite the entire thing for you to save you the trouble?

Was listed on ED and IDEX today.


It's an ERC20, dumbfuck. And who's pumping it? Sony? Samsung?

Ive been 70% in this for a couple of days

link to ED?

so is this the part where i say "post proof faggot" and then you post your invitation link to pnd discord group "as proof"? very elaborate ruse user. but still, you are retarded.

I have been trying to tell these retards not to miss this one OP, but I am being ignored just like the last time I tried to shill eca. I give up biz , go buy turtle or ufr or whatever the fuck you deserve

>why should I make 30% in a day when I could just make 2%?

you are expected to be able to tell me in a few sentences how the coin works, yeah. Too hard for you?


you aren't worth the effort

>you are expected

Kek, fuck off. Go find a TRTL thread.

look, I am never going to buy this shitcoin anyway. I'm just baiting you because I know you curry niggers didnt read the whitepaper nor are you able to read it with comprehension.

tried to shill this 2 days ago when it was under 20 cents. not much answer. they deserve to stay poor op.

>asks to be spoonfed
>get told to fuck off
>I-I-I was just pretending to be retarded

hey OP, read the whitepaper. Looks like they want to do p2p streaming. ok but they dont have any content of their own? Went on sliver.tv and its just re-streams of twitch??

you're a dumb useless nigger, kys and stay poor.

God damn you're a salty one. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not in this thing for the tech. I'm in it because it's low mcap and I know normies will be all over it because of muh Samsung, Sony and Youtube.

I think you're the one who needs to read the whitepaper. The Tetha Network isn't Sliver.tv.

Sliver.tv will utilize Tetha.

That's like saying OmiseGo sells burgers because McDonalds might utilize OMG.

at first they wanted to do vr streaming but they pivoted to esports betting

see, was that so hard to admit? Remember back when I called it a shitcoin? All the curry niggers still scream about DYOR as if there is any research to be done.

biz doesn't deserve theta

Hi Pajeet, back to work I see! Say hi to Kunal, Sameer and Rakesh ok?

>tried to shill this 2 days ago when it was under 20 cents. not much answer. they deserve to stay poor op.

Same here.

Worst part, it's still a must buy right now and even at X2.

I had to read it 3 times before I saw esports instead of escorts.

Bought in at 14 cents myself. So already 2x'd, meanwhile the rest of Veeky Forums spergs out about TRTL coins and gets dumped on.

Hi Sandeep!

>Talk about any shitcoin that isn't TRTL or AMB
>Automatically become a pajeet

Whiter than you, my 56% friend.

where can i buy it?

triggered turtle coiner detected


Huobi, gate.io or ED. Some user posted a link earlier.

How can sliver.tv utilize Tetha if it doesn't actually do any streaming itself? Looks like the token requires p2p sharing of some content? What content? There not just gonna re-stream twitch...

Eurocuck here. Can i buy on okex?

yes, it's on okex too.

eurocuck here i buy on gate.io

Alright, I bought some.

Biz in a nutshell.

Nice, just bought 100k

#paywithcrypto started here faggot.
If you like don’t like it here you better gtfo.
I agree though it’s fucking annoying. Funniest thing is those faggot calling other pajeets hold shitcoins like tron or verge.

I really don't get it. Is this a shitcoin? Yes. Is this shitcoin capable of creating massive hype with the names behind it? Yes.

What the fuck more do you want you brainlets? Do you honestly want the next etherium? This is a coin that will bring you 3x 5x 10x whatever but that's it. No one claims 50K$ EOY BUY BUY BUY, you are just a bunch of faggots crying about muh whitepaper muh functionality muh actual use.

This is why you are losers. Go get your %1 profit with eth, btc, whatever the fuck you virgin pussies buy nowadays.

Steem already does all of these things though

>At least they can manage to do things collectively like the #paywithcrypto

That was us, you dense cunt. And I haven't seen a single person here claim THETA is "the best coin". It's a hypecoin backed up by Samsung and Sony. That's worth something, and I'll happily ride the moneytrain.

While the tech in crypto is exciting as fuck, this isn't a tech board, this is a money-making board. So fuck off back to plebbit.

Stfu faggot I bought 10k at 18 cents

>money-making board
>shill shitcoins and can't argue why your coin is good

Both these posts say why this coin is good. I came to the conclusion you are an absolute retard and will not continue to argue with you. Come back when you have a triple digit IQ.

>t.chainlink bagholder.

>muh it's backed by samsung and sony but I still don't understand what the coin does
>since I don't understand what it does I should attack the writer

Get your ass back to rebbit, you god damn faggot.