I now understand why Veeky Forums hates Pajeets...
I now understand why Veeky Forums hates Pajeets
Other urls found in this thread:
>mother of Europes languages
Indo-European languages originate from the Pontic–Caspian steppe
>mother of our philosophy
The furthest east people propose ancient Greek philosophy to be based on is the ancient near east (middle east) nations.
>ideals embodied in Christianity
Buddha is said to be born centuries after Christ
Numerals sure but mathematical formulas are found across all advanced civilizations
>Self-government and democracy
Ancient Greeks were the first, democracy was brought to India from the British ironically enough, before the British Raj they were anything but democratic/
street shitters btfo, how will they ever recover?
>Will Durant
Why is everyone that cucks their own culture to fetishize another always white?
pic related
If they're so great why do they shit in the streets?
>search this and it's actually real
You can't make this shit up
I can see how, by exaggerating some claims, cheating on some distances, you could think this was somewhat true. Except for democracy, I'm seriously not even sure what they were thinking when they wrote that.
>Indo-European languages originate from the Pontic–Caspian steppe
Yeah but Indo-European came from Indo-Iranic branch
It's a mixed Aryan area. Clearly the pajeet is trying to take all the credit but I dont know why he would want to make 50% of the world revolve around pooville
>Buddha is said to be born centuries after Christ
Only part you got wrong as fuck. Gautama Buddha was born centuries before Christ. By the founding of the Roman Republic buddhism was one of the largest religions in India.
>Buddha is said to be born centuries after Christ
No it isn't
Buddha is born in Nepal
Every Kingdom north of Sikkim is Buddhist territory. Hindu Dindus and Mudslime rapists can stay out
Huh? Wanna take another pass at that, Chang?
wtf are you talking about. hinduism is the religion of pajeetland, not buddhism.
Not 2200 years ago. Ashoka Maurya spread it throughout India and heavily promoted it. From abouth the 7th century on, islamic invasions and th growing power of the brahmin caste combined to cause buddhism to mostly die out in India, and completely in some historical centers like Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
Never. Fuck this place. Gonna get out of here as soon as I can.
Indians are what makes India a shithole, the land is good, the people are bad. Contain your shitiness and stay there please, we really hate you.
Source: live in Thailand and it's the year 2561 here.
btw the top 3 crypto in this year are:
>XLM $1.300
>ETH $1.3M
>XRB $700k
To be fair, not using toilets isn't that bad.
Shitting always takes me a long time, but when I was camping once and shitting in the woods it took me like 20 seconds. Squatting is really the way humans were meant to shit. I start to envy indians a bit every time I can't squeeze it all out after 10 minutes
Taking long to shit on the toilet is the true white man's burden
>tfw you realize toilets are actually a Jew conspiracy to keep the white race down
>brown ID
In many ways Indians are redpilled.
They have a solid caste system which is based on genetic lineage - ranging from light skinned and high IQ Brahmin down to the nigger skinned and low IQ Dalits.
They also have an active elite of mixed Anglo-Indians descended from colonial bongs that dipped their cock in the poopers of the hotter females during the Empire.
The ones you see moving to the West en masse on HB1 visas? They are NOT the higher tier castes, they are the lower rung, maybe not dalit tier but still street shitter tier.
Dravidians genocided the Indo-Europeans long before Britain arrived. The caste system attempted to salvage the damage done, but even high castes had been infiltrated by too much brown blood. And that's why modern Indians are incapable of doing much more than shitting on the street.
>They have a solid caste system which is based on genetic lineage - ranging from light skinned and high IQ Brahmin down to the nigger skinned and low IQ Dalits.
Is that supposed to be good? Why is India so shit then?
Caste system based on birth is absurd. Higher iq is a result of selection pressure, which means that dumbasses have to at least leave the caste, ideally die.
White skin doesn't give you a high iq magically. White people are smarter on average because life in Europe was hard. If you didn't prepare for the winter you died. White skin co-evolved because it's more efficient at vitamin D3 production under weak light.
There's nothing redpilled about aristocracy strictly by birth. It doesn't work. Do you know why aristocracy in Europe lost power? Because they became insular and degenerated. Initially it was much more open. If you were brave and good at war (= not a complete idiot) you had a great chance at becoming noble even if you were a dirty peasant.
Only one aristocratic culture diverged from that pattern - the British one. There you were granted nobility if you were a great scientist (eg. Lord Kelvin) or otherwise exceptional. For this reason old Western aristocracy remains the strongest in the UK. Their aristocratic elites are least degenerated due to being the most meritocratic.
Society should be hierarchical, yes. But not by birth. That's a sure way to remove selection pressures.
How have the castes lasted as long as they have? Other countries have had revolutions for much less
Buy one of those: youtube.com
Literally the richest country in the world the majority of the past 2000 years along with China.
China will be the richest again within the next 10 years, India will rejoin China within 50.
Man you must really like those designaterrd shitting streets.
Eat more fiber.
>Dravidians genocided the Indo-Europeans long before Britain arrived.
lol no
It was sandniggers. The aryan north took the brunt of the mohammetan invasions, in which tens to hundreds of millions of people were killed and virtually every library and university was burned down and all the scholars killed. The dravidians got fucked up pretty bad too, but not as bad, so the south became the more civilized part and remains so today. All of India is basically a burnt out ruin of what it was before islam though.