it's still above 11k
what's your problem, m8?
correction 10k*
Bitcoin will go down to 8k as promised. Probably a flash crash to 8k just after Chinese New Year or during.
Thanks just sold 100k
Amerifats wake up and start dumping. The hell is wrong with these fat impulsive retards?
It's those fucking weak-handed eurofags
kek your a tard
I hope so I want in :3
Na we sold 6hours ago
Why is ETH going up? I need it to go down too..
It's happening
How weak are you OP? Its moving sideways for a while, nothing to see there. Don't believe the morons that keep shouting 7k or 8k, not happening.
>1 hour ago
>people have been warning me since 2011
fucking late to the FUD party my man
You should check the TA on our server, it's worth it
discord server tebwEwv
What a surprise fucking Americans selling again - like fucking clockwork same time every day.
Its worth a poo in the loo pajeet, go fuck yourself discord shill :^)
You're really pathetic. And dumb, look at your post: "Duh it's all good man, I don't know why, buy I'm sure that nothing is going to happen because.. Muh gut feeling"
I'll rather use TA as a base for my assumptions than some retard's gut feeling.
Okay buddy.
You are fucking retarded you brainlet. What makes you think its going 7k? It barely went to 9.5k (and it rebounded like motherfucker) when it was full blown FUD campaign against BTC. Now weak hands are shaken, how are you gonna push it down to 7k?
>M-muh TA says so
You fell for the TA meme m8, I've seen your cultists fail again and again so who the fuck is looking pathetic and dumb all the time? Now you're spreading your discord cancer too.
Why are you so emotional? I can't imagine someone reacting like that irl. Were you crying when you typed that?
The market does not care about your feelings. It just does what it does.
If you don't know anything about market movements you're only ever going to lose. Being a little whiny bitch is the first problem you have.
If only it was easy / if everyone could make good TA... Every retard here on Veeky Forums would be rich.
But it isn't. It takes a lot to be able to make a good call and constantly adjust if the market moves differently. I sold my BTC at 18k and we've only gone down the drain from that point on.
Every move up we have seen these last days was with zero conviction. *Bull traps* with no volume. I've seen people screaming MOON 100 times. Go ahead and be one of them. I'll scoop it up when it's really low, together with your tears.
>Spends more time thinking about lambo than coin value.
Fuck guess I'm a chad now. I love you all faggots, we all are gonna make it, even linkies.
Do u think it will rebound back up to 18k/20k this year? Any predictions of what it will do in the 1st quarter? Or does that really depend on how the LN goes?
I'm not emotional, I'm just sick to my stomach of sudden influx of you TA fags on this board.
>XVG shows bullish signs
Day later
>XVG crashed even more
>Interesting, as TA said we are breaking ATH any moment
Do you understand that TA cannot work without general sentiment of investors and news that are coming from big media players? FUD campaign has subsided, sorry but your 7k buy order won't go through. It won't dip into 4 digits ever again.
>adsuming all these assumptions
Okay my man. I'm not one of these faggots shouting moon and I'm not pink wojaking either, maybe for shits and giggles.
Scoop up whatever you want I don't like getting rekt by the taxman for daytrading while wasting my time.
Good question. Even though I like to calculate price targets and not time frames:
Yes, I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a very good year for BTC and crypto in general. ONCE WE HAVE BOTTOMED OUT we should be picking up again. This market is still growing in the grand scheme of things.
BUT: Since most people here are concerned with short term movements I was only commenting on what might happen during the next days/weeks.
I laugh all the way to the bank while I see them losing money doing TA on the most manipulated projects like XVG and fucking TRX.
>It won't dip into 4 digits ever again.
You should screencap your post, just for yourself. You can then look at it and learn something from it once we're below 10k.
How can you be so sure? You can't. Especially because you don't seem to be basing your assumptions on anything but your general feeling. But your feeling is nothing objective and correct. If it was you'd already be rich.
You think your sentiment is the market sentiment, but it's not.
You have a different approach to valuing the weight of news, apparently. To me bad news come and go all year. But it's only when sentiment is already bearish that the market reacts heavily. When you see those reactions you later think that it was definitely the news causing the drop. But the reality is that the market reacts however it wants to react. In some cases, when there is hype and things are really bullish, the market simply does not care about bad news at all. How do you explain that?
The market will take any excuse to do what it's going to do, regardless of news.
Don't believe that the South Korea bullshit was the ACTUAL cause for the 30% drop. If you do you'll be clueless.
South Korea new was just biggest trigger, CNBC literally had "South Korea bans Bitcoin trading" on their mainpage for entire day, even after it was proved false.
Thing is, you cannot shake market to 7k. Where do you get idea people will sell now? Your 15 min indicators are telling you that?
Do you think everyone here is so retarded that they think after bull run of 200%+ there want be massive dip? What you don't seem to see is that bears are strugling with pushing it below 10.5k for a week now, its just not going. 10k is proving to be extremely good support, and more it takes the weaker the push gets because people are not scared shitless that 16th of January will happen again.
You are not seeing 4 digits again not because I'm subjective (half of my stack is now in $ actually), but because on absolute top of FUD campaign it barely dipped to 9.5k and rebounded like crazy.
You got played, there want be 7k, you can safely remove that buy order from there. Screencap this.
>Bu bu TA said
Already gave you XVG example. Look at XRB as well, just yesterday the "signs are very bearish"
Result? 50% in a day increase.
>Already gave you XVG example. Look at XRB as well, just yesterday the "signs are very bearish"
Was that my TA? No.
It's funny how you talk like everyone who posts TA is the same hivemind entity. As I said before, most people are really bad at it. I do what has worked for me.
You are pulling the 7k buy order thing out of your ass. I do not have a 7k buy order, it's the lowest target I have right now. I find it unlikely, but I am not going to discard the idea just because *hmm I don't think it's gonna happen*.
The market usually does the opposite of what most think it's going to do. That's especially true since most people are emotional. At first they say "LOL NOT GONNA HAPPEN", but then, as soon as 9.5k breaks they go apeshit and start panic selling all they have. That's how you get really low.
Now excuse me, I am not going to keep trying to help random anonymous sturdy aspies on the internet any longer.
XVG was example where "best" twitter TA fags where saying "Oh its going up any minute". Thing is every one of you see same signs, because if you can read MACD, RSI and Bollinger bands (as well as put 2 straight lines through 3 high/low pts) you will have same results.
Week ago you couldn't find TA fag who didn't think BTC is going to 7k. It then got to 8.5k and now even breaking through 10.5k is an issue. For week lows are higher and higher and FUD is smaller and smaller.
You will be played by looking at TA only. I understand enough of it not to trust it in crypto market, that is all. For daily trading it serves purpose.