which coin is best to start mining now?
Which coin is best to start mining now?
and why is that?
Difficulty for ITNS is down, I've been getting like 10 every night from my shit-tier PC.
any particulair reason why you are mining that coin?
anything but TRTL
its shit tier now
XRB is giving me the best profits on a 1080 ti around 15$ per day usually.
You can't mine xrb.
yeah i am. The thing is, im not an autist that postes bullshit to destroy the good communtiy, im just trying to adapt thats all, tired of wagecucking.
also i have an rx480
Don't listen to him I don't have an RX480 but if it hashes similar to my 1070 you should get around 8$ or so mining XRB
damn sounds nice, i really want to mine smthing to hold for a mid term
want to mine a coin with profit , and hoping it will moon aswell to get some extra profit, lookign at xrb desu, it is very fast, and not to big mcap, onli 2-3 mil, could easly do a x10, so that 8 will turn 80 if you hold right
Aeon has been a good coin to mine for a while. You can use xmr stak
It's also fine to mine cpu-only. A decent video card is bonus points. The price has gone down since the crash last week but it's at least stable now
Just googl it. You can't mine xrb. I wish you could, I would. Go with monero.
Then what am I mining right now if it's not XRB?
Idk. Prolly some stupid shitcoin. You know xrb is raiblocks, right?
have a link to the miner for me?
you right lol
thanks :)
>posts big brain Wojack
>too dumb to do any research
>won't look at the fucking photo I just posted
>won't just go to raiblocks.net > faq
>not able to indicate that im larping to be this dumb
>just looking for a good hint from a fellow bizraeli
im thinking of dimecoin
new team,rebrand and a normie friendly name
I'm working on an ICO right now that offers the service to tell you the most profitable coin to mine at any given time.
very interesting
I like it. Its an encrypted decentralized VPN with plans for a hardware router and you can get paid for being an exit node. I think its the best project in that area.
>mining now
you are only ~100 months late for this kind of question