I want to be a trophy wife but... right now I am looking into pharmaceutical sales. What else, other than sex work, is a good job or career?
Lucrative jobs for cute women 21-25?
Any kind of sales.
Tits raise your selling power by 100%.
Bobs and vagene pls
Implying sex work isn't a good career, easiest money you'll ever make and its enjoyable, so long as you can decouple your moral and ethical alignment.
Sho bobs or vagen?
just buy a chainlink t-shirt and walk around until someone hits you up. That's how you get to be a trophy wife.
Be a fucking cam girl how easy could it fucking be. Better yet just be a twitch streamer and wear suggestive and tight clothing while playing muh over watch. Take money from 13 year olds and permavirgins. Literally could not be easier.
>trophy wife
OP I'll give u $1000 to have u pee on me
>memes to gibs your grandkids
You lose respect from others.
If you're into sales, do real estate sales. Much more money than pharma, or you can do both.
Yeah trophy wife is more like 18-19 who has rich parents who introduced her to real estate early on.
only if they know
Nigger porn
The most attractive woman I know is engaged to a rookie MLB player and she makes a killing selling that pyramid scheme Monat shampoo stuff.
Be a trophy employee for a Chinese giant. They'll hire whites and blacks to look more international and professional. You'll have to fuck the old guys running it, but you won't ever need to do anything else and still get riches.
T. FemExpat
Can you post some links? Sounds promising. I would like an international job.
Just think, out there somewhere right now, there is a washed up cam-girl, that was paid 1000's of btc around 2011-2012, cashed it all in for meth, and had to sit by and watch the price hit 19k.
PR for icos like Sarah.
You'll find it easy for specific companies. Have a read
That's not how women work.
>no sex jobs, dont want to lose respect from others
>chinese giant company gives you money if you fuck old guys running it ??? IM IN BRO !!!!
Bitches and whores that's why my fellow bizraelis you should never show your gains to women
>Can you post some links? Sounds promising. I would like an international job.
Kek what she said is being a whore
You fuck a old dude running the company to get the "international" job
All women are whores aren`t they?
Preschool teacher.
nvm I've heard of this before. I still want an international job though :(
Totally bro. While we're saving ourselves for the right one, they'll fuck everything else, even dogs when we refuse them our pure supreme dicks
You have to be able to speak Chinese. If you can speak good Chinese as a westerner there are plenty of more lucrative jobs than being emperors dinner prostitute.
wow you sound so virgin its nauseating.
I am a proud volcel who will never sleep with whores. Sorry roastie, your value is less than a single link.
honestly pharma sales is one of the easiest and best paying low-entry jobs that you can get if you have no skills and no degree.
Not sure what you could find that would be better.
You know the rules, whore.
>Jobs for cute girl
>No other defining qualities listed
Bitch, you already KNOW what the fuck you're good for. Stop trying to fight the fact that your worth is based entirely in your fleeting looks and willingness to take dick. If you'd swallow your pride and give up this delusion of ever earning any respect just for being an attractive cock sheath, you could get into making some real money and make a name for yourself.
You don't need education? In Scandinavia you need 5 years of university to sell medicine
Technically its a job and society has adapted to having brothels in cities for a long time now. It's unfortunately one sad truth of humanity, but still an ez job for ez cash.
Other qualities
>college degree
i know this is larp but if it were true you'd be too old to be a trophy wife already let alone if few years
Try sucking dick roastie
Also killing yourself might be good as life insurance pays well
>have to fuck microdicked fat smelly autists with stalker streaks
It's not the normal people who frequent such places.
Retarded faggot, kill yourself.
That would have been some choice information to come into this discussion with, don't you think? What is it in, theater?
Stop white knighting, faggot. She already said she won't fuck stank ass autists for cash so you've nothing to gain.
what is melanie trump
cutting off your dick does not make you a woman.
>pharmaceutical sales
>AKA becoming a pill mill merchant
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You fucking twat, can't you understand simple human decency from white knighting? Dude you are fucked up thinking that woman can only achieve something through bed, but what can I expect from fucking shit worm who does not even talk with females.
>be Twitch whore but WEARING A MASK
>OMG dis chick so cute and mysterious lets throw money at her
>make money off permavirgins without losing face
Keep it up. Surely one of those internet damsels will be grateful and you'll finally get some powsi.
You came to the wrong place
Don't think that I need one.
Where do you think we are, Pajeet? This isn't some Reddit fucking hugbox. If a slut comes in here with the aspirations of being a trophy wife with her only validity or worth being she's cute, you damn well know she's aware of what she signed up for. Though what can I expect from someone whose women look like greasy Ewoks.
Biology with a minor in Sociology.
What redeeming features do you have that makes you think you could be a trophy wife?
Are you physically attractive?
Can you run a house?
Do you have the nuturing abilities and skills to keep your man satisfied and raise intelligent well equip children?
Are you materialistic and high maintenance or family oriented with high morals?
Are you sexually promiscuous or have you saved yourself for the right man?
I doubt you are any of the above if you have to ask and aren't already engaged by your early to mid 20s.
You will end up like their western whores - chasing after a rich Chad while offering nothing and ending up single with a half black kid asking yourself where all the good men have gone.
t. Guy with a girl with all of the above who is thinking of proposing in 2018
>lucrative jobs for cute women 21-25?
Anything that involves your only worth: your looks
Sales, dancer in night clubs, etc...
This is obvious bait, but I'm bored so I'll humor you.
21-25 is about the latest age you can be considered a "trophy wife." If that's what you want to do, you should be looking for a husband right now.
Is she Asian user?
pics or it didn't happen
I don't care anymore. Also probably this is a larp.
Now we are getting somewhere. user from above is right, be a drug shill. It's thankless and everyone will think you're peddling snake oil (which you will be a lot of the time) but you'll make bank and street shitting brown doctors will buy anything you shill just to keep you coming in their practice every 2 to 4 weeks.
I can't believe no one has demanded you show your tits yet. The utter state of Veeky Forums
No, we are European. She has epicanthic folds though and has finno-ugric mongol blood so guess it's close.
Pharm sales is pretty good. Have a nice body, wear a tight dress and flirt with doctors. Or host high stakes poker games in a nice hotel room like Molly's Game.
i heard Blacked pays the best
I don't think it's that enjoyable for the female m8. Getting plowed by fat ugly dudes when you aren't into it at all isn't exactly a pleasurable experience for them.
>I want to be a trophy wife but... right now I am looking into pharmaceutical sales. What else, other than sex work, is a good job or career?
Stay at home mom.
tits and timestamp or gtfo if trap kys
Aw fuck my wife has some of that shit in the shower.
Def not enjoyable for the girl lol
Lol, you don't need shit to sell big pharm here, just big charm and big tits.
You can claim you were forced into it by the patriarchal capitalist system if you get caught
you must be a deluded roastie yourself