No fap is not a meme. It's a night and day difference. I'm only a week or so in (I decided not to keep track of streaks or anything, just decide to stop) I can literally feel the built up "sexual energy" I don't even know how to describe it really, it's like being under the influence of a natural stimulant. It's like a sensation that I can feel going through my lower body I can feel going all the way down to my feet when I walk it doesn't even feel subtle. When I ejaculate all the energy is dispersed immediately and takes a few days to build back up. The lag time between thought and action decreased dramatically. If I even think about something I need to do I'm already on it without hesitation or procrastination. I started cleaning and organizing everything around me spotlessly and began my weight lifting routine again that I stopped doing because I was too tired before. I'm not going to say any bullshit about how it's "super powers" or "girls are magically attracted", I'll just say it feels like a good stimulant.
Stop Thot Posting
Yeah I know. This board makes it hard. We need a filter that automatically google image searches each picture posted and checks if imagefap shows up within the top 10 results. If it does then its automatically deleted. I like censorship.
I just want to browse Veeky Forums while at work without having to worry about naked women on my screen. But yeah, I should try nofap as well..
Checked, and fucking-A. I've been doing NF on and off since 2010, and it fucking works for me. Clear-thinking, calm, long-term planning; it's all better when on NF. And that is key for crypto
It 100% makes me feel more clear headed but it also makes me way too horny and pay too much attention to females which is a distraction as well. Noporn is more important.
masturbation isn't even sexual for me anymore, I do it just for the dopamine rush and can get myself off in about 20 seconds
I don't even need tissues because I just eat my cum and can fap literally anywhere
If you do it and your dopamine receptors are not too fucked up, you'll feel a difference in a few days.
For me it's not just a mental difference, it makes my body feel physically different to operate. Like it's got more batteries, like it's "charged up". The chapter in Think and Grow Rich about "The mystery of Sex Transmutation" starts making a lot of sense. You're literally more effective in the world when not dispersing your sex energy on a daily basis.
OP is gonna rape someone really soon. That what "sexual energy" does you weirdo
I hope they aren't. I actually have a gf and share a house with her and porn has ruined my sexual relationship with her.
How is this related to buy high, sell low?
ive been fapping everyday for 18 years...
how can i stop?
get off Veeky Forums jesus fuck
fuck me. i was not ready for that journey
You are a fucking dipshit
Thanks just bought 100k fleshlights
If not directed towards your goals, then yeah. Think about it, raping someone takes a tremendous amount of effort and energy. You just have to channel it towards useful shit like a steam engine.
oh my bad I read that wrong. Ive been wanting to fix my dopamine receptors for a long time now. Don't know if I should stop weed first or porn or just cold turkey. Im going to quit porn tonight and see how it goes
I agree you fee more refreshed and alert best advice I set off Veeky Forums on your computer and only browse blue boards in public places like Work from your phone so you are tempted to fap. My goal now is fapping 1-2 a week spread out enough to give me that refreshed and clear headedness but still the occasional fap using my mind so I’m not a slave to muh dick and average roasties. Broke down and looked at 2d porn for the first time in a month last night feels bad man. We’re all gonna make it tho.
If that works for you it's way better than fapping every day. Fapping every day is death and depletes you completely. For me if I make allowances I know I'm going to slowly slide back into every day. I'm just going to make the decision not to fap. One of these days I'm GOING to fap because the urge will become irresistible, but then I'll just rededicate not to fap any more again, and I'll just have 1 or 2 faps a month instead of 30.
And the good habits and momentum built from the extra energy from not fapping aren't going to disappear in one day when I screw up.
why can't you empty some of your bags to find a roastie so you can empty your sachel?
legs over head or leaning forward?
how do i stop fapping
im also still nofap 2018 and i already want to rape someone
onto my fingers and then down my throat
You mean prostitutes? I've done it before. I think that's a vice and energy depleting. If you mean a girlfriend... well it's just the order of operations... it's because I want to be laser focused on one thing, and one thing only. Money. Thots later.
I know newfags think "LARP" whenever someone says a figure over 100k here but I recently cashed out about 900k. I had to go out of state to find an accountant that actually knows his shit when it comes to crypto and doesn't just say "Use FIFO..." and actually has connections and knows strategies to shelter your gains from tax. I have a little bit of crypto left that I will hold indefinitely but I really hated how your future is uncertain every day and almost everything is out of your hands. Yeah I was making money because I got in early but my life was just a hazy disaster of fapping every day with a terrible sleep schedule and being in fear of losing everything. I rededicated my goal to turn that 900k into 20 Million by whatever method. And I'm fairly certain I'm going to get it because I ferociously desire it now and I'll do anything and learn about anything to get it. That's another side effect of nofap, the intensity of your emotions get increasingly amped up everyday where as they seem to get blunted by excessive fapping and porn.
>If you mean a girlfriend... well it's just the order of operations... it's because I want to be laser focused on one thing, and one thing only. Money. Thots later.
>poor self-control
>blames others
Not gonna make it
Of course I don't really expect Veeky Forums to really stop thot posting ever. It's a meme title.