>he fell for the pajeet mobius FUD.
>he cares about WTC, a joke coin that a future coin utilizing LINK will undoubtedly replace.
>he actually sold his LINK yesterday at 68 cents.
He fell for the pajeet mobius FUD
Other urls found in this thread:
gtfo pump&dump pajeet
LINK is a shitcoin that only has hype and memes going for it.
t. former stinky
>t. former stinky
that just shows how retarded you are
Yeah, I sold above 1$. I'm so retarded.
Chainlink has literally finished its product, explain this github.com
grats on your 300 bucks
>ad hominem strawman
So I should have hodled like you retards and only have 200 bucks right now?
Link isn’t a big deal and there is no outline for the amount node operators will receive. Dunno why it’s so hyped, it won’t be the most valuable token, and banks wouldn’t want to use the tokens in the first place. I wouldn’t be surprised if the first use case is a pajeet bank in 2025
>he admits he's poor
t. brainlet
>another ad hominem
I was using your number to make a point, retard.
You're telling me selling high was a mistake and I should have hodled so I could lose over 30% of my money?
some of us are dealing with big boy money that cannot easily be sold. i know this might be hard for you to understand :^).
>link is hyped
LOL no. No it's not. Biz doesn't count. The rest of the world is in the dark
>banks won't use the token
Good because they aren't supposed to use it you fuxking melon this isn't ripple
Sure, pal, because big boys go on Veeky Forums to shill their shitcoin. Show me your wallet then.
And you still haven't made one argument in favor of LINK. Why should people buy LINK?
You lost, friend?
>why it’s so hyped
>only has hype
Not hyped at all. There's no marketing. We at Veeky Forums hype it because we know it's the holy grail.
And we still have at least half of biz hating us because of link threads.
Yeah I don’t trust coins hyped here, always wrong long term. Ethereum and neo are good examples.
thanks for confirming that big mouth FUDers of good coins are almost always poorfags thinking they are hot shit trading their sub 1k portfolios around.
saving for that loo
the stink of link
Stop giving me an erection. It’s 2018 and that’s sexual assault
The rules of link
you may only fud link if you own link
you may only shill it if you don't
perfect anti-normie shield
You all know the 'dev lead' Jason is just a meme and done not exist?
>another ad hominem
Spoken like a true larper. Show me your wallet, poorfag.
I'm really interested to know why a "big boy" would waste his time shilling on Veeky Forums.
The only reason I'm fudding is because stinky linkies are the biggest shills on Veeky Forums.
And I'm waiting for
>one argument in favor of LINK. Why should people buy LINK?
>And we still have at least half of biz hating us because of link threads.
Because you're aggressively shilling it despite the project having no substance, only promises.
link is very good coin sahs!
So you own link?
They want you to hold because this is a new coordinated pump campaign.
>They want you to hold because this is a new coordinated pump campaign.
This - so sell Take the fucking money
thanks op, just set a buywall up for 750k
>Because you're aggressively shilling it despite the project having no substance, only promises.
What do you mean no substance? Most tokens on this market are speculation with no working product.
And, nobody cares if you buy or not. This project will succeed with or without you.