Is this coin fucking dead I see no more shilling. It's over isn't it?

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This can't be fucking real. 4 days before conference and there is no hype. What the fuck. Even fucking LINK started pumping. Just kill me senpai.


Quality doesnt get shilled

has everyone jumped ship are we the only bagholders left what the fuck. there should be major hype with summit I'm really fucking confused

It was shilled for almost 2 months straight you nigger.
t. bough from $2


This market doesn't make fucking sense. Even with bitcoin shitting itself, we should have been on a clear path to $20 by now.

Bought at $2 too. I'm not saying I'm pissed at the gains. Seem errie there's no hype before summit.

Ian balina says it should be around cardano level, that is another 10x.

Summit is priced in, but the details of partnership are not. So once partnerships with government bodies start coming out, it will move


>trusts nigger shilling his bags
It will pump before the summit if btc doesn't do anything radical

looking good

It's literally the best platform on the market yet it's sitting at 3 billion cap. This just doesn't make sense.

It's over. ICX is an obvious scam coin. All their pics on Twitter from so called events are shopped, shut down official Telegrams etc. If anyone can prove this summit is actually taking place I'll buy back in

Fuck off rakesh. If you want to FUD go ahead, but at least put some effort into it.

nobody can :/
better sell all now

Just hold you limpwristed faggots. One day it will moon out of nowhere just like eth and neo.

>one day
I don't have time you shithead. If I miss the biggest moon in the history of crypto that is LINK, I'll fucking kms.

what am i gotta do?


You'll see threads again in a few days time when the fomo starts

You better be right. This time the bear market is starting to take its toll on my mental health.

you guys still dont get it, do you? the apex of ICX's pump was the mainnet release. it will only consolidate/go down from here on with some occasional pnds for weeks/months
its now the definition of a bag. never get too attached to a coin

Yeah, its over. Its gonna crawl sideways at a very slight downward trend all year.

> the only mainnet scalable ETH competitor that is actually up and running right now, dapps launching within days
> "pnd bag"

lol, I'm actually laughing. Doesnt happen that much anymore on biz

And let me tell you that I am actually earning around one hund- I mean around one thousand and four hundred dollars on an everyday basis, seven days a week.
I am right now independently, financially independently.

can confirm, i was a massive shill

volume on binance is dead...

Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth. In the next bull-run, we may see some decent gains. For now, I'm sitting tight.

This was a shitcoin all along.
You know, I know, Koreans may know now as well.

are your hands so weak that you need to make this post?

relax, icx is bluechip af. After the summit, we will be on par, if not stronger than most other top 10 projects


i need some icon swag

Why would anybody buy ICX from me for 100,- in the future, tell me please, shill me.

Icon was 9th top search term on Naver (google for Korea)

its not even out yet in Korea lol

why do i even bother talking to u idiots

because its the blockchain with the most partnerships and government and industry adoption, in the most tech-savvy country in the world

I trust the South Koreans more than the fucking Chinese any day bud.

So you cannot answer but muh not even out yet?user I asked that question many times and never got an answer, this is a serious question, I am serious about investments unlike you it seems.
Just because people don't know about it doesn't mean they will pay Xamount for it in the future.
People don't know about my incredibly shaped dick either, but will probably never pay me for it anytime soon.
Again: What is the intrinsic value which makes buyers buy it from me in 10 years for a price much higher than now??

fuck the chinks

thanks..but what's their intrinsic value? These are not shares, people may use it but why would they pay 100 for it? Very simple question.

don't buy if you can't do your own research pajeet

Even if ICX is added to fiat pair exchanges in Korea, why wouldn't Koreans just continue to use Ethereum?

dyor idiot

Well at least he reached above 5M portfolio

Listen braindead child, I was investing when you weren't even born.

This. I just don't get it.

where did write that ICX is just pnd shitcoin? op is obviously looking for short-midterm gains. the thing he should have done was to sell his ICX at around $9-$10 and move on to the next coin. of course ICX is a rock solid longterm hold
maybe use your brain before you type next time faggot

info thats literally all over the whitepaper

itll be used for dapp usage and ICOs on the icon network. 5 ICO/dapps coming with this summit

because ethereum doesnt have PoS, korean government or corporate partners, a korean team, or a enterprise blockchain solution platform like icon does

So it's competing with ethereum?
Best of luck user, I'm out of this shitcoin and it's half assed 5 c64-dapps.

asians are extremely nationalistic

please just sell, nobody cares about ur lazy ass

go fuck yourself retard.

"it will only go down"
"via pump and dumps"

retard. kys.

lol its not competing with ethereum, ethereum isnt an interoperability platform

later idiot

the amount of mad icxies in this thread hilarious
you faggots are the next linkies

kk, see you when you fomo back in in a month

Already did at 10, thanks.
Keep dreaming user.

Hooold, I dont get these impatient cucks, that's why their poor. Same thing happened with Neo,hold at least until the end of year you will see the rewards much sooner then that.

I made good gains with it from 800 sats to this point. But it's time to drop my bags. I will wait for the summit pump at least, but since the communication is garbage, we wont here anything for weeks.

these kids are fresh, they didnt live through antshares or eth uprising

cant blame them for not knowing how to invest

Its impatient cucks that bought high and not under $2

yes man ant shares i remember all the good memes, good memories, look where Neo is at now, holy fuck if any of these kids hold and stop being retarded it can change their lifes, and here is another chance, I can see Icon hitting $100 this year or at least $50

>It's literally the best platform on the market
How can it be the best when nobody is using it yet

>800 sats
thats below ico price you retarded larp

Definitely a hold till EOY, wish I got in the ICO for 10 cents each, oh well.

poor deluded icxie ...
i bought icx at 12k sats, sold right before the mainnet was released and moved on. while you faggots hope for a miracle and only see red everyday i in the meantime am making more money than you faggots ever will with muuhh icx

ICON is already 1/3 of NEO's cap though, so your analogy is flawed, even though I'm convinced ICON is much better project.

once the Koreans fully get in, the sky is the limit, I am not selling any of my stack until I see this past $50 and in to the $100-200 mark

Are you retarded?

its not the best, but its definitelly in use... 5m users on Icon's KYC CHAINID platform, hospitals are already using icon blockchains to transfer patient data ...

My nigga, actually antshares all over again.

Have only 400, will I make it?

alright buddy... best of luck to you anyway

see you at the finish line, maybe you will make it too after you learn from your mistakes

Are you?

market cap doesnt mean much... ripple X10d at 3.4B - 34B

plus, crypto market cap is going to go parabolic this year

Why are you comparing neo current market cap to an end of year prediction? Neo will
X10 as well this year, but ICX will grow more and overtake.

Recheck binance charts and recheck the token term sales. Brainlet

yup exactly this one last chance for the ones that missed the last train, how ever retards will be retards and be negative on the coin and lose out, f it bro well be there when it reaches the moon like Neo did

it started trading at 11k sats on binance and ico price was back then 11c

Korean people are very meme-susceptible
They love to follow whatever is trendy. Everyone wears the same clothes, drives the same cars, etc.

So if ICX catches on it'll catch on HARD

It was a bit under, I remember it dipping to roughly 6. something k sats. t. got in at 7k.

ill make you a promise biz poor fags, once Icon hits $100 or above, I will come back to do some give a ways here in Biz Poor fags only are invited how ever I do hope most of you hold on to your coins this Moon mission is about to get started next week

that's still way above 800 sats tho unless he was in ICO

Dude youre a retarded cuck. Quit begging for someone to tell you what to do.

You want someone to tell you what to do? Fine.


God fucking lazy assholes, I hope you lose it all pn TRTL


>still holding ICX

>still using brainlets

I'll come and give out some free ICX if it hit $100 too

Everyone has moved onto VEN and after that another "promising" coin will emerge and everyone will move to that, and on and on and on....

This one. The hype about ICX is gone. I don't care about WAN for example, but it will steal the summit moon light once again.