>Only 3500 XLM
Am I gonna make it?
>Only 3500 XLM
Am I gonna make it?
What will the marketcap need to be for you to double your money?
Idk you tell me
Not unless the marketcap of XLM hits
2 trillion dollars lmao
More than every ither coin combined right now
>tfw could only afford 600 XLM
I envy you OP.
Holy fuck there are literally children on this board. Stole mommies credit card and wanted to buy rocket coin! He literally doesn't know how the marketcap would have to grow to DOUBLE his money.
hmmmm really tough one!
Lmao can't wait till you lose all your money
22.2B. Do you think it's more realistic for XLM to double in a breif period of time, or another coin with say a 1B market cap to double in a short period?
I jud buy wocket coin and it go to $1000 rite guy! Like bitcon right?!
hurr durr market cap, it was also impossible for xrp to hit 1 dollar cos of ma mureket caep
Xlm went to 1 dollar with a 15b market cap. The fud is real
Ouchie! U didn put in as much as me! U gonna be por wen it hit $10 per XLM
It's easier for something to go from 1B- 2B than 11-22, retard
oh wait it actually hit 3 dollars hahahahaha
Protip if you can’t mine it and you can’t stake it you can’t trust it.
that 3500 xlm could potentially be worth $7000 eoy!
Nope. It's impossible for it to hit $100 like you retards spew
"Durrr it hit 1 dolla so dat mean I will hab $300 when it moon! I'll be rich!"
I believe you. Its also impossible bitcoin will ever go over 10k
>Only 0 XLM
Am I gonna make it?
go look for your vaporwave shitcoins with no actual working product just to get dumped on after MUH MARKRET KAP after it grows 1B
hey why don't you buy TURTLE? hahahahahaha
No one said that you illogical child
it was impossible for xrp to hit 1 dollar, that's what you faggots said 3 months ago.
Lumens at 100? i doubt it will get there this year, but 10 for sure
Keep making retrded investments. Us whales need kiddies like you to dump on after you've come late to the party
How fucking new are you holy fucking shit
You think you can manipulate the price with your piece of the pie? Go on dump your lumens and see if it makes a difference ;)
You won't be missed
Your piece of the pie are not even crumbs
I agree it's impossible but people focus on market caps too much.
Stock markets run with roughly $75-80t while crypto is like $600b? The potential growth available to all projects is massive in the long term.
We used to laugh at those who though bitcoin would reach $100. We then laughed at those who though ether would reach $10.
Despite what half of the illiterate fucks on this board would have you believe - this is still very much the start of the awareness phase phase of crypto. The current dips we are experiencing aren't even visible on this graph yet.
>only 250
Its all I got ;-;
SELL, because the whales are dumping
So crypto will be as high as many stock markets in the world together?