Literally just bought 1mil for 10$ easiest 100x of my life thank you
thanks user just bought a bunch, normies love cheap social coins like this
why not just accept eth for crowdfunding?
but fuck it this market makes no sense might throw something at it
No idea but get it while its cheap
actually just bought 1mil more lol
Homepage says that there was 400 million tokens up for grabs in the ICO at 5 cents - 10 cents apiece. Something tells me this isn't the case. This project is a disaster lmao
>still bought
looks like its a charity token, its impossible to not make money when its at the lowest price
AHHHH Just bought 1 more mil...30$ scam or not fuck it
bitcoin is a scam too, right? Might as well add these coins to your collection before they're worth way more
bought 90 mil lol
Going tio the moon baby
nice since this is early i think i'll go 80% all in no way it can fail lol its as low as it can go
>ITT: Pajeet discord group's coordinated shilling.
Keep scrolling, fellas. Nothing to see here.
why the fuck would anyone sell that much at .000000001? at least wait until .000000002! dumbasses baka
Dude this coin has went so many places tonight i'd just HODL this for a week or two for when it goes on COINEXCHANGE
where is coinexchange confirmed? can't find that info...
at least you're not this guy... 3 eth at .000000010, $2700 gone like poof!
No idea just saw it shilled on Veeky Forums lol
Shut the fuck up pajeet, you're not fooling anyone. People like you are trash who make Veeky Forums a worse place day by day. Get the fuck out of this board and never come back.
go back to /pol/ so people will be racist with you retard
I'm not even from /pol/, you brown streetshitting bastard. I don't browse /pol/. I did not hate pajeets but the stereotype is true now.
You people are disgusting. You blatantly are trying to scam my Veeky Forumsbros here. You will never be rich, rakesh. Go back to your designated shitting street, you dirty cheating vermin.
Sounds to me like you don't understand the deflationary benefits of owning unique cryptocurrencies
yeaaaah dude.... totally
Here comes #2 pajeet.
Nothing is unique about your shitcoin givacoin. It's literally a shitcoin which no one wants to buy, whose sole reason to exist is to be pumped and dumped by you and your pajeet friends.
I'm getting real tired seeing threads shilling shitcoins like this.
What's that supposed to mean? Are you showing off your 3.8 ETH to me?
I can't even laugh at it. You're so pathetic. 3.8 ETH is nothing, you fool. Maybe it means the world for pajeet like you. You could buy a house and a wife with 3.8 ETH. But in the developed countries, where no one shits on the streets, 3.8 ETH is nothing.
You're a sad, pathetic pajeet. Don't shill shitcoins on my board ever again.
almost 10k volume overnight. It's funny that you're talking about shit you don't understand. Once its confirmed on etherdelta and coinexchange, it'll ride the cryptocraze with all the other shitcoins. Stay poor faggot
> Don't shill shitcoins on my board ever again.
> shitcoins on my board ever again.
> my board
>Once its confirmed on etherdelta
You literal brainlet. You fucking idiot. I'm speechless.
Can you counter my argument? Can you say something smart at least for once, rakesh? Go hang yourself.
Why are you so angry? Also this isn't YOUR board faggot.
who is the pajeet here?
i dont know who to trust
what if im a pajeet
you do realize you can literally get on binance with unfinished tokens lmfao. They hold their ico money until they finish the project though, and these pajeets plan to get on the binance launchpad
I'm angry because you're blatantly trying to scam other people to buy your shitcoin, pajeet.
You're intentionally spreading bullshit like coinexchange etc. Fuck you, you filthy streetshitter.
hes just some angry faggot from /pol/ that wants to say pajeet 500x times in every thread. Trying to be an edgy fudding faggot. I'd recommend this coin user, can't lose when its at the rock bottom. If it goes up 1 eth sat then youll 2x your money