moon time?
Moon time?
Holding my 5 all the way till I get btcp. Not worried about zclassic dumping after. I think btcp will be up there or surpass btcash eventually.
i thought it was pretty much revealed as vaporware and they couldn't afford to hire anyone capable of actually completing the project
I won't even sell after it passes BCH. It has flippening potential.
its happening
its not stopping
He’s right retard
2000 zcl bought at 40. Held during the plummet from 250 to 90, will continue to hold until closer to fork time.
We will hit .015 today, .02 tomorrow
get in or live a regretful existance
Sold all my ark and bought 1 at 100 ish, it doubled to 200 so I started mining it and got up to 2.5, plummets to 110 and I sold to add to my eth stack. Back up to 150, fuck me. I'm just going to to back to mining it and just keep whatever I get between now and the fork.
FUck whoever put up that wall at .015, completely stunted the rhythm at which it was going up
citation needed faggots
fuck off nigger
and what is the news future boy?
ill be announcing the announcement 1 hour before the live stream starts on biz be there. but i can confirm it will be very disappointing.
why 1 hour before and why not now?
neck yourself
because i want everyone to be tuned in and ready. why would i help you literal idiots who are buying right now
i'm not buying now. i want to know if i can sell now and buy back cheaper... for all i know and for all you know, the wales will take away their sell walls and the price will sky rocket... then the "disappointing" news may crash it and i can make a killing.
Screen cap this. Announcement on sunday will be the fork date.
id rather have cancer than hold zcl.. fork will never happen. some of u brainlets will buy it anyway
wrong i can confirm its not the fork date. its people like you who will be dumped on and will be stuck holding bags for atleast 2 more weeks
see this guy says this and he has as much validity as you do inb4 muh believe me or not... i want to believe but fucking time travel...
listen man dont believe me till i start providing evidence. and i will do so by "predicting" everything. just stay tuned man
larper fud
no zcl havin bitchass, lmaoooo. so fucking salty, faggot. now fuck off.
I bought some at .0139 to lower my average cost from last time :( am I screwed?
yes man it will drop near .01 tomorrow.
more likely closer to .011 so yes you made a mistake unless you sell within these next 18 hours
Any proofs that you have inside info?
would be much appreciated.
dude, i had 3250 zcl from 25 to 250. sold them at 220. i 10x'd. got out before fork was delayed.. btcp will be trash bro. i wont even hold btc to get some.
Tomorrow is the fork date, what that does to the price im not sure as people may still take profits and cause a dip. But testing has gone well and they are comfortable announcing the fork date given the 4 week lead time.
FFS i could sell now and it goes past .015 and not come back down till the fork at which point i would know you where fucking larping and probably a fucking whale wanting cheap coins to become even more rich. and i would fucking hate you and want you to fucking die.
As soon as ZCL started rallying the fudsters showed up on Veeky Forums to fuck it up
>i wont even hold btc to get some.
>i wouldn't even own BTC to get free, FREE,coins
weak fud you faggot KYS...
listen any idiot who thinks this will goo even close to .015 hasnt been in zcl from the beginning.
>just tune in tomorrow 3pm cst
ill be doing a thread wide announcement. i will also highly urge you then to sell ur bags as i am doing now.
Think we might hit at least .0140? I dont want to sell at a loss
Buddy you have no inside info. It is the fork date, most dont expect that, but it is. Whether its a good buy at this price or not depends on market reaction so its bad to advise, but it is the fork date.
yes we might hit .014 as normies fomo in thinking its the fork date announcement. just make sure you're watching the price
proof you are selling now, or it never happened.
>i can confirm its not the fork date. any logical person would know it isnt. so quit spreading false info to try to dump ur bags before the dump
Ive been sold and am patiently waiting for the inevitable dump
he has just as much validity as you
stfu faggot....goddamn time traveling fucking moron...get fucked...ur probably i hate u
or you sold then and are now spreading fud to try to bring it down, so you can buy cheaper... really makes me think
ok then choose who you want to believe. ive already stated im taking my followers to lamboland. if you choose not to be one thats you and you can feel the wrath tomorrow. WHEN IT DUMPS HARD.
prove it faggot
this isnt proof dick sucker...god i fucking hate u with a burning passion...
i would not risk buying it anytime today. the price is overbought so badly rn that its inevitable the dump will occur.
stay tuned man just watch and make money
mate, i have diamond hands, i will sell if the news they provide is not good, not because an unproven autist larper calling himself a time travler on a mongolian basket weaving forum says so.... how fucking gutted will you be if the price doesn't fall at all and the fork date is revealed .
ok or you could sell the news when i tell you to. and make a quick 20% profit. like i said tho my followers are the one who will benefit.
ur a fucking doofus go die
>Hour before announcement
>sell now my followers, its going to be bad
anouncment, fork date
>thanks for selling, my followers, i gained huge amounts of zcl at .131... remeber my follwers i'm a time travler
just tune in i love proving people wrong time and time again
What are they announcing? You said masternodes before. That was before you started memeing.
Also use a tripcode if your going to use a name... could honestly be a larper.
you have proven nothing. i asked you in a previous thread to prove your case by calling a natural disater or some news that we don't know yet, you did not answer... from logical deduction, you are spreading fud, in an attempt to gain more coins.
Mate you are calling yourself a time traveler, ffs, the percentage chance that this is the case is so astronomical that it beggars belief thats why i need catogorical proof. What is Achems razor?
There are three ways tomorrow could go, in my opinion.
1. Yuge announcement. Fork date and/or exchange support for fork. Price moons.
2. Nothingburger announcement -- something about wallets or testing, etc. Moderate gains or losses depending on nature of the news. Could be losses if the fork gets pushed back implicitly (we're still testing and want to make sure it's 100% solid, guys!)
3. Bullshit announcement. Something that fundamentally changes the roadmap, like the fork isn't happening and they're doing a BTCP ICO or something like that. Price tanks.
Of these, I'd say 2 is the most likely, followed distantly by 1 and 3. I sold my ZCL and am expecting a dip where I'll buy back in, but I don't claim to have any insider information.
I think the most likely announcement is that they completed zksnarks implementation - which is the only real hurdle to the fork happening. They did say, after all, that it would be important to the history of the coin. The final, major hurdle being conqured would be just that, and it would be more significant - in the technical sense - than a fork announcement.
I don't believe the fork date will be revealed yet. That's the last Trump card they have to build up the FOMO. you'd be an absolute idiot to believe the exact fork date is revealed.
they'll talk about
No need to be an insider or fancy pants like OP to know common sense.
Anyone who has been following team members on Twitter KNOW that the fork date won't be revealed on SUNDAY.
exactly these retards are so clueless and blind, look at the roadmap, it will be the release of the wallet, they even said they announce fork date AFTER the release of the wallet
the silence is deafening
Fucking off yourself pajeet, show proof or fuck off.