REQ Q1 goal - working on partnerships

check out their clients, now make a guess what'll happen as soon as they pay with REQ for the first time...
time is ticking
it's your chance now while it's still cheap

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Holy fuck.

I thought thecirqle was a load of shit. Went on their website and it's actually legit.

REQ is going to go fucking bananas in the next few months.

I use apple and nike, nice try.


>implying a company would directly try to contact the team on slack

keep dreaming

Just think about this all for a second

Influencers for these huge brands will be able to get paid in crypto through using request network.

Jesus christ.

The slack is private for people wanting to contact the team/for developers/people interested in the project. Telegram is used for all normal shit.

>There are people on this board RIGHT now that sold their REQ cheap, probably at a loss.

You impatient mongrels. This is one of the most ambitious projects in crypto.

I hope you guys didn't fall for the outsourcing FUD. Partnerships and mainnet are their main focus for this Q. Judging by their track record of overdelivering and the high activity on their GIT (even in the fucking weekends) it's going to drop sooner than later.

The FOMO will be absolutely glorious.

This makes me moist

holy fuck this is bullish af

>using a nigger as your hand model

Hmmm, smells like pajeets realizing their mistakes.

and the price hasn't moved at all
news does NOTHING in crypto

I can’t wait to see the fomo that happens on req. I’ve combatted all this biz fud for weeks now. REWARD ME CRYPTO GODS

You know that whole #paywithcrypto thing the past few days?
That's exactly what Req allows you to do. Once they launch the "Pay with Request" button the FOMO will be like none seen before.
What I don't get is, how the fuck do more people see the potential here? It's like #90 on CMC while total fucking SHITcoins like TRX get pumped to top 10.
Ah well, it will make the gains all that more glorious.

>he wasnt fudding to get idiots to sell
>he holds a literal pajeet coin

Idiot market is idiot. What a surprise. At least you're the Chad investor and not the Virgin FUDer

there is a 400k REQ buywall on binance right now

Post? Sorry on my phone.

look on binance

>he doesn't have the app

Binance. Looks pretty nice desu



thanks bought 100k

Holding 125k REQ so fucking comfy

maybe this stops going down now