the iron hands.
I present you
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Can confirm am burger and hands are iron as fuck
soy handed cucks
lets look how good your fucking iron hands hold up to some good old jet fuel amerimutts
Also confirming I'm from burgerville and I hold months on end.
Spaghetti hands... spaghetti nation
American here. You know what I've noticed, every morning I wake up and I have a significant amount less that I had the night before due to all the weak handed asians panic selling. It's fucking pathetic. You would think for countries so enthusiastic about the tech the small dicked faggots would hold. Guess their women want real american men like myself and thats why they panic sell. To show off their income to some woman who will always reject them for the superior American holder.
I live in a college town full of chinks and gooks and because of these yellow monkeys panic selling I have decided to go on a personal crusade to cuck as many chinks and gooks as possible. So far I've fucked three yellow sluts (one korean two chinese) all of whom had boyfriends. I don't give a fuck. They owe me that pussy. Fuck them.
haha nice user. Done the same here recently.
>living in fully automated urban crypto villa with universal basic income for 1eth a month
>sunning on the beach with new babes dying to get fucked by me just to spend a night in cryptovilla
>waves rolling in
>slide open blockfolio
>Butcoun down 890767%
>No fucks given because IRON HANDS and it will rebounce x2 tomorrow
Be like US user
look at the hourly charts. it's literally falling agin. fucking soy cucks
Titanium-handed burger here, holding until the heat death of the universe.
Right. No panic selling for one fucking day since new year and you're the Iron Hands now? Want a fucking medal?
Lol nice FUD pajeet.
You can't fool us iron handed Amerigods
kek delusional burger
Your country has more pajeets than all EU countries combined
well played
Don't let Mohammad blow up your house too many times today Eurocuck. If you need it, us Amerigods will come save your ass, you just have to ask :)
Burger boy checking in.
We don’t fuckin sell in this area. All you fucks who think Americans are just some fat sloppy trump supporters let me tell you something
Only the losers are fat and only pieces of shit support trump.
Don’t let the media fool you, we don’t fucking sell.
Iron hands.
Oh hell no you don't take credit for our efforts amerifat
What country's uniform is on the far left?
Or yours to an islamic invasion eurocucks.
first day you faggots don't fuck it up.
you fuckers still the worst.
Polish flag on that one
Sperg on
kek chinks wakes up after you merimutts.
Like anyone would ever believe that
haha me too man me too
Yurop going to sleep soon amerimutts, don't step on snek now
Don't fuck it up
Everybody not retarded temporarily drops this shit if it's going bad.
Fucking retard
That just means the germans are bored. Wait until they march again, they'll be healthy in no time.