What are you waiting for Veeky Forums? jump in to it
Stable Coin Worth $179-$180
Other urls found in this thread:
> stable
> profitable
Choose one
> choose one
profitable in bull-market, stable in bear-market.
we're here to make money you fucking dumb nigger. why the fuck would we ever want to put money in a stable coin?
my response was to OP
LTC pumps when BTC pumps, LTC is stable when everything else dumps
>losing 50%
hey whalebro
Not even close, was one of the most erratic coins and lost half of its price even during the December bull run, if anything is one of the best coins to transfer
>losing 50%
I got in this time last year user.
I felt a lot better about hodling my bags when Veeky Forums was shitting all over LTC, tee bee aitch. This change in sentiment is worrisome.
>This change in sentiment is worrisome.
How would you know my post isn't the opposite of what I think
The Veeky Forums darling VEN went from nearly 10 to ~6 in just 4-5 days. XRB was supposed to "kill" LTC and it collapsed completely within a couple weeks. LTC's downward drift has pretty much followed BTC's, and its upward climb will follow BTC's too. Who knows the logic of VEN and XRB and LINK price movements. If I was a swing trader, I'd feel much more comfortable gambling on LTC movements in any given week
Veeky Forums is retarded. LTC has shown the ability to hit 300+ in a bull market and it will be doing it again by the end of the year. Veeky Forums would rather chase stupid 10x pipe dreams and then wonder why they're broke.
True Bro True
>What are you waiting for Veeky Forums?
For it to start trending up.
It's the switch from 90% FUD to maybe 50-60% that has me wondering.
My Schizoaffective is acting. Forgot to take my neuroleptics today
And yet the price already jumped from a few bucks to $360 within a few months. Even without a huge unexpected surprise, companies looking to add crypto payments are probably taking a hard look at LTC. Well-known, tested, fast (and will be faster soon), likable nerd captain. Didn't Katy Parry have the coin painted on her finger on Instagram the other day?
>guy who made it literally shits on the coin
>coin won't drop
this is how you know it's actually a legit one
So now you are telling people to buy today?
You need to work on your shilling technique
also in terms of liquidity you have 0 control over the price, so making a desperate thread like this is useless
>Didn't Katy Parry have the coin painted on her finger on Instagram the other day?
yeah with 4 other coins
Coblee sells his stack
>LTC is finished, hahahah
Coblee FUDs about the Big Announcement
>LTC is finished hahahaha
Coblee tells people price could go to $20
>LTC is finished hahahah
XRB is legit faster
>LTC is finished hahaha
Through all that shit, the price pretty much followed BTC perfectly, as it's done for quite a while. Any coin that can withstand that shitstorm is bulletproof.
i think LTC is gonna do a huge run this year right behind bitcoin.
i really want a passive earner though so i'm probably just gonna buy OMG instead
Only horses sleep in stables
Someone said Stablecoin?
I unloaded at $300
Only have 20 of these shitcoins will I make it biz
That's a dolphin...
you are an idiot