Any YouTuber's here that make real $? I want to start a channel, is it still possible?
Any YouTuber's here that make real $? I want to start a channel, is it still possible?
>Any YouTuber's here that make real $?
I used to own a channel
made 5k a year more or less and not, unless you go patreon and paypal donations youtube is fucking dead.
>is it still possible
yes but you need a unique thing and you need to stick with it
nobody cares if you're a let's play channel or another fucking list channel
This. The age of living off of YT money is long gone, you are late to the party.
Ad revenue just keeps decreasing, and even established YT personalities are saying YT should be treated as a platform to get yourself exposure to market on Patreon, sell stuff, or other things to make money off that exposure.
sjws took over yt its only a place for makeup tutorial and dumb lets play bullshit
Gonna have to wait until another platform comes up -
bring back 2011 youtube
you really think youd be successful OP? Im willing to bet money that you would NOT
You'd be better off sucking dicks for 1 dollar each. Probably have more dignity left that way too.
YT unironically killed ad revenue because of SJW shit. People on the right before, during, and after the election were pulling in lots of traffic and YT cut off their ad revenue streams because "hate speech". The backlash was not only does YT not get ad revenue on these channels anymore, but everyone has a shit taste in their mouths now over YT coupled with the now higher barrier to entry to actually get ads on your channel. Google cucked themselves on this and I'm glad their platform is a net loss now for them.
Maybe if you can make sure that you'll never utter a word out of step with whatever gets you hired in a silicone valley interview.
Another trophy for the cult of political correctness.
I'm with you. Youtube needs to die for the health of the internet, silicon valley degenerates need to feel their wallets getting thin every time they support libtards or gobalists
Good old market is fucking their ass raw
I started in March 2016, and yes it's still possible. One piece of advice though; if you get into it just to make money you're not going to have a very good or easy time.
Pic related: last month's earnings.
While youtube is filled with SJW crap, the adpocalypse happened because advertisers revoked campaigns because they saw their ads were placed next to so-called hate speech videos.
So the advertisers are the most retarded.
But anyways, I don't think there's a 2011 youtube heaven waiting for any alternative yt anymore. It's not youtube itself but the advertising model that is dead.
How did you get started? How long before you got traction and how did you know the direction to go in?
Pedo grooming channels are big with the jew right now. Best way to get a big following in a short amount of time.
Jesus christ just
>thread about YT questions
>haha retards asking questions about YT
Lol this.
This actually. just fuck off
Nvm just realized you're larping.
Not LARPing, see pic related, I just uploaded something a couple of hours ago.
I got started because I liked editing videos, so I made a channel for fun. I had a target audience in mind, and everytime I had an idea for a video i'd think "Would my target audience click on this?" - If the answer was "Yes", i'd make the video.
A lot of videos didn't get views at the start, but it was okay because I liked making them and I was learning from it. When I started seeing a bit of views coming in I made sure I was always interacting with people in the comments, trying to find out why they liked the video and improving that way.
I also was VERY consistent, I uploaded atleast 1 video a day on Friday at the same time. I still do that to this day, usually I upload more than 1.
But yeah TL;DR - Start doing it for fun, see where there's a gap for you to grow in and just see where it leads.
1 video a week*
post the channel
What kind of content? Is it vlogging/narration/animations/reviews? Can you give any general info at all on at least the style of video that seems to work for you?
Nah my channel is my secret, even IRL
It started with creepy countdown videos, and just videos about myths. I didn't even do voice-overs, just text with creepy music in the background. I still make those kinds of videos, but i'm trying new stuff out. For example, recently I started collecting videos, pictures & news stories every week. I'd make a compilation of them and just do like a "Crazy things that happened this week" video in the weekends. I started streaming horror games on Twitch and doing highlight videos
Right now i'm trying to improve my pre-production. Whenever I make a video I just start making it, so to speak. But it's way better if I get an idea, write down the general concept, write a script etc first. Because then making the video would be a lot smoother.
Thanks man that's interesting stuff, what do you think has helped you the most? Branding the channel or anything like that?
Btw what software do you use? I only have access to iMovie atm and I've made some videos so far I'm testing out.
I use Sony Vegas, but what you use for editing isn't important aslong as you can make what you want to make.
Honestly I think it was consistency, and the fact that I always paid attention to what my (potential) viewers wanted. When I wasn't getting a lot of views I would also always ask people in the comments how they found my videos, so I knew what I was doing right/what I could improve.
Is it mostly organic views finding you via search or is sharing driving a lot of the traffic? Have you done any marketing at all?
Look into Brave and BAT for YouTube gains.