So what's the deal with this? Is it just a scam link copy or an actual good investment?
So what's the deal with this? Is it just a scam link copy or an actual good investment?
Other urls found in this thread:
you have now summoned the pajeet shills.
A project that's way late to the game. See Wanchain, ChainLink, Blocknet, etc.
I think it’s good. LINKIES say it’s not competition but I think it is. They actually have a primary team that’s not two people with a good education and work experience in coding. They have connections to y combinator and their head coders are both Stanford fags.
but it's built on stellar. it's not some scammy erc20 shit token
Well, Mobius got partnership just a day after ICO. Link scammed their investors and still no partnership.
For that, I am in Mobius.
The creator of doge works for them too. People will take that badly but for a meme coin and ltc fork it’s doing well
>built on stellar (much better than eth)
>huge partnerships
>professional team
The whole team are pajeets with no experience.
The whitepaper is a link copypaste with horrible pajeet grammatical errors.
What do you you think?
Its really good. Its has much better partnerships with link and a dev team that communicates with everyone. Highly recommend looking into it.
Seriously, for those looking into Mobius, tell me with a straight face that section 7.2 of their white paper isn't a total fuck-fest.
In order to prevent this problem, we'll have this kind of oracle, and for this problem, this kind of oracle... It's all a bunch of fucking hand-waving.
its full of pajets, you cant read the withepaper unless you give them your email
yea i like xlm but fuck mobius
our brownpaper was pear reviewed by university of mumbay, bitch basturd!!
Oh shit, you got me!
no one in this thread is serious. it's just hilarious that the first "competitor" to LINK is a literal pajeet coin
Their team is so cringe. Ignoring the fact they are literally pajeets, the way they communicate and present themselves is so amateur. They might do ok partnering with other amateur projects like Walton but no bank or serious organization will use this
Right on. Was hoping for some (moderately abusive) discussion. Particularly on this piece:
>An important subclass are the Consensus oracles which as the name suggests work by consensus.
I can't find anywhere else which mentions consensus oracles. So it's a total black hole as to what the fuck they do. Are they centralized? Voted on? What the fuck? Why isn't their white paper ctrl+f-able?
I think you know why. they wouldn't make it such a hassle to access their white paper if it weren't full of holes
I read the white paper. It's the LINK white paper rewritten by a 6th grader. You can tell they just simplified it and added synonyms because a lot of it is confusing and non-explanatory.
They added graphs and models that are extremely juvenile and a majority of the white paper talks about how token holders will be rich rather than the actual system.
It's not even a great re-write...
>No mention of copying other oracle's responses...
>No mention of result aggregation methods...
What will Proof of Verification *actually* do?
And I just realized the white paper was probably written before they decided to switch to the Stellar Lumens network. How the fuck are they going to incentivize developers to use that? Why would anyone want to switch to that when Ethereum development is becoming (a) easier and (b) more popular by the day?
Seriously, if you're a developer, do the Truffle tutorials at the bare minimum. From a developer's perspective, it's so fucking easy to see why Ethereum is the no-brainer choice for anyone wanting to utilize blockchain tech.
1k stinkies here.
I bought some mobi after WTC.
Anyone heard of Aeternity? It is #45 on CMC and claims it has decentralized oracles
It doesn't sound like their oracles are as robust as ChainLink's.
Read Section C.1 (page 5) of their white paper.
Look at the Mobius shills grammar. You can smell the curry and shit. Watch any interview with the Mobius Pajeet team and try not to laugh.
I'm balls deep in mobius
You should be too
Praise Kek
overhyped wait for ICO dump then buy, will get normie push
Its a front from Jed Mcaleb to build oracles for Stellar. They took 39 million to build oracles and left folks with usless hyped tokens that are used on shitty games on Mobius app store.
Also if you bought more than a million USD, they lock your tokens in your wallet. Meaning you cant just dump after ICO.