This is about to explode, don't give me that "Veeky Forums didn't tell me about it" bullshit later

This is about to explode, don't give me that "Veeky Forums didn't tell me about it" bullshit later.

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and why is that?


Binance will auto deposit GAS for NEO owners.

because its what next on the PnD menu

can I get an invite brah?

> they still think this is chink eth
> smart money already sold for ven
> prepare your bags


Is 4 neo enough?

NEO has been in this way longer than VEN. You have no idea.

People using the term "smart money" to justify their bags make me cringe


>tfw bought more NEO with gains during the dip

I'm such a nigger for GAS, I don't even have 5 NEO total yet and haven't even generated a dollar's worth of GAS but I find the mechanism very cool regardless.

anyways this shit is gonna hit 1k EOY, I feel like a lot of newbs feel jewy towards buying into a coin at over $100 but maybe if they knew about GAS dividends they would buy more

Unless you bought antshares or are a whale, the GAS you generate is jackshit.

It already exploded retard. Was at $200 ATH

How can you generate gas can you generate gas while holding on an exchange?

I've heard there's some probelms with NEO due to its passive income (generates GAS). Is there any other problems?

It could be considered a security by the SEC which would make things a bit more complicated.

Yeah, that's going to be a problem. Have they thought their way to get around it? I can't find much info about this NEO-related matter in Google.

Yeah, let me just execute this smart contract

Nevermind it costs $500k

lemme just remove that price barrier

it's been doing that since forever though, nothing changes in that regard
t. comfy neo holder

oh wait now my network is clogged with autistic shit like cryptokitties and ethercraft

Why the fuck would a burger care if the SEC calls it a security.. how are they gonna stop you from making passive income from it?

it outperforms the interest gained in a conventional bank savings account by about 1000% so I wouldn't call it nothing.

Bought when ANS
Shilled here on Veeky Forums (thank you faggots)
Transfer to Binance not knowing about GAS
Check last week
Holy shit I got $3000 worth of GAS
Literally free money
Reinvest my GAS earnings to buy more NEO
Getting more GAS

You'd be an idiot to not go all in on this

I’ve been staking since June. Had about 5k up to this point which I’ve reinvested into a couple ICOs on the NEO blockchain. The goal is to keep upping that NEO stack so we generate more GAS

and that is why I'm expecting huge changes to the GAS system. I guess GAS will lose like 90% of it's value.

I bought 1 NEO on Binance to experiment with this GAS thing. Where is it?

on binance u get it at the end of the mont, just put it in the neon wallet and u get gas every second

1 neo takes 20 years to generate 1 gas

Lol salty no NEO faggot

Go here to see how many GAS you get: neotogas

I mean he's telling the truth. It actually takes 22 years for 1 NEO to generate 1 full GAS. I'm a big NEO holder too, no point in over-selling it or anything.

i think it's more like 5 years though

Fake news.

1 NEO = 1 Beach house

Who would buy only 1 NEO to generate GAS?

Yea I actually just input it into and 1 NEO generates 0.11 GAS per year so it'll be about 9 years. For some reason I had always read it would take 22 years. Maybe that's because that's how long GAS will be distributed before it's all in circulation.

Yea obviously buying only 1 is silly, but not everyone can be an early buyer and have 1k+ NEO right now getting that super comfy passive income. But every little bit helps. Especially since this token has been solid over the last year and will probably get close to if not reach 1000 by EOY

Where does the “GAS” money come from? Is this like the lending in bitconnect?

Also that’s a completely whack rate.

If I buy $30,000 worth of NEO I get $1000 a year in gas it’s hardly worth it.

GAS is what actually powers the blockchain and what is required to execute smart contracts. It's like the equivalent of ETH.

>NEO = share or stake in company
>GAS = fuel for company to run on

Yea not disagreeing with you there. Pays off way more if you bought a fat amount in the early stages. However GAS is only worth 50 bucks right now, it can very well end up 5x or 10x by EOY so you'd be making much more after a while.


oh man ride the "eth of China" wave as long as you can because it's getting out the real eth + of China is ven

got at least one more pump left

> Before 12am. of the second nature day in every month.

What the fuck is a nature day?

I bought antshares in 2015 I think I do.

tryna do my homies a solid.

...and you have no idea how long VEN has been around, you are a sheep, and I am trying to be your shepherd. Unfortunately, 90 percent won't do the legwork and will lose out.

>...and you have no idea how long VEN has been around, you are a sheep, and I am trying to be your shepherd. Unfortunately, 90 percent won't do the legwork and will lose out.