What went wrong?

What went wrong?


What is even the point of VeChain?

WTC pulled it's dick out

The funniest shit. Hurr durr bought in after a rush hurr durr what happened hurr durr

pajeet coin

This coin will never moon. shitcoin

Marketing itself so it can inflate its price.

it's about to go on the most epic run in crypto since ETH. strap in or get strapped on.

nothing, it is just over. leave the sinking ship and get some trx.

TRX jesus christ kek

It was overbought. At one point half the threads on Veeky Forums and reddit were about VeChain. What did you think would happen? Whales saw an opportunity to dump and they did.

The price will go up eventually. No, it probably won't "moon" again, but the fact that it's defended $7 for a few days means that this is the bottom.

Puts bees in your chain

Or xvg, sell that ven and get a quality coin.

Here is what went wrong. Kids on here with $300 of Christmas money were told "this shit is gonna moon xD" and they bought the literal top while institutional investors and nodes (me) are sitting very COMFORTABLY on literal money printing machines while low IQs are scrambling to turn that $300 into 20K like the people over on Veeky Forums did last year. Except OOPS it's only $200 now because of the "crash".

This is a project for people who have already made it to put their money in. Sorry kiddos, it's true. Stick to your discord pumps if you aren't at six figures yet.
: ^ )

I'll take those trips too btw. Polite downvote.

Whatever man it’s still gonna be $500 EOY whether you got in at $0.30 or $8.30 were all gonna make it for sure

You can buy a cow with it

It's true, put 100k into VEN now and go on easy mode while it turns into 10 million in a couple years. Haven't seen an easier 100x.

tfw when you're 8k ven short of a node

kek i love these threads

What is marketcap? This will not out run Ethereum, ever.

It’s illegal to promote securities you own.

Lol your smugness is cancerous.

CMC is not MC, this will overtake ETH next year sometime. Easily.

ETH is gonna get tempered by Futures, ETH exists now solely to spawn ERC 20.

Welcome to the New Age.

it may not out run eth but depending on overall market growth in the coming years we could see it with a marketcap similar to ethereum today. sunny is great leader

She'll be right
Give it a week

Trendline is still upwards

We need an nda released with a brandname that normies can relate too. Nobody knows Dnv gl and PWC and the current price reflects that. Soon brother, very soon

doesn't matter, just means it will take longer, the end result is the same.

yep but first we need a nice breather, this rest us showing how strong VEN is.. need breaks to draw oxygen in.. if anything I am shocked we didn't retrace harder. It's astounding. Most coins would be back at 3.50. This is the most bullish I have seen a coin since early ETH.


what ISNT the point it practically wipes bums of Fortune 500 losers who don't know WTF blockchain is or how to manage it so they will just let Vechain do it and look smart.

Why doesn't anyone get it. CTOs and CIOs and CEOs are just gonna pass the buck.

Same reason ATT doesn't go into cloud. Just easier to let MS have it.

CMC Cap updated to the correct amount plus SELL THE NEWS. I was really worried about how CMC finally updating would affect the price. Surprisingly it didn't hurt it that much.

I bought in between .60 and .80 so it's comfy regardless.

OP everything went wrong, you should sell your stack, this coin isn't worth it.

Actually wait a few hours to see if it drops some more, then sell.

Then slit your wrists and bleed out like your portfolio does!

you bought VEN high and sold XRB low

You have seen.

the people that matter know what they are though and it is the money we want. normie money is unstable, money leaves when they need an oil change in their 2007 kia. the growth right now is perfect

I bought @ 3 so nothing..

You bought at ATH like a moron, while smart people gained like 30x in 3 months, that's what happened. At least be fucking smart and hold.

fucking morons

i bought VEN below $6 an i'm fucking comfy

also got BAT under 40 cents and COMFY AS FUCK

stay poor niggers

stupid indians in this game for what 2 weeks think they know everything


shut the fuck up, sell your indian nigger coins low for us to buy and then later sell high, thanks

look at how fucking pretty that daily chart is tho

>pump and dumping holy animals
literally pajeet coin. Just market sold my strength node.

VEN is going to be the coin that I put all my gains from other coins into. Currently not holding any VEN but whoever can't see that this is going to be huge in a year or two is an idiot.

they already explicitly said they're partners with LVMH, I thought louis vuitton was obvious, no ? Well, maybe not for the normies

Sold my XLM stack for this, good thing it's dipping. will sell my VEN stack once it moon again for XRP

This. If you can't afford even a strength node, GTFO.

poor kid, the fates do not favor you, you will stay poor and have to turn tricks for a living if you sell VEN

Everyone switched to mobius, vechain is a chinkshitcoin

You mean EOS will overtake ETH.

EOS doesn't have a single substantive partnership outside of crypto nor ICO that compares with ETH nor an enterprise customer. Pure speculative play. It can't beat The Truth.

This here is the truth dear anons.

>Investing in gookcoins

They like to pump and dump :^)