>Andrew is an open source govtech entrepreneur, former government CIO and angel investor developing social ventures that use blockchain technology to build a more decentralized, egalitarian and democratic planet, including CoverUS, which aims to drive towards a more efficient and effective US health care system by putting patients in control of their own health data.
He serves as a Global Impact Entrepreneur in New Zealand's Edmund Hillary Fellowship, is President
of the DC-based good governance NGO Global Integrity, is a consultant with Civic Actions, and leads the New York Government Blockchain Association Meetup.
Previously, Andrew founded and built DKAN, the open source platform that runs hundreds of government open data sites worldwide, before selling the company behind it, NuCivic, to Granicus Inc.
From 2009-2011, Andrew was the first ever Chief Information Officer for the New York State Senate, where his team opened up thousands of datasets for the first time and published all of its code in the first government Github repository in the world. Andrew was selected by GovTech as the 2010 New York State Public Sector CIO of the Year and by Information Week as one of the "Government CIO 50."
A planetary geologist by training, Andrew previously co-founded the NASA CoLab program to increase efficiency and transparency at NASA by building new partnerships between NASA and external communities of practice.
As an entrepreneur, he previously co-founded and directed business development for GoodStorm (now Zazzle) and Trellon, and directed business strategy for CivicSpace Labs (Drupal non-profit).
Andrew has served as Advisor or Director for Global Integrity, OpenPlans, The Participatory Politics Foundation, Civic Commons, Netroots Nation (Yearly Kos), the Space Generation Foundation, Yenza, the New Organizing Institute, and Piston Cloud Computing.
In a nutshell: This guy is the shit.