Just how high is this about to pump? Could we hit $5-$10?

Just how high is this about to pump? Could we hit $5-$10?

>inb4 the major exchange is hitbtc and we tank down to below ico price

your guess is as good as mine

100-200 million market cap

Here is the logo

>tfw that would not even put it in top 100

Yours is much worse, actually.

>oh the internet found out we ripped the icon for our scamtoken from a free clipart site
>time to """"rebrand""""


dubs have spoken again, stay away from this trash.

this FUD has already been addressed, idiot

>buy my scam token with a team of 4 people, that has been """"worked on"""" since november 2017 that picked free clipart as the face of their company """""for the lols and because we were just so busy!!!"""""
>don't buy that project with a team of 40 people that has been developed since 2013, deployed on pilot programs with huge corporate partners, and received awards from major retailers, those guys suck!

Just bought 100k

fucken parabolic mate, and im all strapped in.

It was licensed and temporary.
Block array is in BITA with shipchain
Block arrays lawyers are the same firm singularity net uses.
Block array is partnering with a neo based company, announced in a few days
Block array is like 10m market cap and being listed on a top 30 exchange in a few days
Stay poor faggot


Don't even bother. These people's heads are too far up their block-shaped ass to comprehend simple logic that states that this coin will not go anywhere. Fucking blockheads are the dumbest people in crypto I swear.

fuck off ruskie

you know they're rebranding right? who gives a shit about their existing logo, mong


Daily reminder that Sam already paid for an exchange listing and it isn't HitBTC/Cryptopia. Praying that it's Binance, but expecting Kucoin. I will be mad as fuck if it's Liqui though.

>inb4 coss

fag bagholder lol

Binance offered it to them for 100BTC. Sam said no. Probably a better use of company money elsewhere

100 BTC.. Binance are fucking bastards lol.

>When you get in at around ICO price because pajeets fell for FUD and it immediately pumps.

There's still time, it's only trading 40% above ICO.

Hold on to your vaginas boyos

US version of WABI? Fuck yes. One of the few American ICOs to get approved by the SEC. BitA partnership. More to come?
I'll take my 20x now.