What's the current list of everything swissbro recommended?

What's the current list of everything swissbro recommended?

Besides AMB

QASH was one i believe, Loopring, Walton, ICON, Wanchain after initial listing dump, those are all i remember/screenshotted

PRL was one.....i bought 3200 last night


swissbro needs a tripcode desu. Already I've seen one person pretending to be him

any info when he comes again?


U need to buy swissborg:)

That larp doesn't even speak Swiss German

AMB would win over VEN and WTX and the other supply-chain coins. Ven would crash and WTC too after it rises. REQ and QSP would see some gains in mid-february.

Vo wo bisch den du ?

langethal reporting in

He did though

He never said VEN would crash, just that it's hit a bit of a peak already.

bitconnect, confido, chainlink

yeah sorry about that. i just read the thread posted in here. I remember his first post and what i^remembered from there was that i should dump my VEN for AMB

How much is that Swiss citizenship? And did he say what amnesty program he was in?

Häsch e chli eine?
Never said that mother fucker.


he said he's going all in on confido. Said it was a legit coin.

bunch of mid cap projects with solid fundamentals that are bound to moon eventually

WHOA groundbreaking

No. Never said that.

Chum gang go pfuse
Es isch scho spoot